
Hello, hello! I hope you had a great weekend! I spent part of mine cleaning, purging and organizing the endless amounts of stuff I've managed to tuck away in all the nooks and crannies of my home. I'm not a big fan of clutter, and in my line of work the "props" can pile up rather quickly, not to mention all the treasures I drag home from the flea market.

I pulled everything out of my Swedish cupboard and sorted through all of it. Only keeping items I absolutely loved or knew I would use on a daily or weekly basis.


Tealights were put inside an old shipping crate along with a couple boxes of matches. And a few platters were stacked for easy reach.


I've been hoarding antique grain sacks for years because whenever I find a dealer selling them, they say…."that's the last of them" or "we can't get anymore for years". So I pile them high due to the peer pressure. This is just a teeny, tiny bit of my inventory. Maybe I should start some sewing projects and learn let go of a few. 

And I always like to have a few vases handy for a quick trip out to the garden to gather flowers for the kitchen table. I found the blue one in Paris for 5 euros and I've had the other one so long I forgot where it came from. 


The faded blue stripe canvas is what I use for picnics and as a tablecloth for our large outdoor tables. I think the colors are yummy.

 The metal boxes hold cd's. Remember when we used to play them? Ahhh, those were the days. I still like to buy them on occasion. Like when I feel risking my $13 on the chance the whole album will be great. All things Adele fit in that category.




This is my torn and tattered mexican blanket. It's the perfect tablecloth for taco night. One day I'll show you it's full glory. It's a riot of happy color!


There we have it. All neat and tidy. This should last a few months. Or at least until my next trip to the Rose Bowl.
Have you been busy spring cleaning and organizing? Love it or hate it?

23 Responses to “Organizing”

  1. Susan Hemann

    Not fond of cleaning, that’s why I have someone come do it for me. lol As for organizing, such a dilemma. I am having a huge garage sale this year. I am always dragging something home too. As an artist I see the possibility in so many things. My children probably thing I’ve lost it, because now I’m dragging large branches home and sticking them in my umbrella stand.

  2. Debbie

    What a timely post, Heather! Organizing is near and dear to my heart, although I have a guest room that has taken on a life of its own. Currently clearing the clutter to make room for my grandsons’ occasional sleepovers during the summer is keeping me happlily motivated! Loved the peek inside your lovely Swedish cupboard with its attractively arranged treasures!!!

  3. Becky

    After wedding #2, my spring cleaning will begin! I have warned everyone that it is coming! LOL!! My word for spring is purge!!
    Everything I don’t absolutely love or use regularly is going to Habitat!!
    Love your linens, Heather! I fear if I had more extra money, it would all be spent on vintage linens. My oldest daughter tells me I should just go roll in my linen!! Tempting…
    Thanks for sharing!
    Have a fabulous week!

  4. Jamie

    So busy (and sometimes frustrated) cleaning out my studio space to make way for a nursery. I honestly thought I would be able to just pack it all away in on-site storage, save a few things I intend to work on, and be done in a heartbeat but NO – I’m sorting and organizing and stashing as I go and it’s taking soooo long. Luckily I have another 3 months to finish before baby gets here, though I’m not sure hubby is willing to wait that long to put the crib together… = )

  5. Karen

    It’s that time of year isn’t it. I’ve had the desire to get going but just haven’t done all closets and cupboards yet. I will probably start in the kitchen. This has certainly inspired me to get going.

  6. Kerstie Pederson

    Love cleaning and getting organized, it feels soooo good! Although, at this particular phase in my life it’s all about organizing Lego blocks and action figures.

  7. Steph.

    Hi Heather! I love it all and you are inspiring me to clean out a few things. I have begun moving toward zero waste and a slightly more minimalist lifestyle, but it is a slow process. If you have a chance, check my photos of the LB Flea Market from Sunday-were you there? We should do coffee sometime when you are in OC, seriously-my treat. XO, Steph.

  8. Karen Barclay

    Meant to say I’ve put a mention of your post on mine. Just love all your blogs, sooooo nice. such a treat when one comes through, like having a magazine delivered.

  9. Susan

    your cupboard looks lovely! those grain sacks are so pretty!! i don’t have a single one. I never see them here…..wonder why? have a great week! susan p.s. just cleaned my daughter’s room and was so happy to get that done!

  10. Gosia

    Oh My, I could live in that Swedish cupboard. I adore every single item that’s stored there. I’ve stared at the pictures with such pleasure for the longest time ever and couldn’t pull away – thanks for sharing, what a treat!

  11. Fleaing France & French Shopping Tours

    Love grain sacks as well. I do the same thing but as soon as I pull one out to do something with I just can’t cut in to it….big problem!
    Spring cleaning is underway here….Greetings from the brocantes of France.

  12. Fleaing France & French Shopping Tours

    Love grain sacks as well. I do the same thing but as soon as I pull one out to do something with I just can’t cut in to it….big problem!
    Spring cleaning is underway here….Greetings from the brocantes of France.

  13. Fleaing France & French Shopping Tours

    Love grain sacks as well. I do the same thing but as soon as I pull one out to do something with I just can’t cut in to it….big problem!
    Spring cleaning is underway here….Greetings from the brocantes of France.

  14. Fleaing France & French Shopping Tours

    Love grain sacks as well. I do the same thing but as soon as I pull one out to do something with I just can’t cut in to it….big problem!
    Spring cleaning is underway here….Greetings from the brocantes of France.

  15. Lana

    I also love old grain sacks and have only been collecting them for about a year. They can be expensive so I don’t have many. I love the display and the Swedish cabinet. I would love a nice cabinet to stack my grain sacks in.

  16. Suzette

    Spent most of the weekend organizing and purging in the spare room…I WILL make a sewing/craft/workroom of that space yet! 😀

  17. Nicky

    I’ve just *found* you via your post on making your own soap dispensers…lovely!!
    I think Im a shade of green envy over your vintage sacks…I only ever see them in very expensive, {but it has to be said totally lovely} little shops and they’re waaay out of my budget.
    Im off for a meander around your blog…

  18. Fiona

    Great inspiration for me to tackle my own messes that seems to appear all over my house no matter how hard I try to keep order! Love the old tins for CD’s, which always look so ugly when displayed in traditional CD storage. Thanks for inspiring me to tidy up a bit!

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