Antiquing in Texas Article

Rcfall08  The fall issue of Romantic Country magazine features my article about junkin' around the Texas fields in search of must have antiques during the Roundtop & Marburger Antique Shows.

Rcfall082 Seeing at all my photos in print sure makes it look glamorous! And although there is beauty everywhere you turn, you sometimes have to wade through miles of dirt and grass. But then again, that's all part of the adventure.

When you produce an article you turn in loads of photos along with your text and it's up to the Art Director and Editor to make them all work together into the vision they have for the magazine. Because there are so many photos,  some are not chosen to go to print but are still just as captivating. Here are a few additional ones that didn't make it to this feature but I thought I'd share with you. A sort of behind the scenes of my article.  {You can click on the pictures to enlarge!}

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Rct43_edited-1 You can see there is a wide variety of antiques to choose from while shopping Antiques Week in Texas. The dealers put so much creativty into their displays and merchandise, many of them scouring the country if not the world to bring you the best of the best.  I hope you have a chance to pick up the latest issue of Romantic Country to read more details on making the trip for yourself. It's available nearly everywhere now, Target, Ralphs and even Sam's Club. You wouldn't want to miss this issue packed with vintage inspiration.   

47 Responses to “Antiquing in Texas Article”

  1. Alice

    Heather, beautiful article and I got to see and read it in person yesterday at Winco in Eagle, Idaho)right next door to Boise). It was gorgeous. I was doing my grocery shopping and saw the magazine and picked it up and couldn’t put it down sooooooooo it came home with me:)) I have devoured it over and over in the last 15 hours!! Loved Rachel Ashwell’s new home too….yum

  2. My Shabby Roses

    You are right! Your photos really show the talent out there. You take great pictures too. I know that your photos also brings out the beauty of all the items even more.

  3. Dede Warren

    Heather, the photos are beautiful as always. This is your art! You capture things like no other, and I am so glad you always share your photos with us.
    I wish I had a fwd of those fabulous spoons for this weekends workshops with Cindy! I look forward to seeing what great bits and pieces you bring to work with!

  4. ann

    Hi Heather! I was at Borders the other day and I saw your article in the magazine…it is gorgeous…just another perfect production by you…thank you for sharing your exquisite talents with all of us..

  5. Suzanne Duda

    Heather, I actually bought this magazine while I was in Texas a few weeks ago attending the shows…Your article is fabulous as are all the additional photos. You always manage to capture the beauty in even the simplest of things, and that is a gift. Thanks for sharing it all with us! xo suzanne

  6. Monica A

    Thanks for sharing those gorgeous pictures!!!
    I MUST get the magazine next time I’m shopping!!

  7. Monica

    I can’t wait to see article. We feature Romantic Homes right inside the front door of our shop. The photo of the ribbons took my breath away. I’d spend every dime I had right at that vendor.

  8. cerri

    Heather based on these photos I’m sure the article is stunning. I will have to look for it.
    You take such beautiful photos, you really have a gift!
    Thank you for sharing them!
    ~Cerri xo

  9. Andrea

    With all those gorgeous photos you took…It’s a wonder they can decide which ones to use…Ah heck, I woulda just used them all :o)

  10. Lee-Ann

    Hi Heather –
    I will look for the magazine for sure, the pictures are great! – I just returned from Round Top myself for the fall show. I was able to attend with 3 girl friends – what a blast!! We had so much fun “junkin”. I was a little afraid that a couple of the girls would not “get it” – but I think I’ve converted them. We’re booked already for next year! Thank you again for such inspiration.

  11. Kimberly

    Well Howdy H! Looks like I am off to my favorite French store on my next trip to Coeurd’alene to see about a magazine! I am so happy that you get to do what you love and get paid for it!!!! Blessings, Kimberly

  12. Brandie Pahl

    You’re photos are, as always, absolutely gorgeous! I need to get to Texas for some shopping:) First, I’ll get my hands on that magazine!

  13. Alauar Parrish

    Hey Heather; I have the fall one and just loved your article, and the photos were just amazing. Made me want to go to Texas. lol

  14. La Donna

    I’m going to pick this up! Wonderful photos!
    All the best, from a fellow Texan!
    La Donna

  15. Victoria Lynn

    Congratulations on the article – I really enjoyed it. I hope I can get there myself one day. Thank you for sharing your “extra” photos…they are all beautiful! You have a great eye. Have a blessed week.
    Victoria Lynn

  16. Sara's Sweet Surprise

    Heather~ OH HAPPY DAY! I finally get to adorn my home with your beautiful photography. I’ll have to get several copies, for the coffee table, office, studio, plus extras for those that slip out my door, by friends. I hope this is just the beginning of many more articles!
    *Sweet Wishes*!
    P.S I’ve been away…working on my Parisian Give Away (valued at $200+) Come take a peek.

  17. Sara's Sweet Surprise

    Heather~ OH HAPPY DAY! I finally get to adorn my home with your beautiful photography. I’ll have to get several copies, for the coffee table, office, studio, plus extras for those that slip out my door, by friends. I hope this is just the beginning of many more articles!
    *Sweet Wishes*!
    P.S I’ve been away…working on my Parisian Give Away (valued at $200+) Come take a peek.

  18. byABPryor

    Just beautiful Heather.
    Can you explain to me the whole metal crown thing? I know it’s a green question.. but I am seeing them a lot in the altered art circles… and I recently picked up a beautiful one at a thrift store.. but I know nothing about it besides the fact that it is a very pretty, jeweled, size-adjustable metal crown.

  19. kim hesson

    congrats! i have to say i’m drooling over the stacks of seambinding and want to reach in and grab a few!

  20. Elaine L.

    Heather, I love your decorating style! How is the kitchen coming along? I want to redo my kitchen, so I can’t wait to see how yours looks when it’s finished.
    I, also, want to redo my bedroom. I would love to see pics of yours for inspiration.

  21. Alison Gibbs

    Hi Heather it was fun to read your article when I got my magazine delivered. Fabulous to have a subscription and have it delivered here in Australia and to not have to go looking everywhere for it.
    It has been fun catching up on all of your posts I missed while I have been away from Blogland

  22. kayellen

    Looks great Heather!
    Can’t wait to pick up the magazine:)
    Love the crowns!!!
    See you at the party!

  23. forcryeye

    I don’t know how they couldn’t use those photo’s…was that a double negative? Yikes. I am trying to say the photo’s are great! I would love those tiara’s.

  24. Kim G.

    I am so excited to get my hands on a copy of this issue! The pictures are divine,I love the enamelware, sooooo pretty!

  25. Lori

    I can’t wait to see pics of the Soiree !! One of my friends was there so I was living through her and it sounded like so much fun !!

  26. ashley crim

    this texas gal wishes she was able to head home this year for the fantastic week in Round Top!
    I had a quick question for you if you have time…I recently found a crown like the ones you pictured above and blogged about it recently…can you tell me anything about them or at least the ones you saw and their prices…I think I got a good deal, but I am interested in their value and history…

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