--> Lifestyle | Heather Bullard

Garden Roses

One of the stars in my garden is a floribunda spray rose I planted when we first bought our house years ago. I wish I remembered the name because I would love to buy a few more. The blossoms and buds start out a pale salmon pink and then fade to a blush white. They're so lovely!


One of the beautiful things about spray roses (also known as cluster roses) is that each stem will be filled with 6-10 flowers. It's like an instant bouquet! Often times I just add a few cuttings from my garden shrubs to fill out the arrangement.


The petals on this rose bush also remind me of old fashioned dogwood blossoms and I remember my great grandmother Tessie Faye loved dogwood trees. Maybe that's why I'm so fond of this rose. Sweet memories of her.

Do you have a favorite rose? Do tell!   

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