Flea Market Tips

Antsale With flea market season in full bloom in most parts of the country, I thought I’d give you some of my tips on how to shop like a pro. These are just a few things I’ve learned along the way. No one’s claiming to be an expert here, just a very well seasoned veteran. I hope it might encourage some of you newbies to give flea marketing a try. So, here’s a few of my basic tips:

1. Cash is king. It’s accepted by all dealers. Don’t worry, they’ll take it and there’s no need for that pesky credit approval. Some may take a check but I would never count on it. And bring some small bills, they usually don’t like breaking hundreds at 6am.

2. Dress in layers. Mornings may be cool but the sun gets up early and it’s easy to loose track of time while you’re on the hunt. Also remember your sunglasses, sunscreen and a hat.


3. Pack water and snacks. Because shopping makes you thirsty and hungry and you never really know what’s in the food they sell. Although I have been known to buy a pretzel and I’m still kickin’.

4. Bring your tools. Things like a tape measure and magnet can come in handy especially if you really want to bring home something like this:

Cabinet1 or this:

Furn1 and you’re not quite sure they will fit in your dining room let alone your front door. Magnets are great if you’re collecting silver because if it’s sterling silver the magnet won’t stick. Good to know when bargaining.


5. Keep a small notebook. Just a nice purse sized notebook will do. Use it to make a list of pieces you’re looking for, what you paid for an item, a dealers name or perhaps another place they might sell such as a storefront or antique show.

6. Buy what you love. Figure out where you’ll put it when you get it home. If you really love an item, pick it up because the chances are it won’t be there if you come back for it. I’ve learned this one the hard way. Trust me, die hard flea marketers always talk about the ones that got away.

7. Be polite because nice matters. When negotiating a price for an item, my friend Shelly usually asks the dealer, "Is this your friendliest price"? I’ve seen her in action and believe me, the dealers always smile! Don’t be afraid to ask questions, I’ve learned so much over the years just by striking up a conversation.

8. Educate yourself. If you’re wanting to start collecting specific items such as Limoges demitasse cups, antique French linens or English ironstone learning about them can save you lots of money. Ebay is a great place to check prices or you can do an internet search to find more information about a specific piece.


9. Prepare your vehicle. Toss in a blanket or two, some newspapers and a box or crate to help wrap and secure small items. And make sure you have a full tank of gas and a map or navigation. Another one of those lessons learned!  And last but certainly not least,

10. Bring a cart. This has saved me countless times and even if you don’t shop often, lugging a giant mirror or shelf to your car isn’t any fun. If you only plan to shop for small items a nice tote with a long strap helps because it keeps your hands free.

Cart1 Most of all enjoy yourself. Remember it’s suppose to be fun. Remember there’s plenty for everyone and you’re helping the environment by going vintage. Remember that it’s not the end of the world if you don’t get that piece you really wanted. There will be more incredible bargains just around the corner. And when you’re out there in the flea market trenches remember to keep your eye out for me, I’d love to say Hello!

41 Responses to “Flea Market Tips”

  1. linda and laura Lilly cottage

    I would love to say hello to you if I ever had the pleasure. I adore your flea market photos, everything looks so much more glamorous than over here. Maybe one day!! Hope you are having a wonderful day and thanks for sharing your hints, I also like to take those sticky SOLD stickers if you have to go a long way back to the seller you can pop one on the item just in case someone else has the same idea and they walk faster!! TTFN KN Linda Lilly Cottage.

  2. Vladimir

    I guess you have given important tips before we leave for shopping.The antique stuff in the picture looks good but the rest of pictures I just couldn’t understand and finally flowers are pretty too.

  3. Joy

    Great tips Heather, especially the magnet one. I am travelling to San Francisco and Carmel from May 17-25th – are there any antique shows or Sunday Fleas I should know about in that area? Not sure if you would know, but thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask! 🙂

  4. chris

    LOVE this post & such great advice Heather! The photos are incredible~I can’t wait to do Brimfield in a few weeks & will take your advice & bring a little cart(that’s always a killer for me lugging stuff to the car!)I’m on my way right now to a small flea(late start-all the good stuff probably gone!)thanks for all your suggestions! 🙂 chris

  5. lucinda

    Great post very good tips!
    Hope you have a great weekend.

  6. Colleen

    This is such great advice and very timley as well. As always, you photography is lovely and just puts a smile on my face – so thank you!

  7. tiffany

    I would love to go on a flea market vacation.. they don’t have them around here that I know of.. if I ever get to do that.. I am printing off your list! it’s great!

  8. Joy at Cupids Charm

    Hi Heather! As always, I am inspired by your posts. Loved the trick about the magnets. I’ll try that one next time I am out. I also like the trick about bringing your own cart along. But since I drive a little Miata, the carts are usually bigger than my car! LOL So although I can’t drag home large pieces of furniture, I sure can pack in a lot of jewelry!!! Have a great weekend! xoxo ~ Joy J.

  9. Ele at A bit of Pink Heaven

    Wonderful advice. We only have an indoor flea market around here once a month, and sadly it looks nothing like your pics. Can I move to where you live? Guess not! Thanks for the yummies.

  10. Amber

    Awesome tips Heather! Thanks for sharing your expertise developed from experience. 🙂 Now, if only you could share the great flea markets in the cities that each of us live. 🙂 They are sometimes hard to find!

  11. jamie

    All Great Tips Heather, i think i do them all except the Magnet! I had never heard of that and it is a Great tip. We could run into each other one day,we seem to hit the same flea markets… Lovely post as usual…

  12. Penny-Elizabeth Neil

    I wish we had flea markets in Australia like you do! We have ‘swap meets’ but they’re only on once a year in each place. I think there’s maybe 3 in a year you could sensibly drive to. We need more vintage in Australia (not least because it would make it cheaper..!)
    The only thing I didn’t think of for my list was the magnet idea, that is super handy! And it saves the obvious give-away when you’re squinting at the thing for a 925 mark!

  13. Lori

    Heather ~ What a fun post ~ I just love love flea market time of year !! I remember when I was a new flea market gal, I swore I would never have a cart because they looked like such a paint to lug around ~ NOW I wouldn’t go to the large flea markets without it ~ I LOVE mine !!!

  14. traci

    we do not have flea markets anything like what you have! Ours are kinda like what another blogger said, Inside, once a month and more like a tossed together garage sale of “STRANGE” things that make you go…huh?
    Been once and didnt go back..lol
    How I would LOVE to live somewhere that had nice flea markets….however garage sales are going on like crazy now and even though they arent as fabulous as your flea markets I hit the jackpot today!!

  15. Maddy

    Thanks for your fabulous posts. I check every day to see what you are up to!!!!
    I would love some advise. I am in the market for a new camera and would appreciate some suggestions. You take such fabulous photos. I feel like I am right there with you on your shopping excursions!!!! I am also interested in starting a blog but have no idea how to begin. Do I take a class?? Any suggestions would be much appreciated!!! Next time I get out to LA to visit my sister I am going to make her take me to Temecula!!!!!
    What a lovely place to live and play!!!
    Keep up the great work!!!

  16. meg duerksen

    you are killing me with all this flea market talk.
    i love to go but it’s been so long.
    i have decided…i am determined…i WILL go to a real flea market soon…at least this by this summer.
    since we moved form IL. it’s just not the same around here.
    and going to round top is a dream of mine (and my mom and sister)
    and i will use the “friendliest price” line for sure. 🙂 i usually say “is this your best price today?” and lots of smiles and thank you’s.
    oh i miss it so very much.
    you are right on with ALL your tips.
    the pretzels didn’t get me it was always the cinnamon covered nuts.
    have a great night!

  17. Jackie

    As usual, you provide such great info while entertaining me. I just got my ledger paper I ordered from you and I LOVE IT! Can’t wait to use it in an art piece but I might have to go to the flea market for a couple more things :} From reading comments, I guess we are pretty lucky to live in an area that there are flea markets…who knew?

  18. Edie Marie's Attic

    Hi Heather! Great tips and all of them completely true! The one that got away is always etched in our minds isn’t it?
    Hugs, Sherry

  19. Kara & Darcy

    Speaking of flea markets {CL fair}…..hey I told Michelle of stella shows to put us close to a couple of our favorite people and I put you on the list!!!! Nice to have a group of people that know one another to help each other out. Can’t wait!!! Love the pics.
    Enjoy your day!
    Kara & Darcy

  20. Ruth

    Hi Heather~
    Thanks for all of the wise and wondeful tips!
    I adore that cupboard and numbered chairs..simple divine!
    Thanks fo sharing~
    xxxoo Ruth

  21. tammyCA

    Now I remember why I haven’t flea marketed in years…I hate the bargaining part. I find it very difficult to bargain for a lower price – I’ve done it a few times, but I just don’t have it in me. The first time I went to a flea market (Rose Bowl) I was so stupid…I bought a painted jug for $25! What was I thinking? I don’t even love it! I bet that seller was laughing at me – it was probably worth $5.

  22. Kirstie

    Hi Heather, Thank you for the tips and tricks, once again beautiful images, I have to wipe the drool from my chin….lol.

  23. LeAnn

    Hi Heather,
    I just went to the first one of the year around here last week in Ann Arbor, MI. Supposedly, Rachel Ashwell stops there once in awhile, although didn’t catch a glimpse of her this time.
    Thanks for the great tips. It’s always nice to see how a pro does it.
    LeAnn 🙂

  24. ~Heidi

    These are GREAT tips! Thank you for sharing. Believe it or not I’ve never been to a flea market and was thinking of going soon. These tips will definately help!

  25. kayellen

    Wow! You know I love it!
    Hope you bought that china hutch!
    I would like to go when my silly arm is out of this cast!
    We need to have lunch soon:) My treat.

  26. Patricia Eaton

    All the tips for flea market shoppers were just great. I would love to employ all of them in my own shopping, but where I live there is ONE flea market….well, there’s a couple more but they aren’t so hot, so some of your suggestions just don’t apply. If I had more flea markets in the area, you can bet I’d use your suggestions. I have made friends with the owner of the one I check out frequently…it has become one of my favorite things to do and I have found some really neat things there, not to mention the therapeutic factor that comes into play, Thanks for doing all you do! Pat at birdnestontheground

  27. Isabel ~ Maison Douce

    Wow, Heather! Your posts and photographs are wonderful, your blog is definitely one of my favorites!!!! Thanks for the tip on sterling silver, I never knew!! Please never stop bringing us such loveliness…!

  28. Rosemary

    Hi Heather,
    I have been flea marketing a long time too.
    You didn’t miss a trick. Those are all of the tips I would give as well.
    Great photos!!

  29. buppy

    ohhh Heather, you did it again , so helpful-thanks you are so much fun and I love your photography, on rainy Mondays- you just know how to perk a gal up -thanks…what kind of camera do you have?

  30. Joanne

    Great tips! I love going to flea markets and love seeing photos of the ones I can’t get to.
    This is my first visit to your blog and have added you down on my favorite list so I will be back often.

  31. Lisa

    Lots of great tips to keep in mind. Love all the nice pictures. So many wonderful items to consider.

  32. Teresa

    Thanks for the great tips Heather. I’m heading to Spokane (the Farm Chicks) in June and these tips will come in handy.
    Love all your photos.

  33. Maija Lepore

    Thanks for the info- perfect timing for me as I will be near LA this weekend, and a flea market is on the agenda!

  34. julie

    What a treat!! I will be there. I’m finally “cashing in” my mother’s day gift from my daughter which is to go to the Nov flea market!! What fun to be with such fabulous & inspiring people. Can’t wait!! The magnet is the BEST idea ever. Thanks!

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