On My Nightstand: Culinary Tales



I’ve been spending the few moments of free time I have, in the kitchen lately. Making more whole food recipes from scratch and savoring my quiet culinary escapes. To be honest, I find cooking from scratch is just simpler. There have been lots of egg dishes, baked pastas, morning muffins and grilled vegetables, all from fresh seasonal produce and a few pantry staples. Here are some cookbooks I’ve been enjoying as my companions.

Food in Jars – Love this book. I am obsessed with canning right now, and read this entire book in one sitting. Some of my favorite recipes are Three Citrus Marmalade and Ginger Walnut Granola. And I can’t wait for rhubarb to come into season at our farmers market so I can try her Rhubarb Syrup! She suggests adding it to Prosecco or cut melon. Yum!

An Everlasting Meal – This books is a lesson in feeding ourselves well. It’s beautifully written. The New York Times sums it up perfectly, “Reads less like a cookbook than like a recipe for a delicious life.” It’s now available in paperback as well.

Farm-Fresh Recipes – Possibly the best Blueberry Muffin recipe I have ever tasted. I’ve made them twice. I’ve long been a fan of Heather Cameron, and her book is interspersed with photos of her adorable daughter, simple, fresh recipes, and her witty commentary. It’s a fun cookbook to read. Next on my list is to make her Lemon Curd!

Vegetable Literacy – To me, Deborah Madison is the authority on cooking vegetables and plant based foods. Her vast knowledge and experience make this the definitive resource on how vegetables relate to one another and hundreds of ways to prepare them. It will make you see greens in a whole new way.

Do you have any favorites lately? Would love to get some recommendations from you!

22 Responses to “On My Nightstand: Culinary Tales”

  1. Claudia

    I LOVE Deborah Madison and have Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone, do you think getting this latest book would be repetitious or is it different enough to purchase?

    • Heather Bullard

      If you loved Vegetarian Cooking, then I think you would find this one refreshing. The recipes are different and highlight how vegetables relate to one another, and therefore pair well together. Maybe you could try one of the recipes excerpts online first, just to see..then go from there? Let me know if you end up making something you love!

  2. Becky

    Thank you so much for sharing these books. I am going to go look for the Food In Jars. I do hope that we will see a picture of your pantry filled with jars. I am going to give it a try this year as well.

    • Heather Bullard

      I hope so too! I received a few canning supplies during the holidays and can’t wait to put them to good use.

  3. KC Saling

    I love vegetable literacy! There’s so much good information in there about how the different flavors play together, and I love making vegetables an integral part of the meal even when they’re not the star – so much better than just tossing something green on the side so you can be “healthy.”

    • Heather Bullard

      Couldn’t agree more! I’ve been making an effort to have more veggie side dishes that don’t involve lettuce. Roasting and grilling have certainly been my go-to way of preparing them.

  4. Anna

    I was fortunate enough to take a canning class last summer with Marisa and loved it! I went a little crazy with her recipes and have enjoyed a pantry full of canned goodness all winter! I can’t wait to start all over again!

    • Heather Bullard

      Sounds like fun! I’m thinking of signing up for a class at a nearby university that offers extension courses. I could use a few tips!

  5. Nancy

    Everything always tastes better when you cook from scratch. One of my latest acquisitions is Everyday grain-free Gourmet by Jodi Bager and Jenny Lass.

    • Heather Bullard

      Thanks Nancy! Off to check that one out…..

  6. Rita

    I love cookbooks…and I love Heather’s blog.

  7. Kim Berry

    Hi Heather,

    Please check out this site http://www.101cookbooks.com . I have one of Heidi’s cookbooks – Super Natural Every Day and the recipes are awesome. Hope you enjoy!

    • Heather Bullard

      I have Super Natural and love it! The photos and food styling are magical!

  8. Peggy

    I do believe you have covered my favorite books here… in fact I am on my 5th reading of the everlasting meal. However I’ve never looked at Farm Fresh recipes or Vegetable Literacy. I must say I am saddened that our current CSA (community support agriculture) closed “shop” as of this year… so it means I might be pressed into growing more my own even though our soil is not yet up to par. (think heavy clay being repaired by adding lots of green manures, etc) I desperately miss having access to a variety of fresh veggies!

    • Heather Bullard

      I say grow your own! Herbs and tomatos grow quite well in pots, if amending your soil sounds arduous. Wish we had a CSA in my town…luckily we have 4 really nice farmers markets.

  9. Lisa Whisler

    Superfood Kitchen by Julie Morris is another great cookbook! Pure Vegan is also nice. I have Super Natural and love it !!

    • Heather Bullard

      Superfood Kitchen sounds yummy and healthy! I just met the author of Pure Vegan, he’s a great guy, very funny. And says he’s actually, “vaguely vegan” because he can’t give up bacon! 😉

  10. Peggy

    OH I forgot to include one of my favorite cookbooks… Popina book of baking by Isidora Papovic. Beautiful photography and delicious desserts. if i want to wow someone i always pick one of her recipes!

    • Heather Bullard

      Thanks for the recommendation, Peggy. I’ve never heard of Popina Book of Baking…off to look for it on Amazon!

  11. Irene

    Since I discovered Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall I enjoy real cooking for the first time in my life. His book ‘Veg’ is amazing and changed my life from ‘pizza’s and unhealthy’ to ‘vegetables and real food’! Every recipe is delicious and easy.

    And his television-serie is also very nice to look at:

    I think you will like it too….

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