The Institute of Domestic Technology



A few days ago, on a whim, I decided to treat myself to a day of culinary adventure at The Institute of Domestic Technology. I’d been wanting to emerse myself in one of their classes, since the first time I read about them in the LA Times.


The Institute was established in 2011 and their mission is “to reignite the passion of how we make food, the ingredients we source and the farms on which they originate”. They provide classes, workshops, tours and events all centered around the domestic arts.


Although they hold classes and events at various locations, their headquarters are based out of the Mariposa Creamery on the grounds of the Zane Gray Estate in Altadena, CA, which is where I attended my day of classes.


Let me just say, I was captivated by the creamery goats. They were very friendly and curious. The one above, named Ice Cream, walked right up to everyone for some attention, or possibly a treat. They were completely adorable!


There are scattered plantings of edibles on the grounds of the estate. I noticed artichokes, rhubarb, citrus and nasturtiums, just to name a few.



It’s also home to a large flock of happy chickens wandering about…



And I loved the vines that climbed wildly up and over the top of the estates main house. It almost gave the feeling of being in another country and I appreciated the fact that the grounds were not neatly manicured like a theme park, but that the landscape seemed to be quite content to meander on it’s own.


Tomorrow, I’ll take you inside the creamery’s kitchen where our classes were held and show you what I made. To give you a hint, they focused on the staples of a healthy diet (or a well stocked pantry)…bread, jam, mustard, and chevre. And it was all delicious fun!


23 Responses to “The Institute of Domestic Technology”

    • Heather Bullard

      It was such a relaxing day. If you ever have the chance, I recommend treating yourself as well!

  1. Cynthia

    What a wonderful post and wonderful place to visit. Beautiful pictures and those goats are adorable. I would love to eat that freshly picked artichoke. I am a new follower and am already thrilled.


    • Heather Bullard

      Thanks Cynthia, so happy you stopped by! And oh, those goats…so charming.

  2. Karen

    Sounds like a wonderful place for one of my girlfriend “field trips”.

    • Heather Bullard

      It would be a perfect girlfriends day. In fact, there were a few that came that have a monthly supper club. Fun!

  3. Wendy in Kennewick

    Will you be adding goats to the menagerie at Grove House? : )

    • Heather Bullard

      Haha, I wish, but not likely. Just keeping up with all those chickens, gardens, and citrus trees will be plenty of work for me.
      But I do think I’ll visit the creamery’s goats again for my fix!

  4. Pamela Christopher

    Thank you for this is something I would love to do but live too far away. I get to go through you.
    Can’ twain to hear and see all.

    • Heather Bullard

      That’s one of the best things about blogs, “armchair traveling” and seeing places you might not have the chance to. Glad you will be able to “come along”!

  5. Lolo

    So fun and beautiful! This is right up my alley 🙂 Even the notebook and badge is adorable!

    • Heather Bullard

      I thought so too! Can’t wait to show you the classes!

    • Heather Bullard

      It was such a treat…but well worth it. A wonderful way to spend a day off.

  6. Garden, Home and Party

    What a fun day. I love cooking classes and this one would be especially helpful. The grounds look like they might have once been a residence?

    • Heather Bullard

      Yes, it was once the estate of author Zane Grey. It was sold to the current owners in the 70’s and their son turned it into the Mariposa Creamery.

  7. Julia D.

    Oh!, what a delightful place you were able to see and enjoy. Can hardly wait to see inside and imagine the taste of something delicious you made, and share in the fun of your learning experience. Great pictures, love the goats, and thanks for sharing with all of us who live so far away.

    • Heather Bullard

      Thanks Julia! So glad you stopped by. Tomorrow I’ll share what we made!

  8. Christi

    That sounds wonderful! I look forward to your coming posts! I read about an institute of sorts with a similar mission some years ago in a magazine. I was so intrigued, I remember clipping out the article. They taught domesticities in running a household… like how to make a proper bed, ironing etc. — Your cooking class sounds fantastic. Love the term “domestic technology”.

    • Heather Bullard

      It’s nice to see there are now programs that are picking up the slack from all the Home Ec classes that are nearly obsolete in our schools these days. 🙂

  9. Peggy

    Oh this sounds wonderful! I can see this as being a destination for a fun vacation. Who needs to travel abroad for beautiful scenery and fun cooking classes when our own country has this to offer!! Too bad there isn’t something similar in the midwest… maybe I will have to do some serious searching to see what I can find.
    Thank you so very much for sharing! I can hardly wait to see what you post tomorrow (or i guess that would be later today. since it is a little on the late side here. ha ha!)

  10. Jennifer Taggart

    Great pictures Heather. The class was wonderful. Looking forward to seeing what you thought of the actual class . . .

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