Getting Back in the Saddle

Hello Friends! What an amazing time I've had taking this much needed blog break. I can't recomend it enough. If you've been thinking of taking one yourself, I say do it! You deserve a little time off to not worry about new blog topics, taking photos, editing, writing, posting, etc. And you can get out there in the big wide world and explore, or take naps, or read books, or play with your kiddos. Whatever you choose! Here's just a few things I did during my break…

Drove to the strawberry fields where they have a self-serve honor system. LOVE!


Bought a big flat of beauties and made lots of  strawberry this and strawberry that.
Worked on one of my secret dreams.
Went to several farmers markets where I bought dozens of  tomatos and then proceeded to make tomato sandwiches everyday. I'm still not tired of them.


Finished 4 photoshoots. Yippee!
Watched the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. And The Vow. 
Flew to Spokane to go to the Farm Chicks Show! It was such a blast!
Worked in my garden and planted lots more succulents.
Organized my office and redid my inspiration board.
Went to lunch with my mom and had delicious thai food.
Read 3 books! Yes, it's true. From start to finish.


I got an early invite to preview a HUGE estate sale. Then remembered….I just bought one of these and there not exactly made for hauling stuff…but great on gas!

All in all…I just savored my free time. I don't often take breaks unless I have a reason, like a vacation with family. But this time I took one just for me.  

Thanks for sticking around my friends. I'm sure some have left and maybe new ones stopped by while I was gone. But I don't for a minute, assume everyone is on pins and needles waiting for my next post. I realize we all have busy lives and the fact that you stop by here to say hello and visit my tiny corner of the world is truly appreciated. xo, H


21 Responses to “Getting Back in the Saddle”

  1. Linda

    I, for one, HAVE been on pins and needles awaiting your return! I had only found you a month or so before the break, so welcome back. I know it was very well deserved and needed, but can’t tell you how happy I was to find this in my email this morning. 🙂 Happy Summer!

  2. colleen

    Happy to see you pop up on my blog roll…But totally happy you took your much needed time!
    Looking forward to keeping up with your inspiring days!

  3. thegypsymagpie

    So glad you enjoyed “your” break… everyone deserves one that is just for them! Thanks for sharing yours with us- it makes me feel inspired to get out there and just do SOMETHING.
    Welcome back!

  4. Susan

    You deserve a break to rejuvenate yourself, Heather. I can almost hear the relaxed tone in your voice as you post this.
    It seems you filled up your break time with lots of fun activities and dreaming. Good for you!
    I have to thank you for all these years you’ve inspired so many of us with your blog. I first started reading your blog in 2008 or so, and bought my first Somerset Life issue because of your contribution in summer of 2009.
    Now I’m having a dream come true of actually being published in the same magazine this summer! Thank you for ‘leading the way’ for so many. 🙂
    – Susan

  5. Suzé

    Glad you enjoyed your well deserved break Heather! Welcome back!
    I love your blog, so I’m always looking forward to the next post.

  6. Diana @ Our Vintage Home Love

    I have also been on “pins and needles” waiting for your return! 🙂 Welcome back! So glad you enjoyed your much deserved break! I do so love your blog so I’m here to stay!

  7. Garden, Home and Party

    Well, I was…I thoroughly enjoy your posts. I also understand the need for a break from time to time. It sounds like you had fun! Glad your back.

  8. Angie

    Missed your beautiful pictures and stories but completely understand about the need for a break. It sounds like you had some great “down” time. I hope you’re feeling refreshed.

  9. Debe

    I was thinking of you this morning!! Glad you are back and I am jealous about those strawberries. From blogs, CA seems to have such great fruit. TX isn’t bad but that picture, yum…mouth watering. You deserved a break just for you!

  10. Katherine

    Your time away from blogging was well spent. I just pocked a big bowl of strawberries from our garden. Yum! Thank you for sharing. I’d love to have you add it to the hop at my blog today xo

  11. karen

    Hi Heather!
    Christy Repasy has a wonderful painting class. I haven’t taken it but have heard great things about it and she doesn’t live too far from you (Rainbow, cA) near temecula!
    Glad you are back, you are always inspiring! karen…

  12. tiffaniboren

    Didn’t lose me..glad your back and enjoyed your time away!! Looking forward to all your posts!

  13. Jill Flory

    Welcome back! Glad you time away was great. And it’s good to see you again 🙂

  14. Wendy in Kennewick

    Welcome back. Hope your break was as productive as you needed it to be. Of, course, love your photos!


    Welcome back 🙂 And how excited I was to see you highlighted in this months Romantic Homes magazine on the last page under “Favorites!” Now everyone will know what I’ve known and enjoyed for years – YOU!!

  16. Victoria

    Was just thinking about you the other day and wondered if you were back yet. I was wanting to escape to your beautiful blog after being with my 95-year-old father-in-law in the hospital. We have had a rough couple of months with illnesses in our family. So I can certainly understand the need to take a break. Unfortunately, my father-in-law’s recent situation caused us to cancel our trip to Austin, Tx for a nice, long weekend of exploring and enjoying the local food and scene with our daughter and her fiance. Praying my birthday in October will be a better time to get away. Planning on soaking up some of that beautiful California sun and beach air! Happy to see you back! Missed your posts!

  17. Dori

    Oh, good for you, Heather! You sound so refreshed! The photos of the strawberries made my mouth water. The first berries on my plants are just starting to blush. I can hardly wait, but I must. Enjoy painting!

  18. Debbie

    So happy to see you again, Heather! I can surely relate to needing time just for yourself to do WHATEVER inspires you! You have certainly devoted alot of yourself to your fans all through the years. Many thanks for your endless creativity!

  19. Barb

    I’m glad you had a nice break to relax and rejuvenate. I missed your posts and am so happy to see you back! Your photos are so beautiful and inspiring. I LOVE the pictures of the baby chicks! I’ve been so inspired by your photography that it has influenced the way I try to take photos now. It must be working as a friend of mine, who is an artist herself, just asked me to be the event photographer for an informal reception for her daughter! It’s a bit scary, but I couldn’t pass up this opportunity to try something new, as I’m a retired teacher. Wish me luck!

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