Blog Break

Hello Friends! Happy Friday and Mother's Day Weekend! I hope you have something wonderful planned and have time to celebrate with those you love.

I'm going to be taking a little blog break. Not sure for how long. I've been feeling the tug to step away for a bit and think now is a good time. My schedule is really loaded up with several amazing projects, one of which is a wedding book I'm working on and deadlines are looming. And I have 5 shoots lined up in the coming weeks for other projects. 

But mostly, I want to unplug. To not be tied to the computer so much. I want to spend what little free time I'll have puttering in the garden, going to the farmers market or flea market, maybe even take in a movie or two. Nothing extravagant, just savoring time at home. Will miss you guys! But I know you're an amazing group of friends who completely understand and know what it's like to need some time to "just be" without any added pressure. xo, H


25 Responses to “Blog Break”

  1. Wendy in Kennewick

    Enjoy your blog break! I’ll miss, but look forward to your refreshed return and beautiful pictures.

  2. Mrs Sutton

    Enjoy your time away! Of course we’ll miss you, but it’ll make your return even sweeter! Paula x

  3. Garden, Home and Party

    I completely understand and admire the wise decision to give yourself time when you need it. This loyal reader will be thinking of you and excited for your return.
    Happy weekend and Mom’s day

  4. Curious Details

    Yes, yes yes! Taking a step back is so necessary sometimes. I sometimes wish the entire internet would go on vacation!

  5. shannon

    Completely understand! Hope you enjoy your time off and have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

  6. Jenny

    enjoy! we’ll be here waiting when you return! Happy Mother’s Day.

  7. katey

    Wedding Book! How dreamy it will be! It’s the perfect time of the year to take a break. Enjoy!

  8. Sharon B.

    Good for you! Enjoy your break just doing everyday things. Because what is life if you don’t stop to smell the roses and enjoy yourself? Have a great time!

  9. liz

    Understand totally 🙂
    Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!!
    xxx Liz

  10. Kim

    I know right! I did all that today and enjoyed it so much and decided myself I would rather be doing than sitting.So enjoy! See ya when you return~Cheers Kim

  11. Sue W

    Enjoy your break. We’ll be here when you get back!

  12. Victoria

    Will miss your voice and photography, but totally understand and happy that you will be enriching your own life with being in the present and not worrying about blogging. I will just have to do the same and when I go through withdrawals will come here to look at your Paris photographs again!
    Happy Mother’s Day blessings to you too!
    ~Victoria in Texas

  13. LLH Designs

    What a wise woman you are! I took a 4-month break in the fall so I could focus on my “real” work of designing custom Christmas cards and mothering my two beautiful girls. So worth it, and everyone was still waiting for me when I came back. We’ll still be here when you get back, too!

  14. Christine

    I totally get it! I was out of town for about 2 weeks and have a backlog of blog-reading…301 unread and I cannot possibly get to them. Pick some and just lament the rest! Have fun!
    xoxo, Chris


    Maybe you’ll have time for coffee? 🙂

  16. Maki | Moon River Travels

    Hi Heather! I’m sad to have missed your meet and greet at Vignettes. I was traveling through SD and liked that little place so much I had to blog about it! Hope you’re enjoying your time away from the blogosphere 🙂

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