Weeknight Date

Having a date night during the week is such a welcome treat. We stopped by Tom's Farms for an early dinner just before sunset. It was so nice because the place is usually packed on the weekends with lots of familys and Harley riders and it was surprisingly empty during the week except for a few birds and squirrels.

We had our burgers out on the patio overlooking the duck pond. The Man had an enormous bacony, cheesy, artery-clogging burger with a side of (never heard of before) deep fried mushrooms. He loved the mushrooms and I have to say they were very crunchy and delicious. Maybe those with a salad next time. ;-) 

What are some of your favorite weeknight dates?

22 Responses to “Weeknight Date”

  1. Jane

    We love eating outdoor since we can only do it a few months out of the year. This sounds fabulous! Glad you had a good time!

  2. jAne

    hm. next time we visit family in SoCal we’ll be sure to stop at Tom’s! thanks for the tip!
    my husband travels quite a lot for his job so when we go out for dinner he likes to stay local. fine with me; i get away from our town for dinner with friends when he’s away. he’s in town this week (yea!) and last night we went to a local mexican place (**real** mexican food) for some excellent grub.
    usually though, when he’s home we eat *at* home. we’re good cooks and enjoy pairing up to create a great meal which includes setting a table outside or in .. and setting our minds and hearts to enjoy one another completely. life’s too short not to… :o)

  3. Laurie Owens

    Our weekly date is to the Old Market in Omaha… antiquing then Stokes. The best chips and salsa & tortilla soup around! I haven’t thought of Tom’s Farms in a long time. We used to visit there often when we lived in So. California over 20 years ago! Glad to know it’s still around.
    Laurie 🙂

  4. Kris

    WE are neighbors! We have been going to Tom’s Farm’s for almost 30 yrs. Love to sit outside and listen to the music in the summer. I have chickens too. 7 of them. 2 are laying, and I am waiting on the other 5 to reach maturity.

  5. deb

    ok that burger makes me want to go to Toms Farms….and the mushrooms looked yummy…maybe after the next Glen Ivy day!!!!

  6. Tamra/The Gilded Barn

    It may sound boring but sitting outside in the evening with a glass of wine talking about our day and our next idea for our property is a date for us. Our two youngest moved out last month so now every night is date night! lol

  7. Linda

    We love to go to downtown Riverside to Simple Simon’s. They are only open until 5:oopm, so if there is a week day when we can get an early start for a date night we head down there. After dinner we just walk and talk down in the area!

  8. Jocelyn Stott

    Lovely! My husband and I have not had a weeknight date in a while since we both work in film and are mid-production on our latest feature, so the weeks are a bit hectic, but I love the classic dinner and a movie. Or, even a bike ride after work – that is a nice way to spend the evening.

  9. Ashley @ DesignBuildLove.co

    A glass of wine at home by the pool on the loungers. Perfect, and doesn’t cost a thing (if we already have the wine). Going out, our perfect date night is Thursday night for Bottles and Burgers Night at a local cowboy glam restaurant! YUP, sounds weird, but it’s gorgeous there! Thursday nights, they have build-your-own gourmet burgers and half-off all of their wine and beer. It’s amazing, peaceful, and totally intimate. We LOVE it!!!
    Totally wish we had a place locally like Tom’s Farm… sounds perfect!!!

  10. Ashley @ DesignBuildLove.co

    ok, just clicked the link for Tom’s Farm and saw that your in Cali! We’re up in Sacramento! Next time we’re down south… we’re going to have to try this place!!!

  11. Karoline

    Deep fried mushrooms are so yummy! We have a local burger place up here in Washington that serves them too.

  12. Wendy

    Yum! I love deep fried mushrooms. I’m from Michigan and they were popular in our hometown. Also, have had them here in Washington. Ãœ

  13. Kimberly

    H~ I do love this post! Tom’s Farm is where we met The Man for the first time and I remember you smiling the entire night as we talked and ate over looking the pond. 🙂 Here’s to many more date nights eating yummy food! Cheers! Kimberly

  14. Wendy McDonagh-Valentine

    My husband and I try to go out on a monthly date night. Sometimes it works out and sometimes not. You can thank having four kids for that!! : ) We love to go to dinner and then to see whatever chick flick is playing. I’m not into drama or action films. I have enough drama and action (refer back to the four kids!!) in my life. We love a good comedy or love story and he usually cries harder than I do during the love stories. Don’t tell him I told you that. 🙂
    ~ Wendy

  15. faded plains

    I remember going there with my dad years ago when we lived in California. He’s passed away now…but this post reminds me of our wonderul lunches there…thank you so much.

  16. Paula Parrish

    Hello Heather,
    That artery-clogging burger looks really yummy and good. I would say that my favorite date night includes a long conversations while walking on the beach ending with the Florida sunset.
    Smiles, Paula

  17. Mrs Bok

    Those mushrooms actually sound great! 🙂
    With two very little ones, date nights are incredibly rare…yours looks perfect though!

  18. Melinda

    To funny — fried shrooms are on every menu here in Illinois right next to the french fries !!! We dip them in a blue cheese sauce, ranch dressing or cheese sauce.

  19. Heather

    We live near Tom’s Farms, too. My kids love it when I buy produce there, because they get to wander around the overwhelmingly wonderful (to them) candy shop.

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