On Location


Well, I'm leaving on a jet plane heading to Oregon. I'm going to be shooting a house on the coast and will be gone for the next week. I gave myself a few extra days to enjoy my trip and not make it all work, work, work. On the "fun" agenda will be a stop to see the boys of Barn House and do some shopping at their annual Flea Market.

Looking foward to catching up with everyone and can't wait to see all the fabulous displays from the great line up of vendors. Such incredible talent in this group. If you're in the area this is a not-to-be-missed event! Hope to see you there too!

17 Responses to “On Location”

  1. Alice

    Oh, whispy, dreamy sigh. Enjoy the photo shoot and the Barn House show. Don’t worry about us here at home, wishing we could be there. Nope. We’ll be alright. Sniff.

  2. J Sorensen

    Cute post. Have fun in Oregon and at the BH sale. Can’t wait to hear all aout it.

  3. Beth

    sounds like tons of fun…even the work sounds fun! enjoy and can’t wait to see the next issue of Flea Market Style! xoxo Beth

  4. Debbie Demmers-Lujan

    Heather, I, too, love that airplane. I knew a fella that built those radio controlled airplanes…good memories….thanks, debbie

  5. jill

    oh you lucky girl heather….you are going to be seeing so many of my friends! give joe and jermonne a big hug from me! i will get to go to cindy’s sale in august when i am in oregon…
    see you minnesota soon!

  6. angela carrera

    what a great job you have….
    (need an assistant on location in Jersey?)

  7. Trina

    Have fun! I’m tempted to run over to the Barn House sale myself.

  8. julie

    what fun! i wish i could go! i know you will find fabulous things! cant wait to hear all about it! be safe!

  9. Jocelyn Stott

    Yay! I am going to the Barn House for the first time this weekend and I am so, so excited! I live in Portland, so it’s just a 30 min drive North. Maybe I will see you there 🙂

  10. teresa

    All the great places seems to be…where I’m not.
    How fun…hope all goes well.
    Can’t wait to see what you find.
    Happy Day

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