--> Chickens & Coop | Heather Bullard

The Girls of Chez Poulet

Here's a quick video of a few of The Girls and of course, The Chicken Whisperer. As you can see, everyone is still getting along well. Ruby seems to have taken over as "Lead Chicken". She even plays with Bella but almost in a taunting way and our sweet Bella doesn't even have the heart to bark at her. When I told The Man about the sibling rivalry and bully chick he said, "Do you want me to eat her"? Oh yes, dear. That will solve everything. 

Here's a reminder of how much they've grown in a few short months. Sorry for the fuzzy video, not sure why the focus is off. They were both taken with my Flip. Go figure.

On July 1st, the girls turned 4 months old and I've read that they start laying eggs anywhere between 4-6 months. I hope they don't lay them while I'm away on location. I have a very busy shooting schedule this summer and I don't want to miss the big event! Can. Not. Miss. It.