May Day Basket Ideas



Although May Day isn’t celebrated here as widely as it is in Europe, I still think it’s one of the sweetest holidays. The tradition of leaving a basket of flowers and treats on your neighbors door reminds me of simpler times, when neighbors actually knew one another. And did you know, historians say, if they catch you in the act, they must give you a kiss!


I think it’s best to keep things easy and create a basket with items you have on hand. For me, that’s always fresh organic eggs. And from my garden, a handful of English roses and a few sprigs of greenery. For the treats, I tucked in coffee beans and my Ultimate Nut Lovers Granola.


Nothing was expensive or over-the-top, it’s really just in the presentation and thought. Here are some other items you might have at-the-ready to make your own baskets.

A batch of homemade cookies or muffins.
A small posy of whatever might be growing in your garden.
Or a single bloom from a tree or plant would be lovely.
Freshly picked roadside wildflowers.
A small canister of tea or coffee.
An assortment of candies or chocolates.
Homemade jams, jellies or lemon curd.
A loaf of homemade bread or scones.

May Day is celebrated next week on Wednesday, May 1st. Just enough time for us to plan ahead and make someones day special.


29 Responses to “May Day Basket Ideas”

  1. Natalie, the Chickenblogger

    This takes me back to first grade, about the only time anyone
    suggested we mark the day… we made paper flowers in tiny
    paper baskets to leave on someone’s door. I still recall how enchanted
    I was with this activity. Thank you for bringing back those memories,
    and inspiring a new opportunity… I know a little girl who would adore
    putting together some May Day Baskets.

    • Heather Bullard

      I have fond memories from grade school as well. Maybe we can bring the tradition back..we could sure use a little neighborly love in the US. 🙂

    • Heather Bullard

      Thanks Karen, it’s Abraham Darby…my favorite!

  2. katey deasy

    I love the Mayday idea too. Yours is beautiful. I once had neighbor girls that would bring me a nosegay of flowers every Mayday. They are in college now but I still remember the sweet paper tussie mussie’s that they made to hold the flowers. Sweetness. Thank you for your post.

    • Heather Bullard

      I remember making tissue flowers too, for May Day and Mother’s Day…both sweet holidays!

  3. Michelle Wooderson

    So beautiful Heather. I’ve grown up with farm fresh eggs all my life but have never had any chickens that lay such beautiful, dark brown eggs. Lovely.

    • Heather Bullard

      Those are from our French Maran…appropriately named Frenchie. 😉

  4. Robyn Stone | Add a Pinch

    What a wonderful idea to share, Heather! It reminds me of the way my Grandmother always took flowers, vegetables from her garden, baked goods, and any other special thing she had or made to her neighbors and family! She did it just because…And her birthday was in May…Oh how I do miss her!
    Your May Day baskets are beautiful. I do believe I am making some this year!!!

  5. Erica H

    How beautiful! And what a thoughtful idea. We are hoping to move onto some land so we can raise our own chickens and sheep. Your house planning is giving me wonderful ideas!

    • Heather Bullard

      I’m so happy for you! Best of luck in finding the perfect property.

  6. Dawn

    I just love this idea!! It’s true, we could all definitely use a little more neighbourly love. We’ve strayed so far from such simple acts of kindness. Your roses are breath-taking, I am going to see if I can grow some in our cold climate. I tried 2 years ago but it didn’t winter well, could try protecting it better this go around!
    Your basket will surely make someone’s May Day very happy! May I ask where the basket is from? It’s lovely!

    • Heather Bullard

      I bought it at an estate sale. I try to pick up baskets or small boxes when I see them at the flea or antique stores for reasonable prices. That way I always have something on hand for impromptu gift giving.

  7. Yvonne @ StoneGable

    Oh, so so beautiful! What a darling idea! You basket is just stunning and filled with wonderful things a friend or neighbor would love! I’m inspired to create and deliver a few May baskets myself!

    • Heather Bullard

      Yay, perhaps we’ll make the tradition more popular here in the states….one basket at a time!

  8. Ann

    I’d love to give or receive a basket like this! Celebrating May Day seems like a very good idea…especially now after so many sad things have happened in our country. Thank you for the inspiration!


    Heather, what a lovely and thoughtful idea! Beautifully displayed as well as thoughtful,

  10. Brandy

    What a wonderful idea. We didn’t give out Christmas gifts this past holiday. So I think this could be a sweet surprise.

  11. Karen B

    This is so lovely. I did this with my girls a few times when they were little. I think your neighbors are going to be very sad to see you move.

  12. Sally Lee by Sea

    Superb, as always, Heather. I’m so inspired by your photography, writing and such. The idea of a May Day Basket is so “old school” and I think this world needs more of that!

  13. Sally Lee

    Fabulous! I haven’t seen a May Day basket in years…it’s time we start up the tradition again.

  14. Rita

    How beautiful and yes I think knowing our neighbors builds community….and we certainly can use more of it. I have a neighbor in mind and I think I’ll surprise a few. Thanks for the early reminder!

  15. connie

    What a beautiful treat for a neighbor ! -You reminded me of my old neighborhood/
    We did this every May and it made me giggle running down the street
    after depositing things onto the handles of our neighborhood doors.
    It was a return of favor (we were guests over for swimming- so many pools around us ~but we never had a pool) 🙂 your blog is joy & beauty. Happy May Day.

  16. Jeanette @ Creating a Life

    This is so lovely. I was surprised last year by a beautiful handmade May Day paper cone basket at my door. Such a treat! It’s been several years since I’ve delivered them myself. I wish I’d thought about it sooner! Happy May Day!

    Jeanette @ Creating a Life

  17. AJR

    As a child we always made small paper baskets and filled them with wildflowers and took them
    to neighbors doors…we would ring the bell or knock and then run and hide and watch them open the door. It was so much fun. My mother had suggested this tradition to me as a child and said that she did this when she was a child. I never hear about this nowdays. How much fun it was to be a child 50 years ago…Thanks for the memories.

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