A Brand New Year

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Hello Friends! How has your new year started off? We’ve been blessed with lots and lots of sunshine this winter and our citrus is loving it. I really feel for those of you stuck in the middle of snowstorms, blackouts and blustery winter days. You guys are troopers!

Our house is coming along and I’m working on a major update post to share with you. It’s finally in the stages where there is actually something interesting to share. 😉

Have any of you made any resolutions for 2014? It seems they always fall by the wayside come March or April, so I usually don’t make any. But I do have a few goals I’d like to accomplish for the year ahead such as, finish Grove House and start on the gardens, and on a personal level, continue my morning walks, have a more generous spirit, and be mindful and present in my daily life. Care to share any of yours? I’d love to hear!

23 Responses to “A Brand New Year”

  1. baileywife

    My goal for the year is to enjoy the little things….add more Light and white to my life and home….and keep going on my quest for organization! ~Kim

    • Heather Bullard

      I love your goals and completely relate to your quest for organization! I’m continually trying to tackle that one. Happy New Year!

  2. Kim Michael

    I think as I am pushing 50 in a few years maybe I should just write a bucket list! Lol

    Goals are good though at anytime!

    Excited to see the progress coming along with your new home.

    ~Cheers Best Wishes in 2014

    • Heather Bullard

      I’ve always thought a Bucket List would be fun! Maybe someday I’ll write one with my husband and we can work on it together. Happy 2014! Wishing you a fantastic year!

  3. Melissa Sue

    I have 3. 1) Take more pictures. 2) Wear more skirts & dresses. 3) A Fitness challenge. (i’m doing the Fight for Air Climb in March.

    • Heather Bullard

      I just heard that skirts are going to be big this spring and summer. 🙂 You’re Fight for Air Climb sounds like a great challenge! Go girl!!

  4. Lori

    Heather…my goal is simple…learn to say “no” to things that suck the life out of me and do nothing to enhance my life. As women I feel that we sometimes like to make everyone happy except ourselves! On a brighter note….I also need to take more pictures, spend more time with my grandbabies and learn to relax! Happy New Year to you and yours and I can’t wait to see the new house!!!!!

    • Heather Bullard

      I agree, we probably all need to embrace the word No more often. It sounds like it will give you more time for your other goals. 🙂 Happy, Happy New Year to you!

  5. teresa

    I have set several areas of improvement in my life….hoping to because just a little better “me”
    Happy Day Year…can’t wait to see your new home

    • Heather Bullard

      Good for you! Here’s to you this year! 🙂

  6. Janet

    I am journaling more and I am trying to be more mindful of what is in front of me. I also am trying to take more pictures. I often forget my camera. Happy New Year!

    • Heather Bullard

      I think many of us are with you on being mindful and present. Seems technology and busyness could take a backseat more often. Have fun photographing your present moments!

  7. Garden, Home and Party

    Happy New Year, Heather.
    My goal is to simplify my life. I’m hoping to pare down and to take time to smell the roses.
    P.S. Can’t wait to see/hear more about Grove House

    • Heather Bullard

      Sounds perfect, Karen! Looking forward to sharing our progress on the house. 🙂

  8. Beth F.

    I learned a long time ago that I am no good at keeping resolutions but I do promise myself, in this new year, to get organized and simplify my life. I’ve come to realize that I have way to much stuff, both physical and emotional, cluttering my home and my self. I need to take stock and redefine what it is that I need to let go of and surround myself with what truly makes me happy.

    Wishing you a very happy new year!

    • Heather Bullard

      You could not have said it more beautifully. Wishing you a wonderful year of reaching goals. Happy 2014!

  9. Dawn-Hydrangea Home

    Looking forward to seeing the new house Heather!
    Always loved your style.
    I am not a resolution girl. But I do love new ideas and just making positive changes for home and the business in the new year. I find new excitement with a new year.
    Enjoy your planning!

  10. Judi

    To put my phone and keys in the side pocket of my purse(I am starting with something i can follow through on!)

  11. Colleen of Vintage Home

    Thanks for all the inspiration Heather.
    Despite my wanting to just rest and read…I resolve to spend more time marketing our vintage furniture and collectables. More magazine articles….and work on my booth and blog more!
    Now that sounds like a lot of more….but thinking about it is almost as much work as doing…almost!
    I need to be collected and creative!

  12. Rita

    My goal is to slow down, get better on what I already do and smell the flowers.
    Heather, wishing you wonderful New Year. Hugs Rita

  13. katey deasy

    I chose a word this year, like many people are doing these days to focus on throughout the year. I chose Home. I want to spend more time making our home a sanctuary full of good smells and an inviting atmosphere. Happy New Year to you. Looking forward to seeing your progress.

  14. Jen@thecottagenest

    We are cold and snowy here in the middle but I’m actually quite enjoying it. I’m sure I won’t be saying that come March 1st! I can’t wait to see an update on your house. I’m sure it will be gorgeous!

  15. Tiffani

    I can’t see your beautiful pictures on the blog anymore, just blank spaces and text. I am sad. Is there a change I am not aware of?

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