
Well 2011 is here. I've seen proclamations of resolutions, plans and announcements…fresh starts are always so exciting. And although I'm not going to be making any big announcements for now, I thought I'd share a few tidbits from at home and abroad (via the www).

  • My mandarin tree has finally produced fruit. After 4 long years. Worth the wait!
  • I hired a new assistant…words can't describe my happiness with this news!
  • The Year of Nourish from Rebecca is so beautiful. Do you have a word this year?
  • Mary Ann's 48 Things is a great read. Her global travel posts take me away from my laptop during a hectic day. She also has great online classes…which I never finished. But LOVED. Must repeat.
  • I noticed that Starbucks is getting a fresh look for the new year. You like?
  • We should all print this out and make it happen in 2011! Thank you Little Aviary!

Have a great weekend everyone! I plan on doing some retail therapy, furniture rearranging and a few home projects with The Man. How about you?

25 Responses to “Fresh”

  1. kimberly at mimicharmante

    Such an exciting start to the new year! I do indeed have my word – aspire – the perfect word to keep me focused and working my way towards my dreams~
    the best to you in 2011!

  2. Sandy

    I also am making so many plans for the new year.
    I’ve got my new pacemaker/defib and am seeing a
    healthier year. My grandsons are now little boys
    and they make me smile in so many new ways.
    My home has been in “Reno mode” for a year now
    and this has me feeling so good and now am planing
    a trip to see my sister (she lives in the middle east).
    It’s good for my heart to read your positive post, it
    helps me know “Life is good”…
    Happy New Year!

  3. rita

    Hi Heather,
    I guess I have to wait for my Mandarin tree. Hasn’t produce yet. I am very patient. I will nurture it and love it and wait, that’s also what I am planning to do for the new year. Celebrating our 20th Wedding Anniversary tonight, taking Jenny Hernandez class tomorrow, finally watching Eat Pray Love Sunday. Life is good Ciao Rita mammabellarte

  4. Laurie

    I love the mandarin photos! I can almost smell them from here.
    What a perfect way to describe “fresh!” My word for the year is
    solidify… Happy New Year… Laurie

  5. pamq

    A) I am still available if you need a dog/chicken wrangler
    B) My word is “settled”
    C) Doing bookwork this weekend…ugh…

  6. Beth

    I usually pick a word for the New Year, but this year I let the word find me. I made a tree of words, and now I let each visitor to my home choose a leaf to find their word for the year. You can see photos on my blog. I’ve enjoyed my tree of words, and I think I’ll make it an annual tradition.

  7. Marie @ Sally Lee by the Sea

    Happy New Year, Heather! So glad to hear that you found an assistant. These mandarin oranges photo is stunningly beautiful! It’s freezing cold here today so it really brightened my day.
    Here’s to 2011!!

  8. Sherry

    Awesome….an assistant will actually let you get more done!!! My word is moderation……and I plan on going to Scott’s Antique market this weekend. Beautiful picture of the mandarins.

  9. Chrisy

    What a beautiful vibrant picture. Fruit of your labor. Now enjoy all the juicy sweetness. We have had some cold weather here in Payson Az. Love your blog and try to visit every chance I get.My New Years word is Happiness. I’m going to try and find happiness in even the smallest things. Even the bumps in life’s long and winding road. Hugs Chrisy’s Cottage

  10. Susan Hemann

    Could I come over for some mandarins? They look so refreshing. Especially here in the Midwest as we try again to dig ourselves out! Go Spring!!!!

  11. Melissah

    I’m an interior designer from Melbourne, Australia – I loved your blog, I found it very inspiring. This is all new to me but I have just set up my own blog
    You may like to check it out because I had so much fun doing it. It’s got a bit of everything fashion, interiors, food, travel spots – hopefully you will find something in there that you like.
    Thanks for providing me with such great entertainment!

  12. Tricia

    Oh, how I envy you…to live somewhere warm enough to have my own mandarin tree would be heavenly. Those look absolutely delicious, your photos are great 🙂

  13. teresa

    I don’t have a word…but my motto is- “The last 3 percent” {putting the details on a project started.}
    As always love your photos and thanks for the links.
    Happy Day

  14. Ruthann

    Oh Heather! Seeing the gorgeous photos of your fresh picked mandarins from your own backyard makes me miss California! Here in the Ozarks we are surrounded by a winter wonderland. While it is beautiful, I do miss the sunshine and fresh produce of sunny Cali! I too am looking forward to a fresh new year with brand spankin’ new possibilities! I can’t wait to see the beauty that unfolds in the months to come on your blog. It’s always a treat to stop by. Happy New Year Heather!
    Sugar Pie Farmhouse

  15. anne marie

    Those look soooo good right now! I’ve been craving those little gems all pregnancy…how exciting for you to go to your backyard and eat them fresh! I am sure they taste wonderful.

  16. Shannon

    i love your photos! what settings did you use for these mandarin’s? They are so colorful, crisp & clear!

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