New Spring Chicks

Well, I guess I better start this off by saying, if you’re not in the mood to see an overload of adorable chick photos, you best click away now because we’re about to have a serious Chick-Fest in the house. Last Friday, we brought home 5 new girls and have been smitten ever since. We added 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Americaunas and 1 Plymouth Barred Rock to our flock. Names are mostly undetermined but the black one is getting very close to being named Coco.












As you can see, our sweet Bella has made fast friends with the new girls and has maintained her role as the chicken wrangler. They all seemed very interested in her!


We’re so happy to be adding the new chicks to our little urban farm!

And in the spirit of full disclosure, I must tell you that we lost 3 of our hens. Ruby got very ill and Marshmallow and Souffle were attacked. It was really sad and there were some tears shed. Being a “farmer” isn’t always sunshine and daisies. It was surprising how attached we got to our girls and their quirky, fun personalities. We know that our new little hens will give us just as much joy and will be happy to be greeted with our daily veggie treats!

PS. For those of you who might be new to the blog, our chickens live here.

37 Responses to “New Spring Chicks”


    Cute and ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Morgan

    LOVE! I am trying to talk my husband into getting a few chicks myself. Do you mind my asking if they are a lot of work? They don’t seem messy, but I’d rather know on the front end if they are 🙂

  3. Maria (Magia Mia)

    Oh Heather, I never tire of your chick pics, so chick away!
    I grew up on a small farm, (I say “small” but I would kill for those 4 acres now), and we had an incubator. It was always exciting to go to the Feed & Seed to buy eggs and bring them home to hatch. Every day we’d check in on the incubator, to see if any eggs were cracking, and if they were, we wouldn’t leave till the hatching was done. So much fun.
    So sorry to hear about your lost hens. If you are an animal lover, it’s easy to get attached, no matter what the species is. Especially since you raised them from chicks.

  4. shannon

    They are so adorable! I wish we could have chickens, we could definitely use a lot of eggs having 2 little girls that love them for breakfast everyday.
    So sorry on the loss of your 3 hens, animals become such a huge part of our everyday lives.

  5. toko busana muslim

    This is a great posting I have read. I like your article. Thank you

  6. Deborah & the furry gang in OK

    Sweet..sweet…sweet! Never tire of seeing or reading about your girls!! So sorry for your loss of Ruby (my Grandma Bell was Ruby),Marshmallow and Souffle…they were some lucky chicks and loved the world over!!! Bella is the perfect wrangler! Best of luck with the new girls and please keep us posted. xoxo Deb

  7. Deborah & the furry gang in OK

    Sweet..sweet…sweet! Never tire of seeing or reading about your girls!! So sorry for your loss of Ruby (my Grandma Bell was Ruby),Marshmallow and Souffle…they were some lucky chicks and loved the world over!!! Bella is the perfect wrangler! Best of luck with the new girls and please keep us posted. xoxo Deb

  8. Deborah & the furry gang in OK

    Sweet..sweet…sweet! Never tire of seeing or reading about your girls!! So sorry for your loss of Ruby (my Grandma Bell was Ruby),Marshmallow and Souffle…they were some lucky chicks and loved the world over!!! Bella is the perfect wrangler! Best of luck with the new girls and please keep us posted. xoxo Deb

  9. Deborah & the furry gang in OK

    Sweet..sweet…sweet! Never tire of seeing or reading about your girls!! So sorry for your loss of Ruby (my Grandma Bell was Ruby),Marshmallow and Souffle…they were some lucky chicks and loved the world over!!! Bella is the perfect wrangler! Best of luck with the new girls and please keep us posted. xoxo Deb

  10. Dawn

    Have started by first ever chicken adventure. Hubby made a coop and run for them. Currently, there are 10 chicks in a cardboard box in my home’s entry way. (heat lamp on–still way too cold in Ohio for them to be outside) They are growing like crazy! 5 Rhode Island Reds, and 5 Rhode Island Red/Delaware. I’m looking forward to eggs in the Fall. Love it!

  11. Kevin

    Heather, I was just hired by a friend to build their chicken coop, and they purchased your plans. It is a beautiful structure, and I am excited to start. Just out of curiosity, but would you change anything now that you have broken it in a little? Any suggestions after having it for all these months of chickens?

  12. Heather Bullard

    Hi Kevin,
    Great question. We’ve actually talked about this and both agree we wouldnt change a thing! We still love everything about the design of the coop and how easy it is to maintain. 
    Have fun building it!

  13. Jamie

    Oh, so very cute! I try to stop into the local farm store at chick time, just to check out the chirpy sweetness, but I missed them this year. Thank you for the pics of the chicks. = )

  14. liz

    Ok, Mother Hen!! Looks like your in love with your
    new babies. Coco is adorable and so are the rest.
    My Daughter has chickens also. Last week, 4 dozen
    eggs were at my door 🙂 Now, I like eggs but…
    Do you sell yours? Besides, scrambled and the usual
    what do you do with all those eggs?
    Have a great weekend! You know where I’ll be 🙂
    Enjoy those lil ones,
    xxx LizlovesVintage

  15. karen

    I always say that chickens are like potato chips, you can’t just have one. Every year a get a few more chicks because I know I will lose one or more to age, illness or predators……..but every year I get better at taking care of them and this year I only lost one due to accident. So my chicken count is up to a dozen……three are new this week lol. U will love the barred rock, we have one is the sweetest thing……also usually I lose one or two new chicks to upper respiratory issues, which is so painful, so this year when one started showing signs I put a antibiotic in their water and it worked….three healthy chicks.

  16. Sue W

    Love those Americauna eyes! The always look like their mascara has schmeared!I’m so sorry about the loss of your three girls. It’s so hard on us Chicken Mama’s when we lose some of our flock. We let our little ones have free run of the small side of our coop yesterday. No more watermelon bin for them! It’s so cute how they all have to be able to see each other or else the peep, peep, peeping starts. I’m losted! Where are you?! Halp!!

  17. Susan DeAngelo

    Hi Heather,
    I’ve also bought your plans and we’re just about done building it. What type of sand/dirt mixture do you use in the coop?

  18. Amy

    You are the luckiest girl in the world, Heather! Those chicks are the cutest ever! A great idea for my next house…:o)!

  19. Melissa Lynch

    Did you end up purchasing these chicks from mypetchicken too?

  20. Karen

    I wish our fair city would allow chickens. I had wondered, however, how challenging they are and I would have a very hard time if one died. Still, I know they must bring so much joy, entertainment and eggs! 🙂

  21. Val

    Always love ALL your pics and especially of baby chicks..I can’t have any here where I live amoung the wild things so can I put my two cents in and suggest Licorice for the black one? If I can’t have them maybe I can name one…Val

  22. L

    I can just hear their little peep peeps! Can I take one home? hehe. SO Cute, thanks for sharing these adorable pics 🙂

  23. Cindi Brooks

    Too cute! I love your photos….your babies are so sweet. We just got 4 baby chicks a few weeks ago…wish I had your talent for taking pics. Mine seem to move so fast they end up as blurry fluffy puffs in the photos. 🙂

  24. Tattered Tiques

    Your chicks are all so adorable! My sister and I were tempted today with silver laced wyandotte bantam chicks. I just love all the different personalities the chickens can have. My sister has quite a few chickens already and our dream for her is to have a beautiful coop like yours some day. So please, keep up the chicken and chick posts. We love them, and are sorry to hear you lost a few of your girls!

  25. Brenda

    Hi Heather, The one in the 5th photo down, is, to me anyway – Amelia xxBrenda

  26. Laura

    Where do you get your chicks from? Are you ever concerned one will turn out to be a rooster?

  27. elma

    If you already have chickens and you want to add how do you go about having them all get along?? Do you wait till the new chicks are full grown??

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