--> Collecting | Heather Bullard

NYC – Fishs Eddy

You know what they say, better late than never, right? I’ve been meaning to share my trip to NYC with you and completely forgot. So let’s just pretend I got back last week instead of in December. We’ll begin with the shopping first, starting with Fishs Eddy. I’m not sure a trip to NYC would be complete without a visit here…there’s just so much good stuff.

When you walk in you’re greeted by this enormous display of waving ceramic hand molds….


And in the window they have a creative display of broken china…


And everywhere you look there are stacks, upon stacks, upon stacks of dishes. There are new and vintage pieces here, making for a great place to pick up lost pieces of a collection or begin an entirely new one. I’d start with the cake pedestals or white china.




And for you color lovers, there is plenty to choose from as well.
Like this tower of rainbow mugs or pile of colorful berry baskets…



And I thought this Brooklynese Cawfee Set was a crack up!


If you can’t make a trip to NYC, Fishs Eddy has a great website and their prices seem very reasonable. I know the next time I’m in the city, I’ll be spending more time here. It’s one of those perfect sources for prop inventory, and home goods!

Fishs Eddy
889 Broadway at 19th Street
NYC, NY 10003
Phone: 877-347-4733