Evergreen Gift Tags

By now, most of us are starting (or finished with) our gift wrapping. This year I’ve decided to use more natural materials and simple wrap mixed with traditional Christmas colors. I made these Evergreen Gift Tags for the holiday issue of Souvenir and thought it would be fun to share them here too!


The supply list is very small: manilla tags, waxed thread, twine or embroidery floss, fresh garden clippings, scissors and hot glue. Please feel free to improvise and use what you have on hand. No need to be running around for materials….scavange your cabinets and drawers.

Below are a few ideas on ways to wrap and attach your greenery to the tags. 




I used a variety of clippings from my garden such as ivy, fern leaves, seed pods from our ash trees and boxwood (my favorite). I think it would also be nice to use berries, holly leaves, blue spruce, eucalyptus or small pinecones. The greenery will stay fresh looking for about a day or two. There are endless options to try and the gift tags will suit any gender or age.
Happy Wrapping!

PS. Just remembered, I did a 4 part series on Vintage Wrapping a few years ago. Here are the links to: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.

22 Responses to “Evergreen Gift Tags”

  1. Linda

    Great gift wrapping ideas! Love the vintage ideas, they remind me of your Mission Inn Soiree! (Which by the way we all loved!!)
    Have a Merry Christmas!

  2. Lu Tapp

    Great ideas. My little ones are still a bit to young to craft but, not for me. LOL. I am so excited about your ideas. Thank you for sharing. Happy Holidays Lulu

  3. Sue W

    Love the simplistic beauty of these tags. Sometimes we get carried away in blinging everything up. (Not that bling doesn’t have it’s place and time!)

  4. Laurie

    I love the gift tags! What a beautiful and personal touch. Thanks for the great ideas 🙂

  5. patti

    Great idea…love the simplicity of this, but at that same time they definitely show that you put some creative effort into it…It’s all in the presentation!!! Happy Holidays!

  6. Jody

    You are my favorite blog. Never am I disappointed only INSPIRED. You have wonderful ideas and your photos make me smile.
    Happy Holidays
    Love, Jody

  7. Amanda Coverstone

    Two of my favorite things…fresh greens and tags!
    Merry Christmas!

  8. chrisp

    Collecting the natural raw material out in the open is another great incentive to follow this guide. Thanks for the great idea

  9. Molly Q.

    Hey heather…thanks for posting the past series you did on wrapping. I love all four parts!

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