--> California | Heather Bullard

Collecting: Sea Glass

 When The Man was planning an abalone dive trip up to the northern tip of California, I knew I wanted to tag along. I'd heard that some of the beaches were covered in sea glass and had always wanted to see them. I figured while he was diving I could do some beachcombing.


The sea glass is plentiful in the area because it used to be the city dump. The residents would throw their garbage off the cliff into the water. The broken bottles and jars have been tumbled in the sea for years, creating the soft muted tones. I suppose it's like "dumpster diving" in the ocean. Although, probably much more relaxing and beautiful than the real dumpster diving.



I didn't go into the State Park section of Glass Beach because I knew I didn't want to collect anything from there, so I ventured down south outside the park (fewer tourists) and was still able to find much of the beach covered with glass. 

I loved hiking along the trails…the coastline is absolutely gorgeous. There were a few surfers and hippies hanging out, along with lots of squirrels and wild blackberries. The bushes were wiped clean by said surfers and squirrels. But that was ok, I was there for the sea glass anyway, right?


One thing I love about collecting is when you get home and can sort them out by color. It kind of reminds me of sorting "pretty" rocks in egg cartons when I was a kid.
You can leave them all mixed up, if you're into that sort of thing. I'm not because I'm slightly ocd. But in the good way. 😉Glassbeach-202


Now I can't wait for another opportunity to tag along on an abalone dive.
Do any of you collect sea glass? Do tell! 


On The Road Again

I’m heading up the coast for a few days to shoot a beautiful California location and my car is loaded up with sunshiney props. One thing I do to prep…