--> farm stand | Heather Bullard


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Hello, how’s things? I just returned from a Country Living shoot near Seattle. The weather was divine. Everyone kept saying how fortunate I was to be there when it wasn’t raining. Lucky me!

One of my favorite things while preparing for a shoot, is to source local farms or farmstands to pick up fresh produce and flowers. On the way to this location, I happened across “The Flower Guy”.

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He was set up in a church parking lot, on a Wednesday morning of all days! I like to believe it was fate, since I had no other flower shop alternatives other than the grocery stores.

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He grows everything on his nearby farm and gave me his number in case I needed more. As you can see, they were abundant and gorgeous! One of the perks of living in the rainy Pacific Northwest climate. I scooped up bundles and bundles!

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I also had the chance to stop by a fantastic antique shop, M & M Antiques, to pick up a few props. The staff and selction were both amazing!
I got a kick out of this little fabric sign they had hanging up….

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That’s sort of what we are….a little Blog Gang!

Hope you are enjoying beautiful fall weather, hot ciders, cozy blankets and warm boots!
xo, H

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Sweet Pea Bakery

Sweet Pea Bakery is the sweets & treats vendor at Rutiz Family Farms…among other places. Kelli Smithback has a passion for baking which is quite evident…