The Day Off

Yesterday my college girl and I decided to take the day off together. With school starting back up in a few weeks I know to take full advantage of our time while we have it. We decided to go down to Balboa Island for an impromptu picnic lunch. So we loaded up the beach bag my friend Trish made for me and hit the road. She'll make one for you too if you'd like…they come in lots of great colors! 

The Union Jack bed coverlet was a Rose Bowl find from last summer and has been the perfect beach blanket with it's generous size and lightweight fabric. I actually walked away from it at the flea market and couldn't stop thinking about it the entire day. Glad it was still there when I went back. It was only 15 bucks!

Our not-so-fancy lunch consisted of leftover grilled fajitas from the night before which I have to say tasted very delicious as a cold salad. We packed them up in recycled jam jars since I try to avoid plastic whenever possible. 

After lunch she wanted to stop and get a frozen banana for dessert. So we walked down to the 2 famous Balboa Bar ice cream shops that compete for your business. They both claim their own fame as being the "Original". And after 60 plus years in business it seems their friendly competition is still working for them.

Her frozen treat was a small Everything Banana…apparently she likes her bananas the same way she likes her bagels. Minus the onions and poppy seeds.

 From there we went on to the movies to see The Help which was soooo good. You must go see it. Must. It is such a poignant and heartfelt story about the civil rights movement in our country. But then, you probably already knew that since millions read the best selling book!

We had a fantastic day together but by far, the best part for me were the hours of talking we did in the car ride. Chatting about childhood memories, future hopes, dreams & plans, funny college friend stories….basically those small everyday moments that make up a lifetime. I feel so blessed to be able to watch it unfold right before my very eyes. 

27 Responses to “The Day Off”

  1. teresa

    Sweet day with your daughter….nothing better than that…..I have to say your simple lunch looked divine….I’m saving my jam jars from now on.
    Happy day

  2. Monica

    Glad you had fun with your girl! The bag + Union Jack coverlet are perfect.
    I love the way you packed your salad into recycled jam jars. I might borrow the idea, if you don’t mind…
    Have a wonderful rest of the week,

  3. Sue

    Sometimes it is the simple times with our kids as they grow up that mean the most. It’s not the family dinners, or the holidays necessarily. It’s the “moment” that is important. Something simple like a car ride that brings out relaxed conversation and good times! Take care.

  4. Kat @Low Tide High Style

    Sounds like a perfect way to spend the day. My daughter is almost 24 and I still love those days when we get to spend time chatting and catching up. They are fewer and farther between now, but just as special when they happen!
    Kat 🙂

  5. shannon

    What a great day! We just got back from vacation on Balboa Island, I love it there. Also love that bag 🙂

  6. Victoria

    Thank you for sharing your perfect day. These are the every day moments that make life so special. My daughter is 25 and I am blessed every time we are together, knowing that one day soon she will find her true love, get married and become a mother. I cherish each moment and I know you do too! Blessings, Victoria Lynn

  7. Laura Nygaard

    Awesome movie! I did the same thing last week with my soon to be off for college DD. Lunch and a movie, great girl time!

  8. Deborah

    So glad you girls had a fun day. My daughter and I went to see The Help on Friday afternoon. Have never laughed and cried so much in one movie in my life. I live in Mississippi and remember the lady who helped at our house. She was a member of her family as well as her 2 little girls. I remember playing with them. Miss Amy helped teach me to cook. When she died I spoke at her funeral. She was just like a second mother to me.

  9. Judi

    I’m so glad you had this special time with her. You will treasure it always – and her life will unfold beautifully because of you!

  10. Kay Ellen

    Frozen Bananas~~~yum
    My all time fav 🙂
    Looks like you two had a wonderful day!

  11. Karen B

    Sounds like just the best day with your girl. I’m actually having lunch today close by at Schooner or Later with a friend I haven’t seen in 5 years.

  12. Katie Greenlaw

    I grew up on Balboa Island and my parents still live there…..there is something so charming and magical about it. Dad’s everything frozen banana is my favorite 🙂

  13. birdie blue

    sounds like the perfect day with your darling daughter. the ‘everything’ banana looks delicious, too.

  14. Linda Bloom

    What a nice day! I’m going to Cape May with my daughter next month. And, I’ve never had a frozen banana!

  15. Cyndi

    I grew up in southern California and have very fond memories of Balboa Island. I loved the frozen bananas! I’m moving back to your area in October and am looking forward to a frozen banana.

  16. Debra Hall

    Hi Heather!! Beautiful post…….love the coverlet!!
    xo Debra

  17. kim

    My girls and I are going to see The Help today. They are moving out this weekend into an apartment close to their college so today will be bittersweet for me. I tried to find those beach bags on your friend Trish’s page but couldn’t find them. Any idea where they are? or how I can get one? Thanks!

  18. Kimberly

    H~ I love the pic with sweet girl laying the blanket out. It gave me a flashback when she was about 3 yrs old by the beach with her beautiful blond curls. Gosh it just happens so fast. So happy you had a great day. I hold onto those moments like pure gold. Much love to you and yours, Kimberly

  19. Heather Bullard

    Hi Kim,
    Trish posted them on her blog today with all the information about ordering and colors. You will LOVE this bag I promise!

  20. Pam Capone

    I am happy that I moved out of California but there will always be things I miss and this is one of them. I will always be back for visits and do have a cousin who lives on Lido Island.

  21. debbie

    Its always a must when at Balboa to stop for a frozen banana…I must say I always go the the one that says its been there since 1945…..OK I LOVE the idea of using the jam jars to pack lunch, gonna start doing that!!!!

  22. Jeanne

    I have wondered how she is adjusting to college and how you have been without her home all of the time. She just gets more and more beautiful! Your day together sounds wonderful.

  23. Melissa Wright

    Frozen bananas? Looks and sounds delicious. Your girl has great taste, grabbing an “everything” banana. I could go for one of those right now!
    The idea of using jam jars for packing lunch bits is really, really good and I can’t blame you for not using plastic. Plastic scares the heck outta me.

  24. Robin Sanchez

    I grew up going to Balboa beach every summer almost every day when there was lots of sandy beach there on in the 60’s & 70’s. My mom took us there because there were no waves for her to worry about us being swept up in. I have fond memories of eating those yummy frozen bannanas, putting lots of coins in the arcade that was there (and winning those little plastic prizes with the grab claw) and watching the ferry go back and forth.

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