Vitamin C Daily

Juice press

We've made our first purchase for Grove House. It's not beautiful doors or chandelier lighting but an Olympus Commercial Juice Press. Call us old school, but after burning out the motor on our electric juicer, we decided a little manual labor might be in order.
Plus, I adore that it's white. 😉

Do you juice? Have a favorite press, extractor or juicer?

13 Responses to “Vitamin C Daily”

  1. Corinne

    I have been juicing oranges for fresh orange juice every morning now for some months. We love it fresh squeezed each morning and I just use a simple old vintage hand glass juicer like you see in some episodes of “I Love Lucy”. We also like ours room temperature or just picked from the tree, not cold from the refrigerator. We found that room temperature you can really taste the sweetness MUCH better then out of the refrigerator.
    We love our orange tree….we love that our one tree supplies us with more then enough and then some to share with friends and neighbors.

  2. Heather Bullard

    I agree…there seems to be more flavor in room temperature juice. How nice to have it fresh every morning. A simple luxury at it’s finest!

  3. Katey Deasy

    We have built 3 houses and I can remember each “first” purchase. Yours is perfect for you and your orange grove! It doesn’t have to be glamourous to be special.

  4. Nanci Hargis

    Hey Heather,
    I use my grandmas glass dish style juicer! No orange trees in Missouri, so This works fine for the amount we do. Does it smell like heaven among all your orange trees? Good Luck on the new place-jealous.

  5. Heather Bullard

    Thanks Katey! It’s been working like a dream. Fresh juice, no pulp, and no noise with that humming motor. 😉

  6. Garden, Home and Party

    I love the looks of it. I am even more old school with a hand juicer but due to space limitations it works just fine. I think if I had an orange grove adjacent to my house I’d spring for the beautiful model you bought. lol.

  7. Ellen

    My grandmother had one that was very much the same….I loved it!…..smiles

  8. Eva

    I am ultra low tech and have been twisting a fork to juice citrus for years. It makes the juice really pulpy, which I’m a fan of. But I have been dying to invest in a juicer to make juices from fruits and veggies that can’t really be juiced by hand. I had pear juice a little over a year ago and it was wonderful. I’ve been longing to make some ever since!

  9. Kristin

    Heather! I just found your beautiful blog (and magazine) via Amanda Marshall, and what fun I have had looking around here! Your photography is amazing, and the overall feel of your site is so fresh and inspiring. I’ll be a regular visitor for sure. 🙂 All the best as you begin your home-building adventure – it will be fun following along. We can all live vicariously through you as you see your dream home come to life! Anyway, just wanted to say “hello”. It’s so delightful discovering a “kindred spirit” blog. Enjoy the rest of your weekend…

  10. jennifer

    We have an Orange X that we’ve had for many years. It’s white, weighs a ton, is worked by manual labor and works great. Just have to remember not to drop it on my foot.

  11. Tattered Tiques

    Fresh squeezed is sooo good! What a difference it makes, and having it room temperture makes it that much better. We use a vintage manual juicer that my daughter makes fresh squeezed lemonade with all the time. I have to have her try oranges for a change. She will be so excited. Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your juicer!

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