Smitten: Beg Bicycles

Oh, my word…these bicycles and their absolutely most adorable accessories have me completely smitten! Take a look for yourself!

Have you ever seen bikes presented in a more charming way? They are from the UK based company Beg Bicycles. While you're over there take a peek at their lovely blog and gallery. So dreamy! 
I want one of these in the worst way. You too?

18 Responses to “Smitten: Beg Bicycles”

  1. Gail

    Your timing couldn’t be better…..we just got back from a beach vacation and we took our (old) bikes with us…they were so uncomfortable to ride and I told my dh that I needed a new bike, hopefully a beach cruiser type. These would certainly be perfect, although a tad spendy for me right now!
    Gorgeous bikes though, and what a pretty website….thanks for the link!

  2. kerrie

    I did a few Bicycle posts this summer and I used that same first photo you have here in your post! I love them too, but I actually ride them and have found that the seat really needs to be comfortable. These have such hard seats! But the Electra’s have nice cushioned seats so I will be getting an new Electra with a nantucket basket. You can visit my blog to see my Bicycle posts… ox

  3. Rosa

    They make me think of the classic image of a beautiful European woman riding through the provincial countryside!

  4. Dori

    So charming! I definitely need a wicker basket for my bike. Would be perfect for stashing goodies in when riding around our island.

  5. sarah-jane down the lane

    Thank you Heather I am going to take a Google stroll over there right now! They are so lovely! and I love pink lemonade so there’s two reasons!
    Sarah x

  6. Jaclyn

    Bikes always remind me of summer. These are such cute photos, I love the little baskets and blanket holders too.

  7. shannon danis

    my husband and i had some 1 year anniversary pics taken in front of an old bike! 🙂 SKV6.BLOGSPOT.COM

  8. emerald hills

    I love those bikes. There is nothing better. They just transport you back in time and its like a small slice of heaven for me.

  9. Franee

    Oh my goodness! These bikes are adorable! I loveeee them and the one with the blanket in the back! In addition, it’d be really cute to see a married couple riding together on them.

  10. Victoria

    Amazing you should show these beautiful bicycles. Love their vintage look. After lusting over Electra beach cruiser bicycles for two years, my hubby surprised me with one and ened up getting himself one too. Mine has a beautiful Nantucket basket on the front with amazing, colorful details. My husband first got the Delivey Electra, very vintage details with wood handlebar grips and plank basket. But it wasn’t his favorite color — red. So he went back to the bicycle shop and brought home a red and black one that is more colorful and to his liking. We have had more fun riding our new bikes on the paths near our home and to breakfast up to Einstein’s or Jason’s Deli. We did a 12 mile ride on a beautiful bike path early Labor Day morning. It was so refreshing to feel like a kid again riding a real bike — not one with so many gears built only for speed and exercise. People stop us every time we take them out and ask about them because they are so unusual. We even experience people honking at us at traffic lights to ask us about them. Maybe in another two years, I can talk hubby into getting me a “spare” Beg Bicycle! They look really cool! I may be a vintage “MiMi” to nine grandbabies. But I love wonderful style and design, even in my bicyle!

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