Grove House Progress



Let me start by saying, these won’t be pretty pics, but I thought I’d share what’s been happening over at Grove House. My brother-in-law and The Man were masters at recycling the trees that needed to be removed. They were first picked clean, (fruit juiced, frozen or eaten, more donated to friends, family, food banks and shelters), then the small branches and leaves were put through a chipper to make mulch for our future vegetable gardens….

This pile doesn’t seem large in the photo but trust me…IT WAS HUGE. This has since been tilled into the soil where the future garden beds will be. All the remaining stumps and large branches were chopped down for firewood. We’re set for about 6 years or so.

Next, the concrete pipes from the old canal watering system had to be removed. The Man saved some of these to make a few planters for the gardens. I’m not sure of his complete vision for them, so I’ll keep you posted. He despises waste, can you tell?


Then various equipment was brought in to excavate and then re-compact the soil to create the pad for the foundation. We were required to dig down 4 feet for the entire house and garages, with an additional 5 feet surrounding everything. There were many, many, many, discussions about dirt. So many in fact, that the word now makes me cringe.



Next I’ll share the foundation progress. For now, I’ll spare you seeing more boring photos.

In other happenings, I found 2 original, antique holophane pendant lights! Trying to decide where I’m going to hang them. Maybe over the island in the kitchen. After I clean them up, I’ll show them to you. Right now, I’m working on all the bathroom fixtures….agonizing over tubs and faucets. But at least that’s more fun than dirt!

17 Responses to “Grove House Progress”

    • Heather Bullard

      Haha, thanks Julie! I’m so glad we have moved past the dirt phase! On to more exciting things like kitchen and bath details. Thanks for following along our journey!

  1. lyn moon

    Your photos are not boring at all. It will be so much fun to look back on all the photos of every phase of building your dream home. Dirt and all. I look back on mine and wish I had more of the clearing of the land and all. Hope all of your plans go smoothly, staying on budget and time frame. Probably not, but it helps to be optimistic. Good luck and God Bless your project. I really enjoy your blog. Look at mine sometime.

    • Heather Bullard

      Thank you, Lyn. We do feel it’s a blessing to be able to build our own home. Documenting the pretty and not so pretty are all part of the process. Thanks for your encouraging comment. I tried to comment on your blog, but couldn’t…your coop is adorable! And I love that it’s moveable. Have fun raising your girls!

      • lyn moon

        Hey Heather, Thanks for looking at my blog. I don’t know why you couldn’t leave a comment. I’ve tried to find out why but couldn’t. Do you have any ideas why it wouldn’t go through. I’m new to blogging and still learning the ins and outs. Try again sometime if you get a chance. Thanks again.

  2. teresa

    I love the moving dirt part of building…it means things are starting to happen! Joy!
    This will be fun following along on your building adventure!
    Thanks for sharing

    • Heather Bullard

      Thanks, Teresa! Appreciate my blog friends following with us on our journey. The more the merrier, right?

  3. Stephanie @ La Dolce Vita

    How exciting! (And who would have thought dirt was exciting?) Can’t wait to follow along as you build. And I see a photobook in your future on the building of your dream home. Congratulations!

    • Heather Bullard

      Thank you, Stephanie. The dirt was exciting at first….then it took forever! 😉 So glad to be past that stage and onto the next. Thanks for following along!

  4. christine

    I just found your blog and the ice tea looks good , so am going to try it
    Thanks for sharing

  5. LLH Designs

    I never imagined I’d relate to a post like this, but now that we live on a small farm in Franklin, the wood chipper is a familiar sight! My husband rented one, then bought one. Amazing how topping your garden with wood chips holds in moisture! Can’t wait to see what grows out of that dirt! House, garden and all! Blessings!

  6. christine

    You certainly have a lot of work to do, but when you are finished it will be wonderful.
    thanks for sharing

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