Caught My Eye


First off….thank you, thank you, for the ever-so-kind response to Souvenir. Your purchases, emails, FB shares and comments have been completely wonderful and my team and I grateful for your support! 

Thought I'd share a few things that have caught my eye this week.
Really love these paper cuts from Mr. Yen. Just stunning and isn't that quote inspiring?


Souvenir contributor Kimberly Taylor is opening up a new pop-up shop this week. She's filled it with beautiful, meaningful gifts that are also practical to use in your everyday life. I hope to pick up a few things….


And the Art Director for Souvenir, Hope Wallace, has created a new iPhone app! It has a variety of lovely wallpaper backgrounds for your phone and it's filled with inspiring quotes. So fun! Here's a peek behind the scenes of the development of the project.


Ruth from Sugar Pie Farmhouse has created a new e-book just in time for fall. She lives in a gorgeous part of the country and it's always a treat to read her cheerful and uplifting posts.

I hope you are enjoying your week. I'm going to work on a few things around the house. We bought a new sofa and I need to have pillows made.

Photo (3)

And I want to decorate for Christmas since I'll be traveling a lot in December. I think The Man was shocked when I asked him to get the decorations out.
Haha, gotta keep him on his toes…any of you wanting to start early?

10 Responses to “Caught My Eye”

  1. Shannon

    I’m trying my hardest not to pull out all my decorations! I would love to see your home decorated so if you get some time, please share 😉
    The new pillow ideas you have look like they will be beautiful. I’m off to check out some of those links, have a great week!

  2. Melissa

    Love the fabrics! I just ordered the souvenier magazine today – can’t wait for it to arrive so I can have some clever homemade holiday surprises

  3. Stacey@A Sort Of Fairytale

    Just read Souvenir last night and loved it! The silhouette party styling was just stunning. I’m thinking of decorating for Christmas right after Thanksgiving, I usually wait til the first weekend in December, but think it might be good to start earlier this year and get ahead of the game for once 😉
    Enjoy your week decorating!

  4. donna@anangloinquébec

    I am always anxious to decorate for the Christmas holidays. We host a party on the first Saturday of December every year which has become our means of measuring when we decorate and how much. I am such a nut about this time of year that it is hard to hold back.

  5. Karen

    Love the fabrics and the new sites you’ve introduced me to.
    I’m with you, I usually begin decorating the weekend after Thanksgiving, but since T-day is early this year Mr. B. thinks we should wait. I told him I’d have him get the decorations down so I could just start on a few smallish things.

  6. Sherry-Glamrella Junk

    Fabulous & FRESH Heather!Was Telling my sis Ruthann (sugarpiefarmhouse)You really have brought to the mag. industry an authentic & fresh style which is so needed with todays Home living! Bravo!

  7. Katey Deasy

    I’ve started early too. We are going to Williamsburg the week of Thanksgiving to celebrate the in-laws 50th Anniversary and so I decided to get a jump start. I kinda like it.

  8. Sanghamitra

    Beautiful blog and very elegant pictures. You got some lovely stuffs here.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  9. Ruthie ~Sugar Pie Farmhouse

    Hello dear Heather! Thanks so much for the shout out! You are a sweetheart! Once again I LOVE Souvenir Magazine! It really got me in the Christmas spirit…so much so, that I’ve already started decorating! Thanks for sharing these links, I can’t wait to check them out!
    Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!
    Sugar Pie hugs!

  10. Shelley @ Easy Home Concepts

    We are always the kind of people who start decorating early to feel the spirit of Christmas. We even avoid the Christmas rush by shopping early. By the way, those pillow covers are beautiful.

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