Friday Favorites: Weekend Edition



Are you ready for the weekend? After several fun back to back shoots with Country Living the past two weeks, I’m looking forward to a few solid days of relaxing. I plan to spend one long morning in my pj’s, hopefully with a beautiful breakfast on the patio like this one. And maybe a trip to the market followed by a few hours puttering in the garden. Ahhh, I feel revived already.

To kick things off, here’s my Friday Favorites for you…

These gorgeous images have me dreaming of far away places I’d never thought of before.
Speaking of travel, this is a lovely post about healthy eating on the go.
Have you seen these pretty (free) desktop wallpapers?
Love these bowls, this dust pan, and this lunch box.
This workshop in Brooklyn sounds like a perfect way to spend a day learning.

Have a beautiful weekend wherever you are! Thanks for sharing your week with me.

12 Responses to “Friday Favorites: Weekend Edition”

    • Heather Bullard

      Thank you Kristin. And the same to you!

  1. Debe

    Thanks for mentioning & linking Sarah’s blog! Wow…can’t wait to try some of her wonderful HEALTHLY recpes. The croissants don’t look bad either!

    • Heather Bullard

      Haha, yes…a mix of healthy and not-so-much. Enjoy your weekend Debe!

  2. Karen B

    I’ll have to spend some time on that Brookfarm website. Looks lovely. I attend the IEPC in Temecula once a month. There has been a speaker from Oregon that leads photography tours in Iceland. His photos are amazing. I’m linking you to his website. He does photo tours elsewhere as well. You never know, might be a fun way to head to Iceland!

    • Heather Bullard

      I love their products. Simple design and well made items. Thanks for the link too…maybe someday. Have a lovely weekend!

  3. tinajo

    Sounds lovely – and definately better than staying in bed and blowing ones nose like I am..! 😀

  4. Laura

    I saw very similar lanterns in the latest Summer Pottery Barn catalog. They might work for you in your new home – good luck!

  5. Leslie

    Heather – I thought I’d seen something similar to the hanging LIGHT fixture you admire, so I did some digging. Indeed, it’s not quite the same, but Ballard Designs ( has several hanging pendant/lantern fixtures that are similar. See what you think if you haven’t already checked out their inventory.

  6. Katrina

    Look at the blog “Colour me Happy” by Maria Killiam. I saw a light fixture on one of her posts that looks very similar. She put it in her new house. I think in the foyer. You could probably search her posts with “lantern foyer” and find it.

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