Antique Finds & Random Happenings

I  have to begin with a shout out to Trader Joes for carrying the most gorgeous peonies at incredibly low prices. So nice for those of us who live in hot climates to be able to treat ourselves to a bouquet. Reason #937 that I love TJ's!

While at the Uber Chic Home container sale, I bought this marble table. It's such a great size, not too small or large and will work nicely as a side table or nightstand. Plus, the base is incredible!



My little brass bugs were my grandmothers. They're actually individual ashtrays and their hinged wings lift up….


I don't think they were ever used for their intended purpose because I can't remember her ever smoking. Usually they're at home on The Man's desk but I think they make a fun display for summer.


The tiny birdcage was also a find from Uber Chic. Another dealer was scooping them all up and I was afraid I might not get one…but she was very gracious and let me bring one home. I love how they were stamped with the initials…wonder if it was the seller or buyers initials? Anyone know?

And lastly…I have to show you what The Man bought while I was away at the Farm Chicks Show. Two more baby girls! We only needed one but he didn't want her to be lonely. So sweet.






They are both Ameraucanas and will lay blue/green eggs. We still haven't named them yet…if you have any suggestions please don't hesitate. We're running out of ideas for names. Also, completely random thought here but…I think I would like to be a professional baby chick photographer. Just little peeps…nothing else. And maybe become the Anne Geddes of baby chicks. πŸ˜‰

I'm going to leave you with some beautiful peonies to wish you a lovely Monday morning and a great week ahead! Thanks for stopping by! xo, H




58 Responses to “Antique Finds & Random Happenings”

  1. Sylvia

    You have some incredible finds here, Heather; I just adore the base of this marble topped table…it somehow reminds me of the Eiffel Tower πŸ™‚ Isn’t the fragrance of a peony intoxicating !?

  2. Jami

    Our kids named our chickens but I would have loved Georgia and Margaret!

  3. anne marie

    so super cute they are…and those ashtrays are very unique and a great unexpected display
    hope you are enjoying your summer so far Heather!
    Anne Marie

  4. Denise

    love everything in this post! I am so envious of all the peony pictures I’m seeing out there right now…neither of my bushes are producing blooms this year, and I am so sad. πŸ™ Hopefully TJ’s will have some in the NW soon.
    Your girls are so adorable I just want to reach through the screen and snuggle them. I think you should name them Helen and Jessie.
    Have a great week!

  5. colleen

    Oh what sweet chicks! And they look wonderful on your new wonderful table! Have fun naming them …!
    We are right in the middle of Peony season here on the west coast of B.C. …they are just so stunning to have in the garden & in a vase!
    Have a great week!

  6. Sue

    Beautiful pictures! How about Lucy and Ethel?

  7. melody

    Katniss and Rue! or Katniss and Primrose! (as you can see I loved Hunger Games series! )
    Beautiful photography by the way. Those peonies are amazing!

  8. Margaret

    Great finds-you always pick the classiest items-quality over quantity, I’ve noticed!
    Those chicks are super cute; how about Peep Pie & Annie G?

  9. Lolo

    I would die if TJ didnt carry peonies! I stalk the store until they come in, and then I buy them weekly until they no longer carry them….and then I shed a small tear πŸ™ I have 3 bunches right now!
    You have such a great eye – what a fab marble table! And those bug ashtrays – so uber cool!!
    So, in honor of your peony pic, how about naming one of the girlies Peony? πŸ˜‰

  10. evelyn

    How about…Blu-Blu and Greeny
    For their egg colors! Heehee

  11. marmee

    i want to live in these pictures. they evoke such a beauty. i love marble tables and your find is perfection. i am going to have to be on the lookout for the charming bug ashtrays. i have never seen any but would love to have a few in my sunroom…i love that they were your grandmothers. it makes them all the more special. gorgeous peonies…they always bring a smile to my face. i recently ordered your chez poulet plans and can’t wait to have it built. i am still trying to decide what chicks we will add but your man’s choice looks like a good one. i can so see the appeal of wanting to capture these beauties and nothing else. i sometimes feel that way about our dogs, sheep and all the other creatures here on our farm.

  12. Jill Flory

    That marble top table is a fabulous find! I would put that in my house in a heartbeat. Your chicks are darling – I want to live where I can have chickens someday. And I think you would make a great ‘Anne Gedes of baby chicks’!

  13. Garden, Home and Party

    Love the table and the metal bugs…any metal sculpture of animals and such are appealing to me.
    OMG, the little chicks make me smile every time I look at the picture. I think that could be a wonderful professional endeavor…as if you have time, LOL. Taking pics of darling chicks would be so rewarding and fun!

  14. Diana Mace Drury

    The bird cage I believe is a Miners cage. His name our intials are on it. They would put a bird in it and go down in the mine…if the bird died they knew to get out of there quick! Sad but true!

  15. Patty Van Dorin

    Your photos are gorgeous. The baby chicks look like models, perhaps they are a little bit French?
    Maybe, AmΓ©lie and Audrey
    (names inspired from my favorite French movie).

  16. Anita

    I think you do a great job shooting chickies. My vote is for Charlie and Lucy.

  17. laurie mapgie ethel

    Just cut the last of my peonies from the yard, but easy to hit a TJ as well. Love those bugs…would have never guessed their use.

  18. Marian

    such a lovely blog as always! So happy your fella got two chicks and not just one, they do much better for integration into the flock if there is two or more. We have two Easter Eggers that are similar to Arucanas, Lucy and Ethel. We also have 4 Buff Orpingtons, Penelope, Dorothy, Rosebud and Lola. You most certainly should be a “chick” photographer, the pictures are beautiful!

  19. Nina UK

    Hellooo Heather – I lurk on your blog daily drinking in your gorgeous photos and stories. Thank you for putting so much beauty on my laptop! When I see chicks and chickens I always imagine old fashioned lady names – Maude, Esme, Dorothy, Clarissa, Harriet – I have no idea why!

  20. natalea

    you just reminded me that i had a grasshopper ashtray just like these, and who the heck knows where it is now…!
    and I never knew a chick could actually be PRETTY! cute, yes. but pretty?! this one is a beauty! xo

  21. Diana Gibbs

    Love your blog. Where are you going to keep the “babies” till they can be with the big girls. How will you introduce them? We have five girls. Four we got together but the fifth one we got as a teen, and we have just now put them all together and they sure do pick on her.

  22. patsy latscha

    How do you introduce new chicks to your old hens, I understand they will peck them to death often. Also, do you have any hints for when the chickens eat their own eggs, they have plenty of oyster shells in the mash but still do it often.

  23. Christine

    Love, love, love your new table! And I, too, praise TJ’s for those peonies. We bought some on the way hone from Remnants show…at the Arroyo Grande TJ’s. They lasted until just a couple of days ago, they were so fragrant and so beautiful!
    Love your chicks! Do you remember, you are probably too young, when they gave away, goldfish (not the ones you eat!), baby ducks and chicks as prizes at the carnival games at the County Fair?
    Glad those days are over! Your chick-pics brought back that memory!
    Great post!
    xo, Chris

  24. Jeanne

    They are soooo cute! Love the little leopard spots on their heads. I vote for Eunice and Madelaine.

  25. deb

    love love love it all πŸ˜‰ so fun to meet you at FC!
    deb@ garden party

  26. Dori

    Ohhhh, Heather….I don’t know what I love more, the peonies or the little chickies! Yes, definitely, I can see you being a professional photographer of baby chicks. πŸ™‚ So soft and sweet they are. Just precious.

  27. Victoria

    Love peonies and sad that this is the first year my peony bushes did not bloom due to a very warm winter. Love TJs but we are just now getting one here in our area of Texas. Sometimes our local Krogers have beautiful peonies and usually our Central Market has them too. So it is nice to have them for a least a month or two.
    Love those bugs and that marble table is beautiful! But the baby chicks take the cake! Adorable!

  28. Heather Bullard

    You guys are so awesome with the names! Blu-Blu, Greeny, Peg and Pearl…looks like I might need to buy a few more!

  29. Heather Bullard

    Whoa…had NO idea. I think I need to post this, not everyone reads comments and I bet no one knows it was for miners!

  30. Heather Bullard

    They live separately until they are about 2-3 months old. Then we introduce them to the existing flock by “fencing” the new ones inside the yard so the others can get used to them.
    We call this the “getting to know you stage” and this will last about 3-5 weeks. After that, everyone seems to adjust.
    Good luck with your girls! Hope they play nice.

  31. Heather Bullard

    We try to remove their eggs as quickly as possible and make sure they are getting plenty of protein.
    You could try Googling this or visit forums such as backyardchickens for more info since we haven’t experienced it much. They surely can have odd behaviors!

  32. karen

    I just learned a new trick with chicks. My neighbor had a broody chicken, at 9 pm she and her hubby snuck out lifted the sleeping chicken off her eggs and exchanged them for two live chicks. The next morning the chicken was a proud mama, she protects the chicks from the other ones and is soooo cute!

  33. Patty

    Beautiful peonies, one of my favorites right next to daisies.
    My sister recently adopted a retired chicken named Mandaline, such a sweetheart and she named her baby dove Eggo soooooo cute. No matter what names you choose they will be perfect.
    I look forward to seeing many more pictures of flowers, chickens and of course sweet Bella, I have 3 rescued Bostons of my own, they are the best in a weird and wonderful way:)

  34. Tammy

    I bought a vintage ash tray that flipped over to dispose of the ashes. It had been used so after cleaning it I filled it with pot pourii! Those bugs are very unique and being Grama’s treasures makes them even better!

  35. Jenny

    Love all your treasures and the baby chicks are so adorable. It’s funny how quickly they change into adolescents with all those pin feathers! Your photos are always beautiful!
    There’s an abandoned farmhouse near me with a hedgerow of gorgeous peonies! I’m so tempted to clip a few of those beauties or even better, ‘rescue’ those lovely plants! If only…

  36. Lisa @celebrate CREATIVITY

    Good morning Heather, just popped over to see if you were back from your blog respite and I’m delighted to find so many new posts to catch up on.
    This is such a lovely post. The chicks are adorable and the peonies are so vivid.
    Your photography is so clean and crisp and always inspires me to try harder at improving my own shots.
    By the way, I’ll be trying your garden seed gift baggie idea soon. I’ll be sure to link back to your site as the idea source.
    Enjoy your weekend,

  37. katey

    Heather, these pictures are just the BEST! Love love love! I just spent the last 5 days on a farm in Wisconsin and I visited her chickens everyday and ate fresh eggs every morning. Hers were not pampered quite like yours! Thank you for sharing. So glad to have you back blogging. Your instagrams just don’t suffice. πŸ™‚

  38. Trina

    Hi Heather,
    Your photos are always breathtaking and inspiring!
    The little chicks are adorable! possible names…
    Rhubarb and Relish.
    Have an amazing weekend πŸ™‚

  39. Michelle

    Hi Heather,
    Just returned from Trader Joe’s where I resisted the Peonies. “Walk away, just walk away!” They were beautiful and I am already regretting that decision. We will need something there next week I am sure πŸ™‚ Adorable chicks & marble table. How about Pansey & Peony for names?

  40. deana bibb

    Hi Heather…your photography is stunning. would you mind sharing what type of camera you use? thanks so much!
    Deana Bibb

  41. Megan

    Beautiful Pictures!! My vote is for Hazel and Gertie. πŸ™‚

  42. Ann

    I absolutely love your pictures! Especially the baby chicks. Found your site in the book Blogging for Bliss. Planning on startin my own blog, so I have been checking out other blogs and yours is one of the best I’ve seen.

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