Scenes from a Weekend

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We had a great Thanksgiving weekend…hope you did too! I started putting up my holiday decorations, yay! I still need some moss or snow to put inside my urns and maybe some twinkly lights. Everything is better with twinkly lights.

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I managed to sneak off to Anthropologie on Sunday…and Wow…those drapes! Aren't they gorgeous? It makes me want to hang green silk in my bedroom. It was so stunning in person.

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They had so many great hostess and friend gifts. It was hard to choose and of course, I'm easily tempted by all the bric-a-brac…and books, and dishes, and warm & cozy sweaters they had on sale. Sometimes Christmas shopping is a study in self restraint! 😉

All photos from my Instagram feed. If you want to follow along my username is heatherbullard.

Today I have treats simmering on the stove, Christmas music playing, candles burning and presents to wrap. Sure beats work, work, working on a Monday!

One Response to “Scenes from a Weekend”

  1. Rob

    I think Coco is so cool. I used to have a rooster named Rusty. I saved him from his original owner. He was going to chop his head off because he had gotten rid of his chickens and the rooster was blind in one eye. I paid $5.00 for one of the best pets I’ve ever owned. Like Coco, he was a free spirit. Thanks for the memories! Great pics.

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