Doing Man Stuff

Have you ever spent a day doing Man Stuff with your husband or boyfriend? You know, the kind of day where you go to 3 different boat stores, a yacht surplus, a dive shop and eat a Dorito Taco for lunch because his friends told him they were good? That describes one of our recent outings.

To be honest, I was completely down with it. First off, it was a day where I didn't have to plan anything and just got to tag along for the ride. My favorite place was Minney's Yacht Surplus


They had a huge inventory of vintage sailcloths. I could see lots of DIY'ers wanting to use them to make tote bags and upholstery projects.
And how about this "art installation" of boat propellers? HGTV is going to pick up on this idea. I can just see it now on one of their shows.



Those silver ring thingy's reminded me of the ones I shot at E. Dehillerin in Paris. I'm pretty sure they aren't meant for the same application. Or maybe they're dual purpose. I haven't a clue.


I loved the patina on these old port holes. Aren't the colors amazing?
And there was an entire wall devoted to every shape, size and color of rope. I thought it would be fun to use them as "ribbon" on a gift for a fella. Or making necklaces. Or macrame. Does anyone still macrame? I remember my grandparents were really into macrame. They lived in Palm Springs which, I think at one time, was the Macrame Capital of the US.
Ok, that was a rabbit trail of thought. 



Aside from the sail cloths and the cool map room (in the first photo) I liked this rope the best. Just thought you should know that. The Man didn't seem super interested in knowing all my personal favorites. Maybe you aren't either. 😉


This was his favorite. Good choice, I must say.

Now, about those Dorito Taco's…. 

10 Responses to “Doing Man Stuff”

  1. Barbara Yankoski

    Hahahahahaha – just got back from Home Depot, Slegg Lumber, and Canadian Tire. Bedroom closet and ensuite bathroom reno in the works so spent all morning looking for ideas which is not easy when I am French Country and Vintage and he is minimalist to the core. But, I am certain that after 47 years married and 50 years together and also given that he helped me raise two daughters to adulthood, he knows the best answer to the question, “Do you like this?” is always, “Yes Dear, I do.”

  2. Christine

    You have been in my neck of the woods! I grew up in Newport, my dad worked the Sea, hence the name of my ‘almost’ and in-the-works blog, A Sea Captain’s Daughter. Any hardware, marine or otherwise, is still a dream come true place to browse in my book. Newport and Costa Mesa used to have a lot of them but, to my knowledge, Minney’s is the last one. If you find more, please fill us in! Aren’t the sails fun? I used to have a collection of every U.S. sail manufacturer’s tags …whatever happened to…that? I think it is with my baseball card collection…
    Thanks for the memories!
    xoxo, Chris

  3. Susan

    those vintage sailcloths would be great for something! maybe table cloths or runners! fun outing!! susan

  4. Karen

    I have always wanted to visit Minney’s Yacht Surplus but thought that since I don’t have a boat they might think it odd that a girl was strolling the aisles! Sounds like a fun day. BTW, were the tacos any good, they look like they could be but I prefer Del Taco to Taco Bell so maybe not. LOL!

  5. Kimberly

    H~ great post! I can hear you telling the story in my mind and I am laughing. So much fun. Love and Blessings, Kimberly P.S. Now maybe I need to make a run for the border and try a taco.

  6. Heather Bullard

    You should drop by. Their shop is filled to the brim with interesting things.
    The Dorito Taco…apparently it has a cult following with the college set. The Man liked them. I could take it or leave it. 😉

  7. Renee

    I Love Minneys!! Love going there with my Man when we go up to Newport to his old stomping grounds.

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