The Arrival of Autumn

While I was on location in Minnesota I had the chance to stop by the Bachman Idea House. It was chock full of fall inspiration and imaginative vignettes & displays. My friend Ki has been working with them for the past year transforming the property into a place for homeowners and gardeners to gather creative seasonal ideas. Here's a peek at some of my favorites…



Since I have the pleasure of being home for nearly two weeks before my next shoot I plan on thoroughly enjoying the following fall activities:

  • Apple picking and pie eating with The Man
  • A visit to a pumpkin patch
  • Working in my garden which happens to be a disaster
  • Finding a new area rug for the family room
  • Stopping by Starbucks for a Skinny Vanilla Latte
  • Decorating the front porch
  • Digging out my old holiday magazines and buying a few new ones
  • Late night walks in the crisp, cool air
  • Making soups. Lots of soups.

How about you? What fall favorites have you been enjoying? I would love to live vicariously through you! 

45 Responses to “The Arrival of Autumn”

  1. Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

    Oh, what fun ideas, Heather! I just helped friends decorate for a harvest wedding….and my Christmas books & magazines are ready and waiting on my desk!
    Enjoy your time at home!!!
    : )
    Julie M.

  2. Janine

    Hurray! It’s been 80 degrees in the Midwest and I can’t wait to put on a sweater and walk through crunchy leaves!

  3. June

    Really gorgeous images Heather. I adore the deconstructed settee. How I would love that in my garden.

  4. Merry

    Love that garden hose wreath! Your fall to-do list is a lot like mine. One more must-do on my list is to grab some of those mini cider donuts that I only seem to be able to find in October {yum}.

  5. deb

    Great pics…and your list of fall activities really puts me in a festive mood..went up to Oak Glen Monday and Rogers Gardens today just to get my pumpkin fix!!!!!!!! now I want a starbucks….lol

  6. Linda

    I really enjoyed visiting the Ideas House, too! Just love your beautiful photos and all your “must do” ideas for fall fun!

  7. colleen

    have a great few weeks off….beautiful place in Minnesota!
    The homes you featured in Charleston are divine…so sad to see the one go to ruin…a real beauty!

  8. Kay Ellen

    Love it!!
    The hose wreath reminds of the one we made in your garden shop many years ago :))
    Have a good week!

  9. susan

    Love the turquoise hose wreath and your list is FAB!
    I must try a Skinny Vanilla Latte!

  10. Karen B

    I’ve been fluffing the house with Fall decor. Tonight we sat by the firepit with a glass of wine. Saturday I’m headed to Bates Nut Farm between here and Escondido to find some fabulous pumpkins. Have you been there? LOVE LOVE the hose wreath. So cute!

  11. Debby - Romancing the Bling

    Beautiful photos Heather! Enjoy your much deserved time at home with your family! Believe it or not, it has been approaching 90 degrees this week in San Francisco…our “Indian Summer”!!!
    Take care!

  12. sally

    I love those photos! Especially the top one, I could sit there all snuggly enjoying the sounds and scents of autumn forever! I too become a soup addict in Autumn, So far we have enjoyed, lentil, pumpkin, and carrot and coriander. My kids love soup, but they won’t have it 3 days in a row. lol. We’re pine cone and leaf collecting today I think. Enjoy your day!
    Sal. x

  13. etta

    Beautiful pictures Heather! 🙂 I love autumn… the colours… everything in this season!
    Enjoy the two weeks… beautiful plans darling!
    Etta (Italy)

  14. Gretchen O

    The pergola is gorgeous. I can’t wait to bring out my holiday magazines too! Have a good 2 weeks. –Gretchen O.

  15. Linda Rubin

    I love the pictures. I love soup as well and just the other day made french onion, one of my favs.
    your list is alot like mine. I am so enjoying the cooler weather and the thought of thanksgiving is already in my mind. can’t wait for the turkey and all the fix’ns. yummy.
    have a great fall season,

  16. Stephanie

    Love the garden wreath, that is a great inspiration for future hoses that might otherwise be thrown away. Welcome home!

  17. autumn

    what beautiful pictures!
    i have to say, that with my name, i always get asked if i was born in the autumn and if autumn is my favorite season…and it IS. and i WAS.
    your images captured the reason why i LOVE this season so much…warm, colorful and crisp.

  18. Laurie

    This is such a great post! I love this time of year and these images of the Autumn decorations gets me inspired again! Thanks for posting!

  19. teresa

    Oh sweet I love that first picture..I so could see something like that in the cottage little back yard….
    Thanks for sharing…always wonderful inspiration here.
    Happy Day

  20. Donna Jenkins

    This looks like an amazing place!
    So much inspiration!
    Ithink I need to plant something to climb my new tinker house so that I can have fabulous Fall color!
    I hope you enjoy your precious list of Fall to-dos
    As always…Thank you Heather for your gorgoeus photos!
    Have a wonderful weekend

  21. Linda

    Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos full of inspiration. Taking a meal among the leaves…romantic and entirely lovely. My girls and I are decorating today…hope it will be as lovely. We’ll be using some of these ideas.

  22. Tricia

    What beautiful photos…I love the one with the hose. I live in Minnesota, were you here in the past week or so? The weather has been wonderful 🙂

  23. Karla Laura

    Hello Sweet Heather,
    Happy October!
    Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing about your travels. You always touch upon the beauty of living.
    Enjoy your time at home with your man and I hope you get your list of “Fall to do’s” done too.
    I’m now inspired to decorate and maybe try my attempt in the kitchen.

  24. kerrie

    Making soups, baking pumpkin muffins, riding my beach cruiser in the evenings with my hubby…made homemade chicken chili this afternoon…perfect for a Saturday Autumn lunch!

  25. susan

    beautiful photos! i’ve been doing a lot of baking and more cooking. just enjoying the kids too! enjoy your time at home! susan

  26. NLewis

    Inspiring Photos.. Love the Overhead structure..I love decorating the front porch for Fall and Halloween. I layer Fall foliage on first and then add Halloween decorations.

  27. angela

    I love the inspiration that people like Heather Bullard gives to limited creative people like me. I did post a photo of the fall table setting with the little chandelier on my Facebook page….it’s my version of the newer posting on Heather’s Typepad blog, not sure how to get it here for all to view….but it’s cute. its somewhere on the side of my house, where sometimes, I like to go and sit, or eat dinner…………..alone. that’s a good thing!! thanks.

  28. Heather Bullard

    Oh I love so many. Favorites would be Vegetarian Chili (not exactly a soup), Homemade Chicken & Noodle, Minnestrone, Broccoli & Cheese and any kind of Chowder!
    Will have to post a recipe or two this fall and winter season.

  29. Heather Bullard

    Carol..that is just the sweetest!
    You’re on my list to email. Will be in touch this week. I got the most charming surprise in the mail from you…Thank You!

  30. Marta

    1. wear a sweater and have a glass of wine on the screened porch during that mystical time just before complete darkness falls at the end of the day
    2. a chilly early morning bicycle ride to the pond near our house to watch the geese in the mist on the water
    3. going to small towns to discover the little shops hidden there and eating whatever can be found there
    4. taking a drive on a grey day to see the changing of the leaves with my husband with mugs of coffee in hand
    5. making a pie with the window cracked to let in the chilly breeze
    6. putting the garden in order a little bit each day
    7. listening to church bells ring while walking on leaf-strewn sidewalks in an old part of town
    8. sitting very still on a garden bench and watching to see what birds, bugs, animals show up
    9. rocking on my front porch and watching the world move around me
    10. visiting an old family graveyard and enjoying the quiet

  31. Neida Nieves

    I love the photos of the Bachman Idea House! Fun and fabulous!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Hmmm…some fall favorites for me? Definitely decorating! One of my “new vignettes” this fall is a small but very charming vintage ladder with great character, draped with burlap garland and some thick twine. One of the steps holds a brown wicker pumpkin with a small lamp. Another step holds old books covered in creamy book covers with vintage anatomical pics glued on the cover. And the last step holds iron leaves and little white pumpkins.
    I enjoy looking out my window to see leaves falling from our trees, while working at my inspiration station and sipping on some espresso.
    I love lighting all of my candles that bring on the warm sensational scents of the season!
    It’s the time of year where I pull out my favorite black and white/classic Christmas movies and begin planning my Gingerbread House!
    It’s all pure joy….and how wonderful to read what everyone else is doing and what they love most about this gorgeous season!

  32. Mitzi Curi

    I thought I’d seen it all, until I saw that garden hose “wreath”! Now that’s clever! Thanks so much for the fall inspiration!

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