Cranberry Pistachio Shortbread Cookies


Continuing with my homemade & handmade holiday this year, I wanted to share these shortbread cookies with you before I leave for NYC. Because they can’t wait…they’re that scrumptious! They’re buttery, crumbly, crunchy and chewy. And not too overly sweet, which is a plus during this time filled with sugarplums and candy canes.


The recipe is from the Grand Central Baking Book. I also found a link for the recipe online here.
I used pistachios for this batch since the colors are so festive. But I’m also going to try baking them with toasted pecans and cranberries.


They bake up beautifully and are perfect for packaging since they aren’t very fragile. I stacked six together and wrapped them in cellophane. A great little gift!

The ribbon was made by simply tearing off strips of Sofia fabric from Ikea. The striped fabric is cheerful and makes a cute pattern when torn on the horizontal. And at 7.99 a yard, you can make a ton of ribbon! Can’t beat that.




If you’re feeling like you want to “gild the lily”….I suggest drizzling melted white chocolate over the tops. But that’s only if you want to get all fancy.

In my house, they’re gobbled up just as fast either way.
Let me know if you try them!

I’m off to pack my bags….leaving on a jet plane in the morning. 🙂

16 Responses to “Cranberry Pistachio Shortbread Cookies”

  1. Mary

    Great gift idea. They look and sound delicious and are packaged beautifully.

  2. Teresa Sheeley

    I think these will be on my list of to do’s, maybe even today!! 🙂 Thank you! And safe travels my friend; how a wonderful time in NYC!!! xo

  3. Garden, Home and Party

    These will be on my list! I love cranberries and shortbread like cookies. What a great idea. Thanks for giving us this recipe before your trip. Happy Birthday and have a fun time in NY.

  4. Karen B

    They sound delicious, Heather. I made white chocolate bark one year with this combination. It was delicious AND beautiful. Have fun in NYC!

  5. Carole

    Love the Grand Central Book. If you haven’t, you must try the Irish Soda Bread. To die for.
    Great idea about the ‘ribbon’. I think there’s going to be run on that fabric. lol
    Have a great trip.

  6. Kim

    Happy Birthday Heather and have a great time in NYC! If you like donuts you have to go to the Donut Plant (the creme brulee is awesome). Also check out Fishs Eddy which is near Eataly – you’ll love it! Have fun!

  7. Katey Deasy

    Those look great! Will have to try it and the way they are presented is extra special. Have a great trip!!


    “Don’tTell Mama” is one of my favorite places to go after a show or dinner. Not a place to go to until after 10:00 pm. John’s for Pizza. EAT to people watch- make sure to get a window seat. It’s the size of a shoe box.

  9. Jan

    I tried making the cookies, and they tasted great. I did have trouble making them, however. They did not hold together after I took them out of the refrigerator, and they crumbled apart when I tried to cut them. I had to mold them into cookie form. I’m not sure what went wrong. Any ideas on what went wrong?

  10. Susan jackson

    I just love the style of your blog. So fresh. I am new to your blog, so I look forward to following you. Thanks for sharing.

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