Welcome to the New Site


Hello friends and readers! Welcome to my new site.
I’ve been making an effort to streamline my life, and combining my professional site and blog was on my list. It will be much easier to maintain one site as opposed to two. To help me with the transition I worked withΒ Sara Duckett, who made the process very easy and enjoyable!

All of my old posts are here and can be viewed through the navigation categories at the top. There’s also a new a Portfolio page with a small sampling of some of my work.

I’d love it if you would update your readers and bookmarks to the new address. Here’s a link to Subscribe via a reader service.
Or you can have posts delivered straight to your mailbox with an Email Subscription.

I’m looking forward to spending time with all of you here.
Thanks for coming by and sharing your day with me and for taking the time to say hello.

15 Responses to “Welcome to the New Site”

  1. Emily @ Peck Life

    It looks beautiful! I’m such a fan of your photography and work so will definitely be keeping up with you! πŸ™‚ Congrats on the new site!

    • Heather

      Thank you Emily for following along and the kind comment! πŸ™‚

  2. Melin

    It is a perfect extension of you and your beautiful outlook on life. Love it!

    • Heather Bullard

      Thanks Melin…I think that’s been fixed. Appreciate your lovely comment!

  3. colleen

    so many fun & interesting things happening here! off i go to reconnect! Hope I do it right!

    • Heather Bullard

      Thanks for updating Colleen and Happy Spring!

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