--> Loved Ones | Heather Bullard

{ DIY } Easy Thanksgiving Favors


Cor·nu·co·pi·a -noun.
1. a horn containing food, drink, etc. in endless supply. 2. an abundant overflowing supply.

I love the Thanksgiving symbol of the cornucopia. It is such a gracious reminder of the abundance we are blessed with in this great country of ours. As we approach the upcoming holiday I thought I'd share a quick & easy favor to make for your friends and loved ones.

1. Start with an assortment of papers. I chose a variety of old postcards which I then color copied. Letters, journal pages, wallpaper or kraft paper bags would also work well.

2. Cut them into rectangles approximately 5 1/2" x 7 1/4".

3. Then roll them into shape and secure in several places with a staple. Tape or glue would be fine too.

 4. Fill with your favorite chocolates, nuts and candies. I also tucked in a small pheasant feather. You could also add clippings of herbs or colorful fall flowers. The key is to keep it simple and enjoyable for you.

5. Pile them high on a platter and set near your front door or add a name tag and use as placecards.

As they say it's the little things in life that are remembered most. Blessings! ~H

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