--> Bon Voyage | Heather Bullard


 This fall I'm taking Sweet Girl on a trip to Paris. Just us girls. For nearly 2 weeks! It's been a promise I've made to her since she was very little and would read these books to her before bedtime. It's really like a dream come true for both of us and we're so excited! We've rented a gorgeous apartment right off the Seine and have everything booked! Can't wait to share more with you as it draws closer.

So imagine my surprise when I received these Paris guidebooks in the mail…anonymously! No packing slip, no note, just two wonderful books. I've called everyone I can think of to see if they sent them but no. It's a mystery. So if you're the kind person who sent us such a thoughtful gift, Thank You. We will study them before we leave and bring them along with us so we don't miss a single exciting thing! xo, H 

Farm Chicks Recap

 Well, I'm back from a fantastic long weekend trip to The Farm Chicks Show. The vendors were amazing! The crowds of shoppers were friendly and eager to buy and…