Lonely Farm Table: Chairs Wanted

Farmtcoll While I was away from the homestead, The Man built this farm table for our patio. I've been wanting a dark wood table with simple, clean lines to use for outdoor entertaining and he just whipped one up! Gotta love that guy!

Now here's where we need your help. We can't decide on chairs. We've narrowed it down to three choices and would love for you to let us know which option you think would look best!

1. Galvanized Tub Chairs similar to these.
2. Wicker Chairs similar to these or these.
3. Vintage French Bistro Chairs similar to these.

Thanks for casting your vote! Can't wait to see which one is the most popular!

152 Responses to “Lonely Farm Table: Chairs Wanted”

  1. Jean

    I like all three choices for different reasons. But looking at the proportion of the table legs to the chairs, I’d pick the galvanized chairs #1.

  2. Jill

    How about the wicker chairs for the ends of the table and the bistro chairs for the sides? ::Jill

  3. Patty Van Dorin

    I vote for number three. When I was chair shopping, I almost bought number one the Jackson chairs but I found that they wouldn’t slide up under my table because of the arms. Living in a tiny beach cottage, I needed chair that would tuck up under a table when not being used.

  4. c

    Vintage French Bistro Chairs would be my pick, love the clean lines of them and think they would be great with you new table!

  5. Tiffany

    When I saw the table, my first thought was Galvanized Tub Chairs would look great with that table!

  6. Cyndi

    I like the french bistro chairs — but agree that the wicker ones on the end would be a very contemporary look. The galvinized tub chairs are very cool — but I wondered about whether they might be HOT to sit on in the summer!

  7. Nik

    Ahh, if you buy the bistro chairs from Dreamy Whites, I’d SOOO pick that, because I love her work, and would love to see someone else with her beautiful chairs.
    However, I love the galvanized chairs, and if you think you could fit them under (the arm-rests) the table, then they get my vote!

  8. Shannon

    Great table! All the chairs are beautiful but I have always loved French Bistro Chairs so I would definitely go with those. Can’t wait to see what you pick πŸ™‚

  9. Patti

    I love all chairs but lean to the wicker for the ends and perhaps benches for the long sides or maybe one bench and bistro chairs. I can hardly wait to see what you decide.

  10. Stephanie C.

    I think you could not go wrong with any of them, but in order, my choice would be 1, 3 then 2 … lovely table!

  11. Debbie

    Oh my! I’ve been considering French bistro chairs myself for a white antique table, so although I love them, I think the galvanized chairs would look great with the table… especially with some cool pillows!

  12. Penny @ The Comforts of Home and Lavender Hill Studio

    Love all of the choices, but if I was going to have a wonderful dinner and spend a couple of hours laughing and talking over dinner and wine, I would want the wicker chairs with the cushions. They seem to invite people to linger at the table – the other two, while looking great might not be the most comfortable.
    p.s. the Man did a wonderful job on the table!

  13. Jillbeth@aol.com

    If you are going for – “I want my guests {and Me} to want to sit and linger after dinner over dessert and great coversation” I would pick the wicker. I have been guilty of choosing look over comfort and have regretted it. When I have chosen comfort, I have been much happier!

  14. Suzanne

    I’d vote for the galvanized tub chairs (they look comfortable), then the bistro chairs just because they’re cute. The wicker ones are really pretty, but they look like they’d take up a lot more room than the other two styles.

  15. Lori-Anne

    The wicker chairs definitely look the most comfortable, but if we’re going strictly on looks, my vote goes for those vintage French bistro chairs. Can’t wait to see pics of whichever chair you go for!

  16. tabitha

    I love the idea of at least one bench in the mix, and I β™₯ the galvanized tub chairs with this fantastic, simple table! I’d save the wicker chairs for a pair or a foursome in an intimate little sitting area to the side.

  17. Linda Bowen

    Tub chairs please! They’re more comfortable than they look, and I like the way you can ‘see through’ them.

  18. Elizabeth

    I like the look of the wicker and think they would be the most comfortable, but they look like they would be way too big for the table. The first option looks too trendy (I know everyone loves them now, but in a few years, maybe not) so I would go with the bistro seats.

  19. Maria (Magia Mia)

    Great choices Heather! From an aesthetic standpoint, I like how the bistro chairs look with the table. However, with as much as you enjoy leisurely alfresco soirees, I think the wicker chairs would be more accommodating for comfy after-dinner conversation and cocktails.

  20. maggieirussell

    Size could be an issue…I am 6 feet tall …While Very Stylish; the Bistro chairs will not provide the Comfort it takes to support the Frame of a Tall Person… If everyone in your Household is Small then it wont be an issue. I prefer the Galvanized tub Chairs….they can go Indoors & Out, stand on their own or do table service Duty…
    I do love the Mix it Up Concept…We actually Bought a tall Bar table this year…the first Day we discovered the tall Chairs were Perfect for Violin Practice…then we recieved a recycled Drafting table added one of the Tall Chairs and a desk was born…Who Knew?!? &’-D

  21. Peggy Williams

    I vote for the bistro chairs. I agree the metal ones are too trendy and the wicker seem to big–even though they both seem comfortable!

  22. Linda

    I vote for the galvanized chairs! (although any of the three would look great, I’m sure.)

  23. Laurie

    I’m tossing in my vote for the french bistro chairs! Can’t wait to see what you decide, you better hurry because your table is getting lonlier by the day!!!

  24. Kim

    The table is awesome and I keep trying to get my Mr. to build one as well.I am going to show him this one.I know he can do it! I am loving the Tub Chairs but have loved the Tolix chairs for sometime now.Depends on how much you want to spend and how long you want to sit and relax.I don’t really think the Bistro chairs are very comfortable for very long.Let us know what you decide on~Cheers Kim

  25. Rose C.

    I love the french bistro chairs, but decided to vote for the PB style wicker chairs for comfort purposes!

  26. Karoline

    Bistro chairs are sweet, but not comfy at all. Love the galvanized tub chairs, but aren’t they cold to sit on? Gotta go with the wicker. I like the style of the Ikea ones best. They look like the perfect scale to compliment your table. Do your magic with accessories, and you’ll be set! Love your new table btw!

  27. Ashley @ DesignBuildLove.co

    I absolutely LOVE either the metal tub chair or the Ikea wicker chair. Those are HANDS DOWN my faves!!!
    PS- u have an awesome hubby for building you such a gorgeous table! πŸ™‚

  28. Dawn

    The galvanized metal tub chairs. Love that metal with the dark wood!

  29. Rosa

    I’m with Lolo. I’d go with the galvanized tubs on the ends and the french bistro chairs on the sides! As long as the tub chairs can slide a bit under the table… And The Man built an Awesome table!!

  30. Jane

    I think the man deserves a comfortable chair – so I vote for these: HΓ„STVEDA. The others are too small and dainty for such a wonderful guy!

  31. Mrs.Pettigrew

    I like either the galvanized or wicker. For comfort I would go with the wicker. Love the table.

  32. colleen

    i have those jackson chairs they are comfortable also i put cusions on them and am using them inside.they are a classic so i dont think they will become outdated. also i think they will withstand the elements better. i also liked the pottery barn ones but gosh who can afford them?

  33. Victoria Ramos

    Although I like the Bistro chairs, I can’t see ‘the man’ sitting on them comfortably. I love wicker and think they would so comfy for a long, lazy summer dinner….but agree about the arms and pushing them under the chair? So I think #1 is my choice.
    Beautiful table your honey made you!

  34. denise young

    I like the IKEA wicker chairs first then the WORLD MARKET metal tub chairs second. I think it would be cool if you could mix them up and use both.

  35. Cyndy

    1. The galvanized chairs are a nice contrast to the darker wood – the arms are a consideration when pulling the chair to the table.
    2. I do not put a lot of store into wicker due to its quick deterioration – the sliding in and out from the table and if outdoors they go quick. The high arms are also difficult when pulling your chair to the table and the wicker will often catch on knit clothing.
    3. The “gorgeous” french bistro chairs are also a nice contrast but perhaps too much of one.
    All good choices! My vote goes to galvanized if they fit under the table.

  36. leslie janson

    i vote galvinized! easy to clean, and such a nice contrast to the dark wood. i might, however, add soft seat cushions….

  37. Bernie

    I don’t think the French Bistro would be very comfortable for very long. I like the idea of the wicker ones but I think those look very ‘clunky”. Ikea had some great ones a few years ago (I dont know if they still carry them) that I got for my dining room, and are light enough to move and use outside on the patio. They come with a white canvas cushion

  38. Lorrie

    I like the look of the French Bistro chairs but don’t think they would be comfortable for long. Maybe one or two of those for atmosphere and then the wicker ones for really spending time at the table.

  39. Victoria

    I am all about the wicker for comfort. The bistros look great but they are not going to be very comfortable for very long, my daughter has some on the deck, specially for the man.

  40. Nita@ModVintageLife

    Well, I like all three. But I love the galvanized tub chairs so much. But I think I might go with wicker because they would be most comfortable. I would say it depends on if this will be a lounging spot also or just an eating spot alone. If it is just eating….I say the galvanized.

  41. Darlene L

    I would love to mix them up. My first choice would be the galvanized tub chairs and in a very, very close 2nd I loved the wicker chairs–they looked so comfortable. How about a couple of each! If the main purpose is eating I would go with the tub ones, but if it is reading and relaxing I would go with the wicker.

  42. Renee Koch

    Definitely the galvanized club chairs. They look the most comfortable next to the wicker, which i think might be too low for that table.

  43. Susan

    I vote Mix some shabby white linen slipcovered chairs on the end and then blend w/ the metal or bistro on the long sides!

  44. Wendy in Kennewick

    Galvanized tub chairs… the perfect contrast with the wood.

  45. Joanna

    Isn’t it great having a “handy” husband ~ Nice work! I vote for the french bistro and I really like the idea of using the wicker on the ends! Good luck choosing!

  46. debra hamill

    Wicker on the end and Bistro on the sides.

  47. Seven Gates Farm

    I’m not sure about any of the chairs. The table doesn’t look that large and I think the wicker would overpower the great looking table. Not sure how many it will sit comfortably with armed chairs. How about benches. I’m sure Farm Chick might have something. Unless you have the table under a covered porch, it is going to weather. I’ve seen the look of benches with tables on patios and its a nice look. Maybe 2 armed chairs at either end. New River has some nice Brazilian cherry or maple chairs you might look at too (NCHammock.com).

  48. Zita - Mlle Magpie

    Heather, I think ALL your choices are fantastic for this beautiful table. However, I am very partial to the French chairs – I think they would look the best in my opinion. Of course if you want to be practical, the galvanized tub chairs would win out. For comfort, probably the wicker chairs. Again, they are all wonderful choices no matter what.

  49. Susan Gilman

    All great choices–wicker seems to be most comfy – but I think too big/would take up too much space. LOVE the look of the french bistro chairs–but not comfy to sit/linger in…
    I think the bucket chair would be a nice choice for the best of both – looks/comfort.

  50. Karen B

    Okay, looks like nobody can really decide, basically because all the choices are great! I love them all for different reasons. Looks are always primary, but comfort should be up there also. If you entertain, and I think you do, you should go with the wicker. Love both other choices though. My vote is #2, #3 then #1.

  51. Glitterista

    I could imagine sitting at that gorgeous table late sipping wine more in the galvanized chairs or the wicker more than the bistro ones. A mix of different kinds would look pretty awesome as well!

  52. heather salazar

    #1 Ive seen them in person and they are great looking chairs.

  53. Kaye

    I vote for #3, love me some Vintage French Country. For comfort though, I think the second one in #2. Not a concern if you have another place to lounge after dinner.

  54. Vicki K

    The bistro chair look is appealing but for practical use and ease of cleaning, I like the galvanized ones. Somehow wicker got a reputation in my house for being uncomfortable and hard to clean…
    I got my Souvenir and this issue is Wonderful!!!!! Thank you so much for making such a beautifully photographed and illustrated e-mag. I like the variety of topics.

  55. JSP

    The 1st of the wicker chairs shown. Love the high back, I’d add a colorful seat cushion and they look comfy for relaxing with friends on a warm summer afternoon. Then again, if the table is going to be more of a working table for flower arranging or outdoor crafts, then perhaps the french bistro, easier to keep clean and to dust off than the wicker.

  56. Colleen Arnold

    I vote for #1!!!! With cute pillow seats they would be awesome!

  57. Deborah

    The bistro chairs would look great but how comfortable are they really?! I think I would go with the IKEA wicker for the ends and maybe even benches for the sides or at least one side. Just a thought!

  58. Vicki

    They all would look great. I would go with whichever is the most comfortable and easy to clean. Those two qualities will mean you will spend more time out there, just hanging out! For our antique oak dining table, we bought black wooden very comfy chairs from Pier 1. It is amazing how much longer everyone lingers at the table!

  59. Cris

    Ouch! to the Bistro Chairs. They are just not comfortable enough. Galvanized chairs! They will hold up well.

  60. Karon

    Industrial looks great with wood and the french chairs are so charming but the wicker is so inviting and seems more hospitable. So because of the comfort factor I would go with the wicker.

  61. Chatelaine08

    I like the galvanized chairs, so stylish and low maintenance.
    They will weather the weather well too!

  62. Susan Reaney

    I have to vote for #2 (the first selection) because they look so comfortable. I know I would like the look of some of the others but this is a place that I would love to linger and if I am lingering, I must be in a larger, comfortable chair.

  63. Karen Lowe

    If the background in the picture is where the table will sit, I’d go with the French Bistro look.

  64. flowerlady464

    Love the tub chairs…I’m so loving gal. metal right now…wicker my second choice.

  65. Cindy

    Without cushions, the bistro chairs can be uncomfortable. We have them in our courtyard and after a three hour French dinner I wiggle a lot trying to be comfortable.

  66. Sally Keller

    Definitely the wicker chairs!! gorgeous!! and I love love love that table!! Think if I surreptitiously leave the link to this post in my Mr Gorgeous’s email box, he’ll get the hint and make me one, too?? Thanks for the inspiration, Heather!!
    sally from sally’s angelworks

  67. Susan

    i like the tub chairs and the Ikea wicker ones best and i think they would be more comfortable to sit and linger in. the table is beautiful, you are one lucky girl!! susan

  68. Lissa (Bellenza)

    The wicker ones would allow you to lounge a bit as you sit at your table…which is nice, don’t you think?

  69. Chris

    I most definitely would go with the IKEA wicker chairs and some lovely, cushy cushions. They just look so comfortable and inviting. The others seem a little stiff to me and not something I’d care to sit in very long.

  70. Patty Berry

    What a great man you have, and so talented. I love the table and after looking at all 4 chairs I vote for the galvanized club chairs, they would tie in nicely with the light over the table. Whatever you choose I know it will look spectacular, I look forward to the finished product.

  71. Becca

    I wish my hubby was so great with woodworking – the table looks fantastic! My favorite chair of the three was definately the first wicker option (not the IKEA).

  72. Robin

    It has to be the Galvanized tub chairs! They would look awesome with the wood he used in that table. Can’t wait to see the pictures when your patio is all set up!
    Robin πŸ™‚

  73. Susan Hemann

    I like the tub chairs, the only thing, do they get hot in the sun? My favorite is of course the PB wicker chair. Looks so comfy. I do like the french bistro chair, I have them on my patio, thing is they are not very comfortable if you plan on sitting down for a lengthy dinner.

  74. Karen

    What a tough decision.. My first reaction-the galvanized chairs but as I read the other comments I might now be torn between them and the wicker. The wicker would seem more comfortable for lingering at the table. Also, will the metal chairs get to hot for sitting in if they have sat in the sun for awhile? I have all weather wicker on my patio and they are very comfortable for long periods of time. Either way if you are going for a look I say the galvanized.

  75. Sandi ~ A Cottage Muse

    I’m torn between the first and last chairs but I think I am leaning toward the bistro chairs. The table is wonderful, what a nice surprise!

  76. Katie

    I would definitely go with the galvanized tub chairs on one side – and just to mix it up, a bench seat on the other – such fun!

  77. daphne

    I think the most comfortable of the two, wicker or galvanized. Bistro chairs are not comfortable for long periods of time. My choice would be the wicker. Your table is beautiful!

  78. Leah C

    I think a mix of the tub & wicker chairs would be wonderful…but maybe that’s because I have a hard time choosing just one:) Beautiful table by the Mr.!

  79. tina

    I prefer the wicker chairs and think they would also be the most comfortable.

  80. Shelley

    I vote for the tall PB wicker chairs at each end and the bistro chairs on the side. And by the way – I love that table!!

  81. deborah.mcreynolds@huschblackwell.com

    Galvanized Chairs for sure. I love them with or without arms.
    You can use them in other spots too if you ever want to make a change.

  82. Meg in Oregon

    French Bistro Chairs! That would look SO cha-cha on your patio!

  83. Katy

    I’m really torn between 1 and 3 although if I was really pressured I think I’d narrow it down to 1. I think they would look great with your fabulous new table…aren’t you spoiled! :0) Blessings, Katy

  84. Kelli

    For outdoor the galvanized chairs are cute and “look like you.”

  85. teresa

    I say do a mixture- wicker on the ends and galvainzed in the middle. I’ve been eyeing the galvainzed chairs for some time now…love them… I’m sure whatever you do will be divine =)

  86. nancy

    My vote is for the tub chairs. I have the vintage bistro chairs and love the look ,but are not very comfy.

  87. Jenny

    Ohhh. tough choice…but my vote is for the tub chairs. btw, what a special ( & talented ) man you have! love the table!

  88. Debbie V.

    I vote for the bistro chairs! Of course, you have to have a grainsack runner on the table too!

  89. Cheryl

    I think the galvanized tub chair would be a great juxtaposition to the table and look great. I have never sat in those kind of chairs before, so don’t know how comfortable they are. If you want to go for texture and comfort, wicker would be the way to go. My least favorite would be bistro chairs. Why they are a darling chair, I would imagine sitting on them for any length of time would be uncomfortable.

  90. annar

    They are all great choices but I favour the Pottery Barn wicker chairs. They look really comfy; the kind you can snuggle into.

  91. Teresa Sheeley

    I have the bistro chairs, and they are so uncomfortable even with cushions; I would pick the galvanized; plus they can fair better with weather elements. πŸ™‚

  92. Audra

    Sorry, not into any of those choices.
    What about wooden stackable chairs(yes! there is really nice ones around that don’t look stakable) Thay would complement the wonderful table that you man has made.

  93. Bonnie

    I’m torn. I love the bistro chairs and I think with the simplicity of them, they’d look wonderful with the table. However…when eating outside, for whatever reason, we don’t move very far very fast and the wicker chairs would suit a long, lingering evening better I think (for comfort). I don’t know how I’d feel about metal chairs. They might be a bit warm during the day, with the sun, etc. and then at night they could get cold, depending on how much it cooled off when the sun went down. They look interesting but…

  94. Linda Mackintosh

    The table is grand. What a hubby! My vote would be for the tub chairs, a little cushion and they would be comfy. The bistro chairs while cute do not invite lingering. The wicker while great for the lingerer appear too large and a bit much for the size of the table. Have a great time lingering.

  95. judy

    Don’t think you can go wrong with the wicker, if it’s used in a covered area. You can always change up the look with different cushions when you want a change. Love the contrast of wood with wicker.

  96. Judy

    Love the look of all of them but if you end up spending as much time noshing and visiting at your table as we do, I have to vote in favor of comfort and that would be the wicker ones. The other two, while visually attractive, look uncomfortable, even with adding cushions (which changes the look). Just my two cents worth.
    P.S. YAY to the man. Well done!

  97. angela from NJ

    I love the bistro chairs. I had a farm table (used to be in my kitchen/dining area in my ‘great’ room) similar to yours on my deck..under a semi-covered arbor, but with the bad winter we had this past year, it took a toll on the table, and didn’t want to re-do it all…so it went out on ‘bulk’ day, BUT I did have similar chairs around it, and just love that look!!!

  98. marcia

    I really like the Potterybarn wicker chairs. They look comfortable, and the cushion in the seat would be much more cozy on the bum! The French bistro chairs look so cool, but not very practical. I’m just saying.

  99. Libby

    Wicker chairs #1. The reason for choosing those is mainly for COMFORT. It’s quite evident, Heather, that you absolutely adore your family and friends and those chairs would be perfect to wile the hours away in your beautiful yard lavishing time with your loved ones. I really, really like the galvanized tub chairs and also the bistro (drool) chairs, but it seems like your loving heart is about serving others with warmth, and I just don’t think either of those chairs would be very comfortable…GREAT chairs – yes, but relaxing in – probably not very much. I’m not wild about wicker #2… Too common looking for up-beat you. And also on wicker #1 they remind me of relaxing and snuggling into them on the “front porch.” I know we don’t have front porches here in California, but you can pretend. πŸ™‚ Whatever you and the man choose, they will be perfect because you have such a talented and gifted eye for beauty and all things lovely! Can’t wait to see…

  100. Vicki V

    My choice would be #1. I think the style would go great with the table, and the finish would be fabulous. They’re comfortable, too (I was in World Mkt. tonight and gave them a try).

  101. Gail

    What a fun decision to have to make! I’m partial to wicker, but love those galvanized chairs too.
    I do hope you can stop by to enter my giveaway, lots of fun velvet flowers, ephemera, and lace are being given away to one lucky winner!

  102. Jennifer

    The galvanized ones look the coolest, but the wicker ones look more comfortable. You can also change seat pads and add some colour to the wicker ones.

  103. Lori Powell

    The galvanized chairs are perfect. While I love the french chairs, they are too dainty for the table and the wicker chairs don’t say “farmhouse”….they say “front porch in the south or at the beach.” I love your blog and photography.

  104. Andrea Hamilton

    Galvenized tub chairs, hands down.

  105. Amber

    I vote for the wicker chairs! I think they would be charming and they look the most comfortable for lingering around the table with friends.

  106. Tauna

    Galvanized tub chairs all the way! They made my heart go ‘pitter-pat’.

  107. Cottage Beach House

    I like the wicker chairs the best. Love the look and the comfort far surpasses the other chairs. I do love the look of the bistro chair too, but have to vote for the wicker for looks and comfort.

  108. Eugenia

    Number 3. The others seem to distract from the simple beauty of the rich wood. The humble chairs are my favorites. The table is the center of attention.

  109. Laurie

    Pottery Barn wicker on the ends (add pillows for comfort and color) and bistro on the sides.

  110. Deborah & the furry gang in OK

    Heather, your farm table is made for long lingering meals and talking. Although the tub and bistro chairs suit the table better…the cushioned wicker chairs will be more comfortable. But of course a cushion in the other two might be good for short term comfort…the change in seat height would make long term sitting uncomfortable. Enjoy, enjoy your new dining room!!

  111. Deborah & the furry gang in OK

    Heather, your farm table is made for long lingering meals and talking. Although the tub and bistro chairs suit the table better…the cushioned wicker chairs will be more comfortable. But of course a cushion in the other two might be good for short term comfort…the change in seat height would make long term sitting uncomfortable. Enjoy, enjoy your new dining room!!

  112. Deborah & the furry gang in OK

    Heather, your farm table is made for long lingering meals and talking. Although the tub and bistro chairs suit the table better…the cushioned wicker chairs will be more comfortable. But of course a cushion in the other two might be good for short term comfort…the change in seat height would make long term sitting uncomfortable. Enjoy, enjoy your new dining room!!

  113. Deborah & the furry gang in OK

    Heather, your farm table is made for long lingering meals and talking. Although the tub and bistro chairs suit the table better…the cushioned wicker chairs will be more comfortable. But of course a cushion in the other two might be good for short term comfort…the change in seat height would make long term sitting uncomfortable. Enjoy, enjoy your new dining room!!

  114. Annette Rousso

    Love, love the galvanized tub chairs though the thought of sitting on one of those in “heat” of summer seems like the guests might be in “the hot seat”! But I am sure you will put fab cushions on them! Actually love all the chairs…maybe one or two of each??? πŸ˜‰

  115. Sharon Schutte

    All are great..but of I must pick one…I would go with #2 the wicker chairs…comfy, cosy

  116. Gabrielle Mader

    Ok..that is soo funny you mention this because we just moved and i’m having my kitchen table redone into a farmhouse top and I’m getting the Galvanized tub chairs for them and I wanted to get the wicker chairs like the PB ones from Ikea for the ends…so I say get the first and second..I don’t think the bistro chairs are very comfortable I have one…but the Tolix chairs really are!!

  117. Darleen

    The combination of look and comfort is one stop shopping in the wicker choice. My husband, Dave the Builder, has never met a farm table he doesn’t like. The Man is in great company and did a fine job with his. I addressed the farm table/chair pairing subject in a recent post(I’ll include link so you can reference). A formal pairing with a primitive style creates an undeniable look. Although an outdoor space begs for comfortable function, style seems to rule out. Think shoes, ladies!

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