--> Loved Ones | Heather Bullard

Thanksgiving Recap

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Hey there friends! How was your Thanksgiving? I hope it was spent in the company of your loved ones…and with plenty of delicious homemade food.

We took a break from our busy schedule to head up to Big Bear with our extended family. It was a great way to unplug. And the weather was absolutely amazing! Some of my highlights were:

Gathering apples
from an abandoned tree.
Making The Man’s favorite Sweet Potato Casserole.
Teaching one of my sisters how to make gravy.
Antique shopping with another sister…found a silver & turquoise bracelet that I love!
Played rounds and rounds of Yahtzee with some serious folks. (Got a Double Yahtzee and won!)
Had a much needed coffee break with my sister and brother-in-law at this place.
Hit every thrift store in Big Bear..bought nothing. But still fun.
Scored a giant bag of free pinecones for a craft project.
And spent lots of time in front of a wood burning stove.
All in all, it was the perfect holiday!


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