Chinatown, L.A.

China1 Over the holiday weekend, my sister and I decided to take the kids to Chinatown in L.A. for a day of cultural adventure.

China2 Besides there being an enormous sea of people, there was also a sea of vibrant colors.

China3 It put me in the mood to have a Chinese themed party, if only I had a reason to throw one. Maybe for New Years?

We strolled into a Chinese herbal shop that had lots of photos of their famous movie star clientele hanging all over the store. No celebrity sightings for us, just lots of interesting Chinese herbs along with your assortment of insects and such.

China4 I think they told me this was ginseng. I know it’s not ginger because I’ve actually bought ginger before to use in my cooking. So, we’ll go with ginseng unless one of you are more familiar with this expensive dried stuff.

China6 The Chinatown in L.A. isn’t as large as the famous one in San Francisco but it still has it’s own unique charm and many ofย  the vintage signs from long ago are still remaining.


China7 Does anyone know what these are? I asked the lady selling them 3 or 4 times and still never understood what she was saying. She motioned to me that you peel and eat it, which I gathered. But still, no clue. She did tell us it was not kiwi……yeah, got that. Any quesses?

We didn’t eat anything in Chinatown and this is the reason why:

China8 Located just a few blocks away is The Original Philippe. They have been in business since around 1908. It’s an old school lunch counter type place with simple homecooked food, waitresses wearing their uniforms and signature hats, you feel like you’re stepping back in time.

China9 You can see why they are still going strong. Lines everywhere you look. I think the man in the yellow is wondering why I want his picture. Can you spot Sweet Girl standing in line to get her Homemade Cinnamon Sugar Doughnut? She means business, they are seriously good.

China10 And one of the best things…you can get Delicious Ice Cold Lemonade or Iced Tea at old fashioned prices!

Hope you enjoyed your visit to Chinatown, L.A. I tried to share with you my favorites from the day and spare you the hot sweaty weather, crowded streets, stinky fish shops and a few other unmentionables!

30 Responses to “Chinatown, L.A.”

  1. denise sandy-sanchez

    That fruit is called dragon fruit. My family is preparing to move to China for two years and while we were there last December we fell in love with the dragon fruit and ate plenty. Funny how my mouth is watering for a sample.

  2. Tami B.

    Wow! Looks so colorful & fun! I LOVE the fruit(?) photo…it has me intrigued…it’s so pretty!

  3. Stephanie

    Yup, that’s ginseng… I think my mom drank it before. We use to live above a herbal shop when I was little and boy the smell of those herbal medicine was strong.

  4. Marla

    Heather! Yes, like Denise said, the fruit is called Dragon Fruit. It looks like the scales on a dragon. It is actually the fruit of a cactus plant – the Hylocereus. It blooms only at night; they have large white fragrant flowers of the typical cactusflower shape, that are often called Moonflower or Queen of the Night. It is pretty tasty! The inside flesh is usually white with tiny black seeds and has a creamy texture. It grows in Southern Asia around Taiwan and Viet Nam and it also grows in Mexico and Central and So. America. I always buy and try something new at the Asian market here in Atlanta and my kids were intrigued by this fruit! Luckily they have most things labeled in both English and whatever other language (depending on where it comes from). I then have to go home and look it up before we eat it, so I’ll know what part to eat and if it needs to be cooked! Enjoying your posts!

  5. Beth

    What a beautiful and colorful post. A bright and beautiful Chinese party would be the perfect way to ring in the New Year! Your blog is so informative as was this trip through China Town. Loved it.
    Was Sweet Girl in the green? She looked determined and I hope the donut was worth the wait.
    I would love to try the dragon fruit, it sounds delicious from the other comments….

  6. Bristol

    What a fun post. I love the pic of the lanterns so colorful~ that resturant stop looks yummy~

  7. jamie

    That is a fun day. My girlfriend and I took our kids a few years back on the Train. Stop at union station and boy is that a trip in itself.. So fun.

  8. Kim

    Hi Heather,
    I love your pictures – they are so colourful. We are going to San Francisco in December and are taking a walking tour of Chinatown there – after seeing your pictures I can’t wait! By the way, dragonfruit are delicious – not only to look at but to eat too!

  9. MonicaA

    I moved here to Okinawa Japan a few months ago and they sell and grow those beautiful dragon fruits everywhere. I haven’t eaten it by its self yet , but I did have some in a smoothie..pretty delish!
    looks like a fun weekend!

  10. Teresa

    Thanks for taking us to Chinatown with you. It was a nice trip and it didn’t even make my feet hurt. LOL!

  11. Victoria

    Great post, I’m off to LA next month and inspired by your post I think I’ll have to visit Chinatown.

  12. Jess Gordon

    What a great post!! Makes me want to head to the nearest Chinatown to do some exploring :)!! Love your photos!

  13. Tidymom

    WOW $58/pound! That’s some expensive stuff!! LOL.
    Where were you when you took that picture in the restaurant? you’re up high – is there a balcony? That guy in the yellow was watching you! LOL —that’s how I feel when I try taking pictures in public, wonder if people think “what is she doing?” LOL

  14. Colette

    Yes, that is ginseng ๐Ÿ™‚ My dad’s family planted and grew the root since the early 1900’s. The price is high, but the amount of time and effort involved in growing it is unbelieveable.

  15. kristen

    I almost bought some dragon fruit at Whole Foods last week but decided to get a cheap bottle of wine instead….a girl’s gotta have priorities.
    Great pics Heather!

  16. Michele

    Heather…awesome colorful and bright! That diner looks yummy…I love old places like that, especially if they’re still goin strong!!!

  17. Mei / WireBliss

    Yeah! those are Dragon Fruit. It is quite popular in Malaysia in recent years. I love the purple flesh type compared to the white flesh. If they have both you may try each then you can compare which one is better. But, don’t be surprise with purplish (ligh) colored urine ๐Ÿ˜€

  18. Laura Dellaporta

    ahhhh color… I forgot what that was like as I have been stuck in the pink pond!!!! Oh I love the pink pond too!!!
    mmmm love the dragon fruit looks a little like my Italian artichokes with a sunburn…xoxoxoo Laura

  19. DivaDeb

    Miss Heather, I am just wondering…. where exactly WERE you when you snapped that shot inside Phillipe’s? Was there table dancing going on?!!!! The vantage point is awfully high…. ;0)

  20. Loretta Reynolds

    The photos are wonderful!
    Hubby and I have been wanting to take the kids downtown for some “famous” french dip. I could tell from where you took the photo that they still have all the rooms upstairs where you can eat too!
    Now I want to go tomorrow.

  21. Elaine L.

    I love Philippe’s. I usually get a purple pickled egg to go with my sandwich. Oh,and check out the price of a cup of coffee.
    You should go to Olviera Street for the Day of the Dead Celebration – very fun. You can take the Metro Link and get off at Union Station and walk across the street. Parking during celebrations, is almost impossible to find.

  22. phyllis

    “expensive dried stuff” LOL!
    I don’t know either…of course.
    A whole restaurant devoted to french dip! Cool!

  23. tammyCA

    A couple years ago we finally went down to Chinatown & afterwards ate at Phillipes. I love the colors down there, too…bought several silk parasols & little outfits for my girls to wear for Halloween (the silk was so slippery they were sliding off the couches…lol). I have yet to see Union Station and Olvera street – one of these days.

  24. doodles

    Well you and your sister sound like my sister and I when we take off on a journey to Downtown………….cept no kidlets and we argue over Philippe’s and Olvera Street…..usually flip a coin ๐Ÿ˜‰

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