Valentine’s Day Craft

Val6    The holiday of romance is just around the corner and who says it has to be red, pink and white? Here's a simple craft project with neutral colors in celebration of our beloved Valentine's Day.

Val2  For the project, I picked up this package of 3 wooden hearts for $1 at my local Joann's. What a deal. Next I pulled out my stash of broken pearl necklaces, craft paint and Martha's Glitter Glue. The first thing I did was paint the outside of the hearts.

Val3   I didn't bother with sanding or priming them. A coat or two does the trick. While they were drying I pulled off a variety of pearls from the necklaces. Using several different strands creates great texture and depth of color.

Val4   Once I had enough pearls, I filled the interior of the hearts with a thick coat of glue. Notice the glitter in the glue? I'm sure many of you can relate. Just ignore it and pretend it's a brand new bottle, ok? 

Val5   While the glue was still damp I filled the inside with enough pearls to cover completely and gently pressed down on them to set them. You may have to go back and fill in a couple loose ones later. 

Val7 I also brushed a bit of antiquing glaze on them to age them a bit. After they dried I added a ribbon to the back with hot glue and tied a small skeleton key to one of the ribbons. You could easily add your own personal touch with a key or other sentimental object. Wouldn't this be the perfect gift for the one that holds the key to your heart?

Edited: Here's the link for the Antiquing Glaze I use. It's perfect for just about any project and lasts forever. I've had my bottle for nearly a year and I've antiqued everything except The Man!

97 Responses to “Valentine’s Day Craft”

  1. Brandie Pahl

    What a great little project! They’re beautiful. I might have to try it! Thanks for sharing this lovely project:)

  2. Lori

    Ooooh…pretty! I was admiring your box of goodies that you showed on this post. I love vintage-looking pearls! ~Lori

  3. Jody Bradshaw

    Heather, it’s always a joy to read your blog and see what new wonderful ideas you have to share. Thanks for the inspiration you provide, I’m always so impressed.
    A few weeks late, but, Happy New Year to you and yours, hope this is the best year ever!

  4. Peggy Lee Baker

    Lovely Hearts, pearls are my favorite and the mixes of color is beautiful..
    I want to rush out to find some gems and make some for me. thanks for sharing
    peggy lee

  5. Connie

    Honey, you did fantastic on those little hearts! Just little jewels I tell ya. Oh, btw, how big do you make your photos on your camera? I mean what is the setting on for the size coming OFF the camera? Does that make sense? I like how you get really good clear close ups with the dpi about 200-300. Really great photos, chick.

  6. Angie

    What a great idea, love it! What kind of antiquing glaze do you use? and does it come in different colors? Thanks for sharing!

  7. debe

    Amazing the stuff that just rolls out of your head. Simple, yet totally stunning! Glad I get to enjoy your creativity!

  8. Elaine L.

    What a wonderful Idea! Depending on the size, they would make beautiful brooches. They would, also, be pretty with seed beads.
    Ooooo, now you got me thinking of the possibilities.

  9. MonicaA

    Oh they are stunning Heather! Great project 🙂
    Too bad I dont have a Joanns over here or a Target or a Home goods…and so on the joys of living in japan!!
    Have a great week 🙂

  10. Michelle

    How absolutely beautiful and easy! What a great craft idea. I think I am going to have to try this! 🙂 Thank you for the instructions!

  11. A Thrifty Mrs

    What a wonderful project. I may have a go at this one actually as I have lots of spare beads just sitting around doing nothing.

  12. Tidymom

    What a BEAUTIFUL project!!!Now I wish I had some old broken pearl strands! LOL
    Thanks for sharing!!

  13. Carolyn E

    I LOVE these hearts! Simply beautiful!
    I think my DS would enjoy making some of these with beads and odds & ends (& maybe some different shapes too!) Thanks for sharing this beautiful project!

  14. cheryl Hancock

    I simply love these hearts. Thank you for sharing. You have added a beautiful touch to my day. What type of antiquing glaze do you use? Cherylh

  15. jamie

    Ooooh, Just Beautiful! I could make several of these. Thanks for the Inspiration. Jamie

  16. Tracy

    you are so clever with your crafts- sweet and simple! what type of antiquing glaze did you use?
    have a great day and thanks for sharing!

  17. Cynthia

    What a cute little project. I have some older beads that need a new pretty home. Thanks for all your lovely ideas.

  18. Dian

    THanks for this darling idea…I love it! Did you antique the wooden heart? Can’t tell if the paint is flat or if it has a weathered look. Yikes! I’m on my way to JoAnn’s!

  19. Kathleen Moser

    Hi Heather,
    I love your heart and key. I may just have to make some. I have a huge box of old costume jewelry and some of the strands are broken.

  20. jackie

    I LOVE this! I will definitely do these. I think I might also use this idea for the 3rd grade Valentine Party craft (I’m a room mom) – paint them a bright color and use inexpensive colored plastic-ish beads – I think they would love that – and it’ll be such a cute favor that parents will like too!!

  21. paige

    oh i am all over this!!
    antiquing glaze…is that its true name? do i find that at my craft store too?
    so so cute & i love how you share your secrets with us

  22. Becky

    I really love these and will now need to go to Joannes tomorrow Ü. What will I fill my hearts with, hmm, not sure!

  23. Rachel

    WOW-these are STUNNING! I’m so excited about this project. I’ll be linking in my Valentine Roundup. Thanks so much for sharing this!

  24. Joy

    Absolutely gorgeous!!! Those are so pretty I would want to display them all year long!

  25. Marianna

    Oh I just love this! Thanks for sharing! I’m ganna run out and pick up some wood hearts and try this. Lot’s of broken pearl jewelry I’ve been stashing away and this is the perfect way to make use of them 😉
    PS.I’m an antiquing glaze addict as well and that’s the one that I use too, great stuff and goes a long way!

  26. Jane

    What a great idea to get away from the red and pink. I don’t have the heart (the heart inside of me 😀 ) to break up any of my faux pearl necklaces but you can probably buy beads at Michaels. I’m going to try this one!
    Thanks for the inspiring idea!

  27. Helena

    What a wonderful idea!! I will treasure it and maybe use it some day… I can see hearts like that all around my house!You truly have a wonderful blog

  28. Jeanne

    Thanks for the link for the glaze. It will be fun to try it out. Glad you have not used it on your husband….yet!!!!

  29. Stacy

    These are beautiful, I’ll definitely have to try some! Your new kitchen looks great too.

  30. caren

    Love these little hearts! My only problem is I don’t have the pearls. 🙁
    Your kitchen is beautiful!

  31. Vickie

    What a wonderful idea! I’m a fan of this look. It’s peaceful and serene. I’m going to make a few of these!

  32. Joy

    LOVE this idea Heather – I prefer these soft muted tones as well. The added key is the perfect finishing touch. 🙂

  33. Lisa Boni

    These are perfect! Now I know what to do with some of the pearls I have! Thanks so much for sharing the idea!

  34. Sharyn

    I love these pearl hearts! You should have heard me gasp when I saw them when I went to read your blog. Thank you so much for the “how to” and the inspiration.

  35. JudyBug

    The hearts are just adorable! I’ve got to try these and love the tip about the antiquing glaze.

  36. Amy

    Lovely! Thanks so much for sharing! Just wanted to let you know that on Friday afternoon the kids and I made some wooden hearts from your inspiration! We used what we had on hand… they glued big chunky beads onto wooden hearts and I used a combination of glitter, pearls,& sequins. We had a blast and we all loved the outcome! I have so many Present Past inpsired projects in my home. Thank you for always sharing your beauty!

  37. Dori

    So pretty, Heather! Don’t you just love pearls? Now….where did I hide my little stash of keys……

  38. Holly

    What a lovely project! Thank you for sharing. This is my first visit to your blog, I have more browsing to do, and will definitely visit often!

  39. Amanda

    I’ve following your blog for a while now, and this project is amazing!
    I’ll be linking!

  40. Glenda

    ooooh, oooooh, ooooooh
    I have to do this project, it’s right up my alley. Thanks for showing us. High oh, High Oh, its off to Joanns I go.

  41. Tee

    oh I love that craft!!! Great idea 🙂 The rest of your blog is brilliant too, I shall certainly be back soon!!! 🙂
    Have a great weekend!
    -Tee from Dragonfly Cottage

  42. Polly

    Very beautiful!! Can’t wait to try it out. And I’m praying for you as you recover. ((hugs)) …Polly

  43. Glenda

    I am sad to report that my Jo-Ann’s around me do not carry these hearts. I looked and asked in both and they do not. I am sad. But I will not give up.

  44. Anne Marie

    You are simply fantastically inspiring!
    My head is seriously spinning with ideas.
    nice to meet you 🙂

  45. cata

    I love these pearl hearts!
    Your blog is so inspiring, thanks for sharing your art!
    Regards from Tuscany.

  46. kim downey

    Those are great…I think I could do those in the shapes of stars for Christmas…wonderful idea, thanks! Kim

  47. Kathy

    What a sweet idea. I know I have lots of costume pearl necklaces around. I think I have a couple of those keys too. Now I don’t have to get rid of them. Thanks.

  48. Cheri

    What an amazing idea!
    A friend forwarded your site to me cause I help run craft nights for our church kids club. I can’t wait to try this out with them.

  49. Rose

    Hello Heather, I was looking thru your beautiful blog and as usual having a wonderful time and came across this post for the beautiful jeweled hearts and I tried to clik on the link for the antiquing glaze but it wasn’t working, do you still by chance remember what it was called or the brand or color? If you do and could share that information that would be wonderful :)Thank you for sharing such pretty ideas, I truly enjoy your beautiful blog. Rose

  50. Heidi

    Hey there,
    Just tried the link to the glaze and it send me to Lowes homepage. I’d love to get some!

  51. Nadya

    Very sweet project! I have a heart that is bigger than yours but I can try to do something similar! Thanks for this lovely idea!

  52. Stephanie Frye

    I am going to make these with a lock on one and key on the other with chiffon ribbons for my daughters chair at her wedding……so exited

  53. Eleanor keating

    Hi know this is a long shot, but I’ve fallen in love with your pearl hearts, scanned the web looking for them with no luck, its the wood frames I’m looking for. U know what it’s like when u have to have something, wondering if u can point me in the right direction, saw u did these quite a while ago, hope o can help, many thanks eleanor

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