Fujifilm Instax Mini Camera Giveaway!

 It's high time for a giveaway around here! So how about one of these adorable instant Fujifilm Mini Cameras including a Twin Pack of film to get you started and a Zipper Case to carry everything in! I received one of these as a birthday gift last year and just love using it. So I bought another one to giveaway to one of you!


To enter just answer the following:

What is your favorite subject to photograph?

If you care to join me on Facebook you can enter again by leaving another comment! Giveaway ends Sunday, Aug 7th and the Winner will be announced on Monday. Good Luck and Thanks for entering!

370 Responses to “Fujifilm Instax Mini Camera Giveaway!”

  1. Jackie

    How fun! My kids are my favorite subjects (they’re willing), otherwise, I love flowers and anything architectural.

  2. taryn

    Animals! So much life to capture in them. Its too neat!

  3. Natalie V2

    I love to photograph people… moments with people when they are engaged, happy , intent, focused.
    Sweet giveaway! Thanks for giving me that *hope I win* feeling!

  4. Mandy

    My favorite thing to photograph is kiddos. I love all the expressions they make, all the different emotions you can capture with just one picture!

  5. Magic Bartender

    WOW…How cool! I never saw one before now I want one! LOL Looks like Gr8 FUN!
    Cheers `*>~[

  6. Beste E

    Oh I love the fujifilm instant cameras, how cute they are 🙂 My favorite subject is NATURE, it’s full of surprisingly amazing shapes and colors.

  7. deb

    Without a doubt its my 15 month old grand daughter Stella….who coincedentally is in a photo shoot today for a magazine ad!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Kimberly

    H~ I enjoy taking pics of the family walking away from me or in front of me walking away with their backsides showing. Kind of weird, hun? Oh well it’s the truth. Have great day my beautiful friend! Blessings, Kimberly

  9. Alice

    Oooohhh, I’d love to win this camera! My favorite things to photograph are my family during our annual vacation (my two favorite things).

  10. Julia

    This looks like such a fun camera to use! My favorite thing to photograph is ANYTHING! 🙂 when the light catches an object or person in a certain way my heart gets all aflutter and I grab my camera pronto!
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  11. Alice

    Heaher, I just ‘liked’ you on your FB page. By the way, your photos are just beautiful!

  12. Mallory

    I love taking pictures of my chickens (which is almost impossible), and fall leaves.

  13. Bianca G

    I have been drooling over one of these for a long time. I love to photograph my niece and nephews. It’s so great catching them when they don’t know a camera is around. Those are the best moments.

  14. teresa

    My grandchildren and my garden….I gave one of these to my daughter last year she loved it….I’ve been thinking about getting one for me ;}
    Happy Day

  15. Tiffany

    I love taking photos of laughter. It’s true joy in the moment. Laughter is such a wonderful thing, and when seeing those genuine smiles others can’t help but to smile themselves!

  16. Tiffany

    You’ve been “liked” on FB by me 🙂 Thanks!!

  17. pam

    My favorite subject has to be my Grandkids…….

  18. Bethany

    I love taking pictures of children, there is something so pure and innocent. They make the best subjects! I have wanting one of these!

  19. Laura

    I love taking pictures of water. And clouds. And my kids. And And And… 😉 Right now, I’m all gung-ho to take some pictures of my ever-growing pregnant belly! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  20. jackie

    Probably faces of children! They just beam with innocence…………thanks for the chance to win this wonderful giveaway!

  21. Barbara Wiggins

    My kids when they don’t know I am taking a picture…

  22. Mrs.Pettigrew

    I love to take pictures of my kids. Thanks for the neat giveaway!

  23. Nicole Lynn

    Love to capture moments when no one is thinking they are getting photographed. Non-Posey moments. That’s when you see the true feelings, colors, expressions about people =)

  24. Robin

    Funny, I took a picture of my son this morning while he was still asleep. It is his “last” “First” day of high school,as he is a senior. Second to my children, I love staging and taking “after” pix of my projects. This camera looks so cool! Never seen it before.

  25. Randi Schmechel

    Some of my favorite photos are of our family on vacation. It brings back such great memories of the fun we had together.

  26. Kelly

    I have been wanting one of these for the longest time! I love taking pictures of my sweet pup, Tucker, and pretty little things around me. Thank you for the giveaway!

  27. Michelle

    Love taking pictures of flowers….such a generous giveaway. Thank you!

  28. Kimber-Leigh

    oh, i have wanted one of these for ages!!! what a terrific giveaway! my favorite photograph subjects are my kiddos…and i think they would LOVE seeing the instant prints in this camera. thanks for the chance to win!

  29. Tara

    So fun! That camera is on my birthday list this year (which means I’ll probably end up buying it for myself).
    My boys are featured mostly in my photos, but the dogs and cat definately have their share of lens time. Especially now that the boys are becoming less willing 🙂

  30. Tanya

    I love photographing my beagles…and since they were puppies, Otis and Tucker have been hamming it up for the camera!

  31. Paula W.

    My 8 year old daughter is my favorite subject to photograph. Though if I won, she would claim the camera as hers I’m sure!

  32. Paula W.

    My 8 year old daughter is my favorite subject to photograph. Though if I won, she would claim the camera as hers I’m sure!

  33. Paula W.

    My 8 year old daughter is my favorite subject to photograph. Though if I won, she would claim the camera as hers I’m sure!

  34. Paula W.

    My 8 year old daughter is my favorite subject to photograph. Though if I won, she would claim the camera as hers I’m sure!

  35. Debbie

    It would have to be vintage items. I love creating vingettes and taking photos of them.
    Thank you for the fun giveaway!

  36. Laura W.

    I love photographing streets & buildings, it’s interesting seeing how they change throughout the year and as time passes! Have been wanting one of these cameras for the longest time, really lovely giveaway!

  37. Jackie Flaherty

    I take photos of forgotten dwellings. For me, it’s not “if these walls could speak”, but the stories they tell.

  38. shannon

    Would love one of these cameras!
    Well since I am photographing to wiggly little girls most of the time I love anything that isn’t moving 😉
    But really I love the beach so mainly anything to do with the that.

  39. Megan

    My new favorite subject is my 4 month old son 🙂 I’m taking weekly photos of him so we can look back at his growth for his first year.

  40. Avital

    My favorite subject is (are) my niece and nephews. Unfortunately, I have an opportunity to take their pictures just once a year, if I’m lucky, as I live thousands of miles away. I also LOVE taking pictures of everyday life, especially documenting my husband’s quirks. He’s a hoot.

  41. chris

    my children. they have had a camera in their faces since the day they were born. this is because i only have about 4 poor quality baby pictures of myself. i have 4 large rubbermaid bins of photographs of them. i need to organize them… but at least i have them!

  42. grace

    oh my favorite subjects are my nieces! The little ones because their faces are so precious and sweet and the older ones because they are pretty and pose! They are all fun to capture in photos. Love this camera I could not find it anywhere. You are too sweet to have a giveaway. whoot whoot! Grace xoox

  43. Jocelyn Stott

    I love photographing things that look a bit dingy, dusty and rusty. I always find beauty in the items that tell a story through their wear and tear.

  44. teri smith

    My family of course!!!! My boys are 20 and 22, and I look back at times when they were small and I wish I would have taken many more pictures… Sooooo, I am making up for lost time!!!!

  45. Laura Clauson

    Taking photos of my grandchildren is my favorite. Their amazing and adorable little faces captured on film…..priceless!

  46. Frankie Kins

    I must say that portraits are my favorite, up close and personal. Thank you for the chance on this wonderful giveaway!

  47. dawn dutton

    My favorite photo subject is flowers using a macro lens.

  48. Melissa Lee

    My Beautiful Daughter-in-law of 46 days, I only had a son, so this is my only Daughter and I love her and she is so willing to try any pose and go anywhere with me for pictures. She the best, would love to win this camera and try it out with her. Thanks for the chance to win… Melissa

  49. Elizabeth

    My Special Olympic Athletes – capturing the moments when they feel that nothing can hold them back and their unique abilities overcome any disability they have been labeled with – absolutely priceless!!!

  50. Michelle Yeaton

    I love to photograph my garden. It is ever changing and i love to look at past photos to see the how things have grown and blossomed. What something was and what its become .

  51. Angie

    Hi! I am a new follower, been around for about 2-3 weeks now! I love photographing my kids, my fun finds when I’m shopping, old buildings and barns, industrial stuff, among other things…but those are my faves! 🙂

  52. LPiccione-Volger

    I love to photograph my family including the animals! Next would be my garden/pool area! Or anything with texture! And this may seem weird but I love to scan fabrics. This camera would be a fun new toy!

  53. Janj

    I love to photograph my children, especially with them outdoors. Also, I have an Etsy shop so those photos are always fun to play with! Thanks for the giveaway!

  54. Michele

    I love to photograph my children, of course, but the home decor projects for my blog are a much easier, and still, subject to capture!

  55. Karen B

    That’s a hard question, but I would have to say, details. Close ups of the daily stuff of life whether it’s my home, my family, my world. That might be a sly way to say, just about everything. My camera’s been in the shop for 3 weeks and I’m going C R A Z Y!

  56. JeanFB

    Wow, this camera is adorable! What fun. My favorite photo subjects are my kids, outside in beautiful surroundings, when they are not paying any attention to the fact that I am photographing them! Thanks for a marvelous giveaway and the chance to win.

  57. Janj

    I have always liked you on facebook. It is my favorite way to get your updates. Thanks for always sharing your favorite finds and tips. I like to photograph my children!

  58. Heidi Woodruff

    What an easy question! My grandchildren are my favorite subject to photograph! To capture their smiles and laughter is an endless source of joy in my life! Thanks for the chance to win! Hugs, Heidi

  59. Allison

    I love to photograph details! there is are so many unique details that always seem to get overlooked!

  60. Pam Capone

    Lately it has been our new puppy but always my family. My husband and daughter are great about having their photo taken.

  61. Katie Ross

    My seven pets, especially lately our newest — Sebastian, a rescued, all-white cat with ice blue eyes. It’s hard to take a bad photo of him!

  62. Amy

    I love to photograph my family, especially while having fun on vacation!

  63. debwire@comcast.net

    I love to take pictures of absolutely everything!

  64. Michelle

    I love to photograph my dogs and cats! heehee

  65. Care.

    I love taking pictures of Richmond, the city I live in. It’s the best city in the world, hands down, and I love how different everyone here is and how you can walk two blocks and feel like you are in a different city all together.

  66. Deirdre

    I LOVE taking pictures of everything but my favorite is old barns and old farm equipment!!

  67. Evie

    I love to photograph my husband. His facial expressions are ever changeing, especially when he is tired of me taking pictures of him.

  68. Cami Gabossi

    I love taking pictures of my kids, and documenting our everyday life…:) please pick me!!

  69. Tami C.

    My kids and my travels! I have had one of these cameras in my shopping bag on Amazon for a little while now, sure would be fun to win!!!

  70. Puanani

    I am obsessed with corners of my home. Small visual vignettes of all of the unusual and beautiful things I love…Mundane, but oh, so close to my heart.

  71. Maria Rodarte

    I would love to win. I almost bought one in Vegas this past weekend. but they were a bit to much for my budget. Thanks for an awesome giveaway.

  72. Darlene L

    How cute is that! I didn’t realize they made film cameras anymore. It is so fun to get your developed pictures. Thanks for the chance to win.

  73. Janis G

    I love taking candid shots of my nephew with his friends and his grandfather(when he allows it)and taking photos of all the crafty things I make.

  74. Dawn Gahan

    My Old English Sheepdog Gideon is pretty darn photogenic, but I do believe my 19-year-old sweet pea of a daughter, Harleigh, takes the cake for my favorite subject!

  75. LuLu

    My favorite thing to photograph is my art!
    What a great giveaway!!
    Hope you are enjoying your summer!!

  76. Bonnie

    My favorite subject to photograph is my family although my husband always hides from me whenever I pull out the camera. Thank you for the chance & here’s hoping…

  77. Bonnie

    I just “liked” you on Facebook. I think I should pay more attention to those blogs I read quite a bit. I don’t even KNOW you’re on Facebook until something like this! Thanks, again, for the 2nd chance to win… Here’s hoping.

  78. Jo

    My garden 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity to win this!

  79. Rosa

    That’s an adorable camera!! I’m surprising myself to say this, but lately my favorite thing to photograph has been wildflowers! -especially if there is a bee on one. I can’t resist a wildflower with a bee…

  80. Debi Blue

    My favorite subject to photograph would have to be “Events”. Special days and recording people’s faces. I love to go back to those pictures and relive that day!

  81. Nan

    I have a brand new baby granddaughter named Genevieve Poet, who has captured my heart. She is my favorite.

  82. mkat58@hotmail.com

    Great giveaway ! My favorite thing to photograph is my kids ! I love catching them in action especially outdoors in the sunshine ! Thanks ! Love your blog 🙂

  83. Suzy McQ

    I think this camera is beyond cute and the image size is so unique. I would shoot my Havanese, Teddy, Joe, Daisy and foster Alfie! If I had any film remaining the kids would be next!

  84. Suzanne

    My family is my favorite thing to photograph. 🙂 Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

  85. Jennifer Westmoreland

    My son Quinn… He’s 8 now, so won’t be a willing participant for much longer, but I’ll take care of it with baby number 2, who comes along in 6 weeks!!!

  86. Snowlet

    My kitty Tora! And husband is a close second.

  87. AbbyK

    My fav. subject to photograph is my son. Thank you for the giveaway!

  88. Mary Ann

    I love to photograph people in my family and my cat!!!

  89. Rebecca

    Love the camera!! My sweet nephew is my favorite to photograph!

  90. Carla H.

    My favorite subject to photograph is family and friends. I’m always the one with the camera at gatherings just snapping away. A close second are the insides of the homes of my friends and family. I like gathering clever decoration and design ideas.

  91. Carla H.

    My favorite subject to photograph is family and friends. I’m always the one with the camera at gatherings just snapping away. A close second are the insides of the homes of my friends and family. I like collecting clever decoration and design ideas.

  92. Jenn

    I seem to photograph my dog, Reese the most, and silly self portraits with my boyfriend rank next on the list

  93. antiquechase

    This has been on my wishlist for the loooongest time!! I really would love to win this! My favorite subject is family… especially photos of my kids with my 95 year old grandmother (their great grandma)… priceless!!

  94. penny nelson

    Oh, I am so excited to have a chance. This camera looks so intersting. Have been looking
    at it for awhile. My grandchildren and the Big Hole in Montana are my favorite subjects.

  95. Cheryl

    I would say I love all kinds of subjects – but I like scenery and objects the most.

  96. Keli

    family and friends… when they don’t know I’m there taking a picture.

  97. Chelsea B.

    Def. my ferrets Duchess & Grizzly (they love each other, which is too cute and are so silly!), and my girl Roxy (well, she is a Jack Russel), but she is the best!

  98. Karla

    I love to photography my Grandparents. The expressions on their faces tell stories of full, well lived lives. Plus they’ll sit still long enough for me to get the perfect picture. I love them.

  99. Martha Hjorth

    my grown kiddos. #1 choice , hands down.
    Also my garden during the seasonal changes.I carry my digital camera in my purse and use it weekly!
    thanks for doing this! 🙂

  100. faded plains

    There’s so many things I enjoy photographing…but I love taking photos of old farmhouses…they have a soul that just speaks to me. Thanks so much for the chance!

  101. Star Shipley

    I like to Photograph my dogs. 🙂 They are always adorable and trying to catch their different expressions is always funny.

  102. Laura R.

    My kids! Too active, at times, but I always manage to get some great shots!

  103. fastglassponies@gmail.com

    Hands. Handshandshandshandshands. The skin and little scars, the tiny movements of muscle, the way people gesture. They tell as much or more about a person than the eyes do. I adore shooting hands (mine almost always have a camera).

  104. Jen

    I have a bazillion pictures of my kids. I just adore taking pictures of the ones I love most! 🙂

  105. kristin

    oh how i have drooled over these cameras!! what a fun giveaway heather!!
    i would have to say my faded finds and cows as my favorite subjects…oh and my little wild prairie kids as well!!
    faded prairie

  106. Hayley

    I’d love one of those! I cherish memories of my sweet Nanny snapping us with her big Polaroid camera throughout my childhood. I like to take pictures of my little boy, of course.

  107. Jeannine

    Honestly, my dog is my favorite subject. He’s a happy, but docile golden retriever. When he was a puppy, he’d look away from the camera, but he’s gotten so used to it that he’ll patiently pose for almost any picture.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  108. Renaisydaisy.wordpress.com

    I love to photograph odd sights that you don’t see everyday, for example there is a bike high up in the tree next to my apt that has been there for ten years. I just moved into this apt and can’t wait to start taking pictures of it.
    Great give away, adorable little camera

  109. Jenny K.

    ooooh… that would be a fun win! I enjoy photographing my children but things that stay still are my next favorite. (like food shots) :~)

  110. Elizabeth Fedorko

    As much as I would love to say my favorite photography subject is something highbrow and arty, I cannot, My favorite subject is my son. Simple. I have been taking photos of him for almost 17 years and I never, ever tire of it. Thanks for the fabulous giveway!~~~XXOO, Beth

  111. Shelley

    My favorite photo subject is always travel related!

  112. Allyson

    I love to photograph anything in the garden… my garden or “formal” gardens. I find the colors & textures in flowers/plants/trees to be amazing & inspiring. Also, anytime I spend in the garden is a source of refreshment.

  113. Karen Eggleston

    Leaves. I just shot some with the sun behind them to show off the veins.

  114. Jennifer Chapin

    Very cool! I’ve had my eye on one of these. Thanks for the chance to win! My favorite subject to photograph is my 2 year old daughter 😀

  115. elyse

    how fun!
    lately i enjoy taking pics of pretty scenery around my pretty state of RI.
    thank you for the generous giveaway prize. fingers crossed (when not taking pics, that is)

  116. tczar77@gmail.com

    My new grandson, Beckett!!
    Terry in Milwaukee

  117. Emily

    I would love to win that sweet little camera so I can continue to enjoy taking pictures of everyday life..I enjoy that kind of photography..thank you so much for such a great giveaway

  118. Sara

    Food! Absolutely love all the different looks it can have when just tinkering with lighting and background. Looks so elegant and delicious!

  119. brenda salzano

    I want to win this for my 78 yr old mom! She used to love the old instant cameras and wants to take pictures to show us her garden, pets and family when we come to visit her. I am excited to even hear they have one like this. Her birthday is this fall, she would be so happy to get this!! Enter me please!

  120. sewprimitive karen

    Too cute! I love to take photos of historic areas/buildings.

  121. Sarah A.

    My favorite photography subject is nature in winter. I love the snow!

  122. Cindi

    My favorite subject to photograph is my 11 month old son.

  123. JK

    I love photographing anything with water in it – lakes, rivers, the beach, even the sunlight catching through the garden hose!! I love the reflective qualities of the water and how it can look both serene and powerful.
    Would love to try the Instax Mini I’ve wanted one for ages!!

  124. Kim

    Animals in my backyard – they can be so expressive and fun to watch and photograph. Great giveaway!

  125. Pam

    I need this camera and its my favorite color white !!
    Favorite thing to photograph is family fun and flowers

  126. Posey

    Oh fun!!! I photograph alot of people, but my favorites are my 2 grandchildren!

  127. Cindy

    Cool camera. My grandpa used to use the original kind. Reminds me of him. I love taking pictures of the family. I love looking back at them days later and then again years later. Either way, family. For sure.

  128. Victoria Ramos

    My beautiful daughter Aubrey, is my favorite subject to photo – hands down. That camera is soo darn cute!

  129. Cyndy

    My grandchildren because of their translucency and sparkling features! Never get a bad picture when they are in the frame and two of the cutest Westies in the world!! I prefer to take animated unposed pictures and pull in tight — never disappointed. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  130. Hazel Llanes

    First off, I really hope this giveaway is open to Canadian residents!
    My favorite subject to photograph are my friends, especially when we go on trips together. If only I had this camera while we were in New York a few months back, eh?
    Oh course, food comes in close second! 🙂

  131. Geny

    Favorite to photograph is my kids of course, they are so funny and cute!! Love the idea of this cool camera! Thanks for the chance to win!

  132. marcia e

    Oh I love instant cameras and this one is sooooo cute! i love going around the nearby city and snapping pictures of the architecture and flowers-they are so colorful this time of year!

  133. Terry Glass

    Of course family is always great to photograph, but when I have the opportunity I love to photograph ‘doors’, especially old ones or brightly colored doors! Flowers are also a fav!

  134. Dreamstateinspiration.blogspot.com

    My favorite subject to take photos of is my place in time. I want to remember every moment that I didn’t spend at work. I have no choice but to embrace the 2 days a week that I get to enjoy nature, long drives, lounging in the sun, walking on the beach, freedom to do just about anything as long as I am back to work on time! : )

  135. KFowler

    My favorite subject to photograph would have to be my son, Jack. Other than him, I enjoy taking pictures of lots of things – vignettes around my home, pictures of my work and even the flower/memorial garden downtown. There’s just something about seeing a super old gravestone peeking out from under gorgeous flowers and vegetation.

  136. Jane Bradley

    I love photographing my two sweet doggies… Gabe and Buttons. They make the cutest subjects! Love this adorable camera!!!

  137. Magoo

    how stinkin’ cute is that little guy?! i love to take my quilts on photoshoots..and anyhting else that catches my fancy. i never leave home without my camera. this one would be a purses’ perfect fit 😉 thanks so much for the giveaway!

  138. Del

    I love to photograph my kids! I tell them constantly that I am documenting their lives!
    Thank you for the opportunity!

  139. Tina

    My kids are my favorite subjects to photograph. We are going on a trip to the Caribbean for Christmas and their “homework” while we’re gone will be to keep a trip journal. This camera would be a fantastic way to document their adventure!

  140. Alice

    I’ve been looking at this camera for a while…..I want it!!!
    I love snapping pictures of my baby nieces….so precious.

  141. Jackie P

    Love taking pictures of my five cats, four grandkids and flowers!

  142. susan yaklin-everson

    I love to take pictures of the kids at the beach! They are so happy to be there!

  143. Deb McK

    My favorite things are my 3 grandchildren and the kids at our K-12 rural school!

  144. Lydia

    I’ve been having a good time taking pictures of light –
    particularly light coming through windows.

  145. Jacque

    I love taking pictures of my grandsons with their Papa. My other favorite subject is my chickens.

  146. psmullican

    i love to photograph my family, little spots around the house, and sometimes the food i cook – that’s kind of an event so i like to document it! ha!

  147. Victoria Cullen

    I’ve reeeeaaaallllyyyy been wanting one of those cameras! Pick me, pick me!! Thanks for the chance to win one 🙂

  148. Joyce

    My dog Riley, the ever-unpredictable Jack Russell terrier with his comical antics, is never camera-shy. He is the subject of my recent dog collage, which has become everyone’s favorite. He provides endless hour of entertainment!

  149. Kim

    Wow – my younger nieces and nephew. Ages 4, 5 and 8. I wished someone had captured my everyday moments… Hopefully, I am creating a treasure that will last them a lifetime. TFTO!

  150. Ashleigh

    My favorite photography subject would be everyday life. The things that make me smile. Whether it’s my husband asleep in the early morning hours, an oddly shaped squash from the garden, or a family BBQ where the eat kids eat so much watermelon that their faces turn red. It’s everyday things, that so many taketrot granted that make for the best shots.

  151. Michelle

    My favorite subject to photograph is our English Bulldog, Moby. Sometimes he even cooperates!

  152. Donna Jenkins

    I have been looking for one of these! I saw it last year in a magazine and then went on the hunt…no luck locally!
    I love to take pictures of my home and garden! My family, like myself, do not care to be photographed so they are always a bit sneaky!

  153. Ruth Ann

    My four pound Yorkie, Missy. She’s so cute.

  154. Melinda

    I am kind of a nature girl when it comes to photographs. Recently caught a bunny nibbling from one of our flower pots.

  155. Lynette

    My favorite subject — oh so lamely! — is my cat. And I love your blog!

  156. Ivy and Elephants

    I have two favorite subjects, my 3 year old darling son and wildlife. What a wonderful camera you are giving away.

  157. Tami M.

    I love taking pics of my family and my two dogs! These cameras are so fun, thank you for the chance to win!

  158. Susan

    My favorite thing to photograph ….. my beautiful little dog, Olivia!

  159. Brenda Weaver

    Fun!! I have this on my wish list on Amazon!! My favorite thing to photograph is kids. Mine and my nieces and nephews.
    thanks for the chance to win!

  160. Terin

    I only take pictures for the memories. And the memories I always choose are friends and family 🙂

  161. susan

    Thank you for the chance to win, Heather! My grandkids are my favorite subjects to photograph.

  162. Bryanna

    My favorite things to snap are children. Esp if its my child!! 🙂 And its extra special if I get a good shot of my child AND our dogs. So special.
    Awesome give-a-way!
    Thanks for hosting

  163. Kiona

    I like to catch my family unaware,just natural,no posing,beautiful pictures of them living life!!!Those are my favorite photo subjects. Cheers & have a brilliant day

  164. kathy barrick

    my dogs, for sure….or my jewelry…no… my dogs…probably my jewelry, just because I do it SOOOOO much!

  165. Ann

    My son! He’s always fun to photo. And nature scenes–not everything, but sometimes something just catches my eye…

  166. Ann

    (Post FB Like) Anything beautiful–especially my little boy!

  167. Clare

    Awesome giveaway! I love to shoot anything quirky or beautiful; from fun fashion to serene, picturesque landscapes.
    ~ Clare x

  168. sydney85

    I love taking photos of my family and friends when they visit. I put the photos together in a small album and mail it to them when they return home for memories of their time in Texas.

  169. Khristina

    Without a doubt. . . MY KIDS! I love getting their sweet (and sometimes not so sweet) little faces.

  170. Tracey Gaudette

    I love to capture moments. I try to capture feelings. Family, friends, places , nature … It’s all fair game! Thank you for this lovely giveaway! XOXO

  171. Jamie

    My favorite subject? My sweet little guy! He is so photogenic! I love it! The total opposite of me!

  172. Sally Hart

    What a wonderful treat! I love it! Of course, my favorite people to photograph are my grandchildren. But my dog Chloe is right up there too!

  173. Tracey Gaudette

    I love to capture moments. I try to capture feelings. Family, friends, nature (especially skies) are favorites. Thank you for this lovely giveaway!! XOXO

  174. Tracey Gaudette

    Oops! Sorry for the double post … I thought the first one didn’t work! 🙂

  175. Jill D.

    My favorite things to photograph are my four sweet boys. I’d love to be able to photograph them with this. Thanks for the chance!

  176. Sylvia @ From the Heart

    I love to capture the every-dayness. Things that capture my eye during a hike, a blooming flower or veggie in our garden, my doggie. More than anything… a moment when I would like to freeze in time.

  177. Terry McClung

    My little chickens! (translation–
    My grandkids)

  178. Elisa

    I love to photograph my family… my hubby, my pets and the rest of the crew. Thanks for the chance to win.

  179. Linda Stubbs Prairie Flower

    Details on our farm………chickens, garden, old barn doors and windows, eating in the Potter’s Shed. this camera looks like something I would really enjoy!
    Love your blog…….it is beautiful and pleasing to the eye!
    Blessings from my farm,

  180. Cheryl Flatt

    My favorite subject right now is Puerto Rico…the ocean, our house, seashells, anything to do with life here.

  181. Janey Jennings

    Oh Heather! How generous of you! I have been dying to try out this camera. My favorite subject, of course, are my sweet grandchildren.

  182. Marty J. Christopher

    I love to photograph feet from above (self portraits of shoes, really), the backs of people walking away from me, and anything with a playful light. I also love to do close-ups of nature shots (flowers, insects, animals, etc.). This is SUCH an awesome giveaway!

  183. Deborah

    How fun to use my new camera to take pictures of my favorite subjects – grandchildren!

  184. Imnstitches

    My favorite subject to photograph is my kids. I also love the beach where we live. So, my kids at the beach are tops! Thank you for the giveaway.

  185. Jenny

    WOW! I love taking photos of my sheep/goats and any projects around the barnyard!

  186. Bourgue

    happiness in this world…=^_^= i believe that it is sometimes very difficult to find the happiness….because of that i wanna show the happiness to the people through my eyes….

  187. Marian Smith

    My favorite photos are of my family…especially my grandkids!! Thanks for this wonderful giveaway!

  188. Marian Smith

    Please count me in twice…I am a follower on facebook also!

  189. michelleb.

    Honestly, I love taking picture of my food. Dinners/meals, anything that turns out yummy. Then I post the picture on FB. My mom does not use a computer. I often mail her pictures of the food and recipes that I think she would enjoy to try on her own. She has many health issues, but thinks it is too hard to eat healthy on a budget when cooking for one. I like to give her examples of how easy it is and it doesn’t have to come from a cookbook or be be processed.
    Okay…I also like to take pics of my hubby, kids and dog, too. My middle daughter thinks it is crazy that I take pictures of my food.

  190. amy in Texas

    While the family is always fun, I prefer shooting pictures of things out in nature…leaves, flowers, clouds.

  191. shelli

    thanks for the chance at the giveaway! ok. what do i like to take pics of? anything that makes me smile…my boys&family.an animal in the yard or a bird in the tree.something i created.the list could go on! happy weekend!

  192. Judy L

    I love to take pictures of my daughter and my Golden.

  193. amy

    The crazy things my kids do. Also love taking pics of my friends at Girls Night Outs.

  194. Emie

    Thanks for a chance to win…. my favorite thing to photograph are my dogs!

  195. kimberly

    Oh my – that camera is divine! My friend has one and loves to play with it~
    As you know, food is my very favorite thing to photograph – and then eat!
    Enjoy the rest of your week,

  196. Meesh@idreamofchairs

    Oh, I love this camera so much, I’d probably end up taking photos of IT if I had one! lol…no seriously, favorite photo subjects are flowers and clouds.

  197. Lori

    I love to photograph little nooks and crannies while vacationing. A beautiful aged door on a building.. a sidewalk cafe just little bits and pieces of the area to remind me of my time spent there.

  198. Michelle Torres

    I enjoy taking pictures of my Beautiful Daughters, and yummy cakes that I enjoy baking!!!!!! Oh, and ofcourse Georgous flowers……. So much fun taking pictures of all of my favorite things!!!!!
    Michelle Torres

  199. Patti H.

    Definitely my beautiful 12 year old daughter! Would love to win the cute little camera! How fun! Thank you for the giveaway!

  200. Kathy

    My grandbabes of course! I have eight of them and they are so much fun!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  201. Amy

    My nephew Hudson who may be the cutest nephew in the entire world. When he’s unavailable, my furry babies are the next in line.

  202. Made In The South

    I take a wide range of photos…nature at our camp,friends and family on the beach, to booths at Round Top, Farm Chicks and heading to Country Living Fair in Oct.

  203. Cindy

    Random surprising or inspirational moments that happen during the day to share with my family.

  204. Cyndi

    Oh, it’s always been my son. I knew I wouldn’t remember every moment (even though at the time I thought “how could I ever forget this”), so at least when he was young, I tried to capture the smiles, the frowns, the tantrums, the moments of joy, contemplation, boredom…all of it. I treasure each of them. Thanks for such a great drawing!

  205. Kristi Anne

    I love to take photos of my family and dogs….

  206. tonya

    My favour thing to photograph is anything nature or macro. I just love bring out the details and colours of the natural beauty around me. Once and a while though i love taking pictures of old buildings or churchs. The architecture and beauty that went into them just amazes me.

  207. Tina Chopee

    I like taking pictures of people in nature, laughing, playing,…it makes my heart happy!

  208. Marlene

    Hi Heather! I love to photograph beautiful vintage items and flowers. Very cute camera to do it with :).
    Thank you for the opportunity!
    Marlene Jackson

  209. sarah

    Is this replacing the phased out flip camera market? I love a compact camera to take snaps and video of my students in our school library…’caught in the act’ of reading….am interested in knowing more about this device.

  210. julie

    People for sure, sometimes I see people and think wow they would be so cool to photograph (I like interesting faces/fashion) and horses!

  211. Linda

    Animals, gardens, beaches, homes, family – just impossible to pick a favorite!

  212. Heather C.

    When you live near Longwood Gardens, it’s not hard to have a favorite place to photograph!

  213. montse

    Little old chippy dishes, anything gray/white/red and old. I am following u al so on Facebook.

  214. west coast nester

    Faces. I love capturing unsuspecting faces. Tears, laughter, lollipop stained mouths, sassy looks. Anything that shows character and emotion. They light me up and never get old.

  215. evelyn

    I think I like that it is white! I like the smallness of the pics,great for scrapbooking,too!!

  216. My Blessed Serendipity Life

    I love to photograph people without them knowing or posing. Just candid shots of everyday life. Flowers and nature are a personal fav too.
    Love the mini camera. Thanks for offering this fun giveaway.

  217. Cathy K

    Definitely my kids! I love the way it’s always spontaneous with them. You never know what you’re going to get. Thx so much for the great give-a-way! How fun!

  218. Vicki K

    After my family, it would be stacks o’ tickings, grain sacks or general fabrics.

  219. Gina

    My little boys. Their sweet little faces are growing and changing by the minute. I love to capture every precious bit of it.

  220. Meg in Oregon

    I love to photograph my friends and I out celebrating life! I don’t want to forget a moment, and love looking back at pictures to re-live a memory.

  221. Elizabeth Cole

    I like taking pictures of doors and then creating a collage on a piece of canvas. Fun to incorporate them into a painting.

  222. Mara

    other than family, cat included i like to take photos of old buildings in small towns. thanks for the chance to win!

  223. Diane

    I work with the Navy Seals and travel all over the world with them. I enjoy taking photos of the boys while working and at play. At the end of the assignment we look back at all the photos, laugh, make fun of each other and share the memories.

  224. Roxanne

    My favorite subject to photograph is a flowing stream surrounded by the woods. Great camera!

  225. Robin

    I love this cute little camera! Great give away 😉 my Favourite subject to photograph are my finds while I’m antiquing!

  226. Jett

    My children! I’ve been wanting one of these cameras!

  227. Marcia

    Please throw my name into the hat! That camera looks like a tone of fun. My favorite pics to take of the beautiful everyday things that I find in and around my home. (Most often, there is a child or two involved as well.)

  228. Lori-Anne

    I tried, but I can’t pick just one! So here are some of my faves: my kids, architecture, tablescapes, musical instruments, old things, street scenes and food! Fingers crossed 🙂

  229. Em .H

    Just found your Blog through “Blogging for Bliss”. So happy I did (you are now bookmarked). My favorite thing to photograph would have to be my garden.

  230. Marsha @ Splenderosa

    Oh my goodness, how simply wonderful! I’m your newest follower, and I did that before I knew about the giveaway. I have a new granddaughter and I’m a jewelry designer…believe it or not, I do not have a camera. This would be so wonderful to win. Then I could take my own photographs and not have to bother other family members. Love your blog!

  231. Teah

    Hi Heather, Thank you for the nice give away. I’ve been wanting one of these for away to take pictures of my family.

  232. Brooke Burroughs

    Trees. They’re so majestic to me. They are one of the oldest living things on earth! Some young…some old. Some sway..some stand strong. Some in full bloom bursting with life…others sparse and haunting 🙂 They’re my favorite <3

  233. nikki

    I love sunrise & sunset. So far my favorite is a sunrise I took over the shipyard/port in my city. Something about the colors of the sunrise set against the steely machines was just beautiful.

  234. susan

    My grandkids think I’m the paparazzi! I love having lots of pics of them! I also enjoy photographing wedding details, flowers, and whatever else catches my eye! Thanks for a chance to win your generous giveaway, Heather! That camera looks so fun!

  235. MNCaroline

    The only thing I ever photograph – my kids!

  236. julie

    i also ‘like-ed’ you on facebook :0)
    jugeebee at hotmail dot com

  237. vanessa marshall

    Well, I have a great passion for taking pictures of any kind of
    wildbirds(favorites bluebirds, robins and hummers)they show us how to live a simply life

  238. Leann

    My favorite things to photograph are my children! Such a cute fun camera!!!

  239. patty cole

    i am a sucker for give-aways and would so love to win this one!

  240. kas

    My favorite at home are my silly kitties and my favorite outside the home is the Chicago Botanic Garden!

  241. Vicki Boutin

    Oooh! I so want one of these cameras, do you LOVE yours??
    I love to photograph EVERYTHING!!! My kids, foods, bugs, flowers. I am hooked!
    I want one of these so I can make fun mini albums and travel books!!
    Thanks so much for the chance to win, Heather!!

  242. Megan

    Ohh my favorite thing to photograph is definitely couples in love!! 🙂 P.S. Love your blog!! 😀

  243. Katie Greenlaw

    How fun is this camera? Adorable!
    I love to photograph my son. He’s a tough one to catch in photo, but when I do…priceless 🙂

  244. Kristie

    My favorite thing to photograph would have to be my sweet little pugs. They are just so adorable and very happy to pose in the cutest positions.

  245. Gay

    Being the “people watcher” that I am…..I love to photograph people when they don’t know they are being photographed.

  246. Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co.

    My kids are all grown up, but they are still my favorite subjects!

  247. Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co.

    My kids are all grown up, but they are still my favorite subjects!

  248. Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co.

    My kids are all grown up, but they are still my favorite subjects!

  249. Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co.

    My kids are all grown up, but they are still my favorite subjects!

  250. Melaine Thompson

    HOw did I miss this one? Holy cow, I have wanted one of these forever! What do I like to photograph? The obvious answer is my kids, so I’ll go out on a limb here and say that I love to photograph my DIY projects for Souvenir! 🙂 Do I win, do I win??? xoxo

  251. Emilie

    My children are my favorite subjects to photograph… especially when they are not posing.

  252. Elizabeth

    I love photographing odd sights,unexpected things, but really nature inspires me most. That little camera could be a lot of fun!

  253. DM

    My favorite subject to photograph is landscape & my chandler. I love photographing my chandler not only because of how quirky he is but also because of who made it, a singer of my favorite band.

  254. azsurins@aol.com

    My kids and daily life is favorite right now!
    Debbie S.

  255. Stephanie

    Flowers! I love using the macro setting on my camera and taking close-up pictures of flowers – like the inside of a petunia, or the underside of a Queen Anne’s lace. And the way light plays on the petals, and through them – so beautiful. Last year I tried taking macro photos of snowflakes. That was challenging but the pictures were very interesting. ~Stephanie from Buttermilk Hill

  256. Jennifer

    That camera looks like so much fun. What a fun way to shoot your kids, family, and everything else!!!

  257. Jennifer

    What a fun camera! How fun it would be to take pictures of your kids, family, just about anything with this!!!

  258. Heather

    My children are my favorite subject. The most beautiful of God’s creations….to me!

  259. klynnnn

    My favorite thing to photograph is the view from the top of the city I’m visiting… i.e. “Top of the Rock” views in NYC

  260. Isabella

    What don’t I love to photograph? I love to take pics of my travels, of my friends, and of my family.
    My FAVORITE subjects to photograph would have to be my Little Sisters from the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization as they experience new things.
    Pick me! Pick me! wink*wink

  261. Susan@RayandRay.com

    I love to capture quiet moments around my house…….table settings, burst of spring colors, sunsets……and my two puppies. I just brought your plans for the chicken coop. Once we are finished I will send you a picture….Love the names of your chickens!!!!!!!!!

  262. Cindy Holshouser

    My favorite subject is a couple named Shayann and Peyton, my 10-year-old son and neice. And I think they would have fun using this at times too. Great giveway Heather!

  263. Janelle

    My pets are my favorite subjects to photograph. They never complain that I’m taking their picture “again”! I’ve seen these cameras and want one so bad! So bad! Thanks for offering a giveaway!

  264. angie godinez

    My dog is my favorite. He always has such enduring expressions that I love to catch in photos.

  265. Charmed Life

    My own six year old Sweet Girl is my favorite subject. She is a ham when the camera comes out:0)
    Hope you have a beautiful day Miss Heather!
    Hugs from New Mexico,

  266. Amber

    I really enjoy photographing people and trying to highlight their personalities and unique features. I am due with our first baby in 5 weeks and can’t wait to photograph him!

  267. Champagne Maker

    Oh! I’d love one of these!! My favorite subject? Town of Westport Harbor Mass…does a whole town count? fingers crossed!!

  268. Shannon O

    I love photo’s and lots of them! My baby nephew is my favorite subject to take a picture of but before he was born it was flower pictures.

  269. Kim

    Thanks for the opportunity! We are picture happy here! Would love the cute camera. I’d take pics of my kids with our chickens! Most likely a kid chasing a chicken to be honest!

  270. Linda

    Love to photograph my grandsons and my two Welsh Corgis.

  271. debe

    Mainly I love to take pictures of things that inspire me…beautiful moments in everyday life. And my family!

  272. Paige

    I love to photograph anything in nature including flowers and beautiful landscapes. Love this little camera and would love to win this!

  273. Sarah Beth

    That camera looks so cute! I love to take pictures of the beach. The waves, sand and sunsets.

  274. Suzanne

    Oh, I’ve been wanting one of these so much. I can’t get film (at least not for less than a king’s ransom) for my collection of old Polaroids. Thanks for the opportunity. BTW, I’d shoot pics of cornfields!

  275. Stephanie

    My favorite would have to be my adorable grandson. A second choice would be nature–flowers, leaves, happen-upon surprises, and such! God’s beautiful world is always offering some great possibilities! Thanks for the opportunity!

  276. Farrah

    i love taking pictures of my brother! 🙂

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