Free Download: Raspberry Jam Label


One of the stories I produced was titled Afternoon Delight. When I was originally working on the concept I used the working title of French Farmgirls. The name alone became my inspiration. I pictured good friends gathered around a farmhouse table leisurely sharing stories about their lives and noshing on delicious treats. An afternoon of delights if you will.

As a take home gift for each farmgirl small pots of homemade Raspberry Jam were given as a token of thanks and celebration of the season. I found an old photo on Ebay of three really fancy farmgirls sitting on the front porch of a big farmhouse and thought it was perfect for the labels.


As a gift to our readers we offered the label as a Free Download and I've decided to make it available here on the blog because I thought some of you might enjoy it as well.

Jam label1_edited-2-1-1   

So if you'd like to grab the high resolution label for yourself, just right click on the photo above and save it to your computer. It will print with the small black border going all the way around it…for some reason Typepad cuts off a portion of the right side of all my photos but they show up fine in Google Reader. It's very frustrating but I'm too lazy/busy to figure out why. Will add that to my to do list someday.

What's so funny about the labels….when I was setting up the shoot I was lamenting about "Why oh why didn't I print the words in French?" And my friend said to me, "Yeah, why didn't you?" Kicking myself still. In any case hindsight is 20/20 and not everything goes according to plan. 😉

50 Responses to “Free Download: Raspberry Jam Label”

  1. Jennifer Ingram

    I make jam and this is very cool – thanks! Jennifer

  2. susie harris

    Hi Heather!
    That is so sweet of you to share. It does bring back memories…not that I’m that old..ha! My Aunt has a copy of a picture of my Grandmother and her Sister sitting on their front porch and it looks similar to yours. She lived to be 100 1/2 and was in awesome health when she passed. Her heart just stopped whlie she was at home. I hope to live a life half as sweet as hers.
    Thank you for sharing this label….and bringing back sweet memories of days gone by~ Susie Harris

  3. Laura @ PARING DOWN

    That is a wonderful photo. I LOVE old photos – I enlarged several b & w family photos to poster size, framed them, and used them as graphic art in my living/dining room!

  4. Laurie

    I recognize those feet! That was a great afternoon Heather. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of the photoshoot. You are so professional and talented and not only that, you are warm and kind and fun to be with!!! Now I’m inspired to make jam :0)

  5. Jill

    I love the label! And I’ll save you some thinking time by telling you how you can avoid the photo being cut off in Typepad… after you choose your image, set the “image option” at custom, choose “custom” from the drop down menu, and put in the pixel width you want for the photo. I use 475 because my column width is 500. Anything larger always gets cut off. If someone clicks on the photo in your post, it will open in a new window at the size you originally saved it at.
    Have I made any sense?

  6. Wendy

    Great idea for a label. I’ve color copied family childhood pictures on card stock to use as Christmas tags. Everyone enjoys seeing each others pictures.

  7. Karen B.

    Thanks for sharing the label. I, too, love to use old photos in many different types of projects. Haven’t made jam in years, but you’ve inspired me to get back into it. And I just waned to let you know how much I love the new magazine!!! I think I’ve died and gone to heaven – it has everything I love, and I’ve poured over it for hours already. Had to search all over the place to find one, but hooray for Barnes & Noble! Can’t wait to see your next issue. -Karen B.

  8. Heather

    That is so happy – I love it. Now I’m going to tie happy string on my jams in the summer in the Shabby Shack. I have to thank you – your chicken house is the final inspiration to get my husband talking about letting me get chickens. Yippie! that is way to cute – how fabulously fancy are these chickens of yours.

  9. Kelly Green

    your article and photos in the magazine were absolutely beautiful…how fun! It has me thinking about spring and summer entertaining in my backyard. the new magazine is just beautiful!!

  10. Michele

    thanks for the photo. I will probably use in some paper item I make. I love oldness…….
    thanks for sharing.

  11. kath

    Thanks so much for the download! Very cute. I have some pics of my ansesters that are like that. Now maybe I will figure out how to use them like this.
    Got the mag a couple of weeks ago after looking franticly for it for days. LOVE every page and article. Who do I need to send a note to encourage them to make this a regular magazine? Keep up the good work.(when did I forget how to spell???)

  12. Kristy

    i swear, i can’t stand it. that table, the setting, the couch, EVERYTHING about it screams lovely to me. off to look at it again :O)

  13. Debbie Demmers-Lujan

    Thank you, Heather, for sharing the photo….am so ready for days of warmth to sit outside and have some toast with jam and coffee. More of a coffee gal than a tea drinker….but, will drink tea if it comes with a friend and good conversation!! blessings…deb

  14. con-tain-it

    Thanks Heather for the wonderful download/photo…too cute. I see someone else helped you with inserting photos in your posts in typepad. Another note is that once you load one custom photo this way, you can check that all the photos for your blog “default” to this custom size and then you won’t ever have to worry about it again. Hope this helps, fondly, Roberta

  15. Donna Baker

    I did see those labels in the mag and thought they were great. But, I must comment on your chicken coop. It is really great. I can’t get my husband to put new chicken wire up to replace the old rusty wire. The buff orpington is not going to be as friendly as the barred rock. She also won’t be a good setter. She will get big and heavy. I love my chickens. Just don’t get started with turkeys. They are the best of all. Just like dogs. I think your new coop should be called Cluckingham Palace.

  16. sarah-jane down the lane

    Hello Heather,
    What a lovely magazine, I must track it down…..sometimes some of the larger stores in London have excellent import sections, I will make tracks!
    Wonderful Jam pot label! Thank you.
    Roll on Springtime,
    Sarah x

  17. stacey

    love the label and I love home made jam, nothing better. on a side note, Rasberry Jam sounds like a good name for a rock band, LOL!

  18. Stacy~Creativemuse

    Wow Heather Love the table setting. I hope you did get to actually have some tea and scones with your Raspberry Jam! Yum Clotted Cream too! Love Love Love the flowers…I used to do wedding flowers before the little ones came along and I still adore them. In my own Garden I am torn with the cottage and the water conscience/native and edible plants. I beleive the later will prevail with dashes of cottage flowers since they are water glutens.My girl friend got an Americauna for the blue/green eggs and after seeing your chicks I think I’ll have to get two more chicks for our Easter and the Children.
    Thank you for sharing and I can’t wait to get my copy of the magazine you’ve poured so much energy,time and love into.

  19. kathleen gauthier

    I would love to download this label. I have three daughters, one of whom, is always making jam. I’m always drawn to photos of three women. I wanted to thank you for the post you did not too long ago about Cap Creations. I ordered the ring you posted and I just received it and I love it. I am going to post about it on my blog and I will link you to that post. Hope that’s okay.

  20. Lynn Guinn

    Heather! You are a femavore!
    Oh, and thank you for the jam label!
    That is the cutest chicken coop ever! You should see mine! No wait. Maybe not.

  21. susie harris

    Hi Heather!
    I hear that you will be at RoundTop…
    My sister and I will be there a week from this coming Wed. We hope to spend a few days there shopping.If you will still be there we would love to meet you~ Thanks! Susie

  22. Karen

    Thanks so much! I’ve got some berries in my freezer that are wanting to be made into jam, too! Now I need strawberry, and marionberry, and…. jk.

  23. Marilyn Meaux

    I’m love,love, loving the Flea Market magazine.
    i was so inspired by the article you did.
    It’s providing ideas for my best friend and me, who plan to set up a booth in a local flea market, (a longtime dream of ours).
    ANNNDDD…..we are packing away for the Roundtop Fair. If i see you there, i might be a little shy, so as not to appear as some strange stalker, but i’m gonna bust a move and say hello.
    Before i forget, i must add, after showing my hubby your chicken coop, he was quick to make me bookmark it.
    Such a fine palace for those poulet.
    To myself, i thought “as if”, but i humored him.
    We live in town, so i don’t see us with chickens anytime soon.
    Still, it was quite impressive.
    sincerely, marilyn

  24. Sandra

    Fabulous label and many thanks for allowing me/us to use it. Your blog is so restful and calming; I’m enjoying my visit.

  25. Barbara

    Such a pretty table and interesting jam label. I do not make jam anymore but wouldhave loved the label if I still did.
    Your chicken coup is the most elaborate tht Ihave ever seen. Bette than some human houses.

  26. Denise Solsrud

    hello,i am new to this blog. looks super. thank you for the labels. i love them. i just want make them up, cuz i love the picture. Bestest,Denise

  27. Jenn

    Wow, I just found your blog and I just read this magazine and that was my favorite part of the magazine! I was so impressed. Love it!

  28. Dee Brownfield

    Everything you do, I find interesting! Have The Best Banana Bread baking as I drop a note! Hubby is having surgery in the AM. Must be at hospital at 5:30!! nothing to eat after midnight … so am making him a treat! He loves it Heather, and so do I!!
    Keep the little Peeps going and the herbs … and the herbs are tweaking my interest a little. I just might have to dabble in that myself!
    Pink Hugs,

  29. Lisa Bracale

    Love this thank you. Any chance you can post your Raspberry Jam recipe? I have never made it before and would love a tried and true from a pro like you.
    thanks again, Lisa

  30. Bobbi Lynn Miller

    Thank you so much for the darling raspberry jam label.
    Where can I find the old jam jars with the metal lids ?? How do you seal the jam in the old jars like you did fir the take home gifts at your party ??
    Thanks for sharing,

  31. Modern Prairie Girl

    Funniest thing—the settee in that image is the one I bought from Joe and Jermonne–I had it reupholstered and it is FABULOUS! White duck with silver tacks. Really nice. So fun to see it in the magazine!
    Lara Blair

  32. bevy a

    Thankyou, for sharing…..I love old photo’s, excellent idea for a label.

  33. Paige

    Did you ever got a copy of the Jam recipe? If you did I would love a copy. I also have never made it before and would love to try it.
    Thank you,

  34. Silvia Kelly

    Personally, I am very happy that you spelled Raspberry Jam in ENGLISH, seems high time that we again become proud of who we are and what OUR country can produce. We have spent enough time honoring other countries cultures, Thanks for spelling Raspberry Jam in our language.

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