Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! Hope you have something fun planned for yourself!
Thought I'd share a few Friday Favorites that caught my eye this week. 

Stuck in a blog rut? Here's a great post on generating topics
This absolutely gorgeous flower arrangement. Stunning.
Have you ever heard of an Irish Sandwich Cake?
Very, very excited about the release of this book.
This family is chasing their dream and moving here.
These wares would be perfect for any farmhouse. 

12 Responses to “Friday Favorites”

  1. Ali

    Heather, thank you for all these great reads! This is a great way to start my Friday. I wish you wonderful weekend! I plan to go to the Scottsdale Culinary Festival and antiquing.

  2. katey

    Franklin, TN is a wonderful town. It really does look like that! It’s just 75 miles away from me and we love to go antiquing there. It is full of historical homes, antique shops, and big farms but blends right into Nashville. It would be a lovely place to call home.

  3. LLH Designs

    What a joyful surprise to see our family’s Franklin Dream listed as one of your Friday Favorites! Your blog is one of my favorites because of the way you see and capture beauty in everyday life. I think you and I are kindred spirits in that way! We’d love to have chickens in Franklin, and would love to order your design plans for our “Chez Poulet!” I’ll be in touch!
    Happy Friday!!!

  4. Karen

    That was great. I visited the entire list. Loved the post about blogging topics. What a fun site Joy the Baker is. Thanks for the interesting sites.
    BTW, where is the picture in your post? I live in Orange County, CA and you often mention places/restaurants…some I’ve seen, some I haven’t. This outdoor cafe looks promising.

  5. Heather Bullard

    Hi Karen!
    I shot the photo at the Francis Coppola Winery in Geyersville, CA. Doesnt it look like it could be in France?
    Heres a link:
    If you go early in the day, just as theyre opening you can get beautiful shots without all the foot traffic and visitors. 😉
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Heather Bullard

    Thanks Linsey!
    I wish your family all the best in your move to Franklin! Will be checking in on your blog to see all the gorgeous photos of Franklin and how youre settling in! And yes, you might need chickens. Theyd be very happy there!
    Take care!

  7. Heather Bullard

    Hi Katey,
    Ive been to Franklin and it is indeed a very charming town. I remember meeting the mayor in a cafe as he was having breakfast with friends. And driving along the rolling green hills dotted with old barns and beautiful homes.
    Not to mention all the great shops! I would move there too. Maybe I should chase the dream!
    Have a great weekend! ~H

  8. Tattered Tiques

    Wow. Thank you for sharing! I know what my next book purchase will be, and maybe my next road trip! I thought for sure your picture was a Paris cafe. When I was there, I couldn’t stop taking pictures of the cafe chairs. There’s just something about them! Thanks for the inspiration, once again.

  9. Lulu

    Thanks to LLH Designs, I am now enjoying your posts and will look forward to future visits.


    I absolutely adore the picture of the french baguette deilvery truck. Is there a way I can order a copy from you?

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