Candied Citrus Peel


I've always loved the thought of an old fashioned Christmas. The kind of holiday where many gifts are handmade or homemade with thoughtfulness in mind. And although, I always make homemade treats for family and friends…the past few years I've been more in the habit of picking up gift cards in an effort to save time. 

So this year, I decided to plan ahead. That's the main reason I'm in a mad rush…no planning. One way, is that I've been inspired by so many great cookbooks, and have gathered a few new recipes to try. The first one is Candied Citrus Peel from the book The Art of Preserving.

The candied citrus peel is a great accompaniment to hot tea or as a topping or mix-in for ice cream. It's also a lovely addition to a cocktail bar or holiday dessert buffet. And the recipe was very simple and easy to make! I won't post the entire recipe as it's copyrighted and certainly doesn't belong to me. You can easily find other various recipes on the internet here
But I highly recommend The Art of Preserving as it has so many yummy recipes for jams, butters, pickles and chutneys!

The first step is to wash your fruit (I used 1 grapefruit, 1 lemon and 2 oranges). Then peel and slice the skins into 1/4" strips.

The peels are cooked in water for about 40-45 minutes to soften them. Once drained, they are cooked again in a sugar and water mixture for another 30-35 minutes.

Next you toss them in superfine sugar to coat. This is the best part!

They are then spread on waxed paper to dry. Once they are set, you can begin filling your jars or layer them between parchment or waxed paper in a beautiful box or cellophane bag.


I used the small Weck canning jars and plan on tucking them into gift baskets this year along with some other treats and goodies.


 There are several other recipes I'd like to try in the Art of Preserving…like Plum Butter, Blueberry Syrup and Cherry Preserves. They all sound simply delicious!

What treats are you making for friends and family this holiday season? 
Between posts you can find me on Facebook
or sharing snaps from my daily life on Instagram.

31 Responses to “Candied Citrus Peel”

  1. Tricia Rose

    These sound far more appetising than the cumquats I candied one year. They looked adorable, but were strictly for show not eating – seeds!

  2. Wendy in Kennewick

    I plan to make your honey butter recipe again to give away to firends and family. It is always a big hit! Thank you.

  3. Tiffany

    These look great! I always give eggnog pound cake that I make, but these might be a new addition!

  4. Wendy

    Old fashioned indeed. I distinctly remember my beloved grandmother whipping up a batch of candied orange peel when I was young. Thank you for inspiring a wonderful memory of her! They are very delicious!

  5. Marla

    I was wondering if icing sugar or regular sugar could be substituted for the super-fine sugar? The recipe sounds delish, just may try making them đŸ™‚

  6. Carole

    Hi there. The current Food on Friday is all about Christmas! It would be great if you linked in any Xmas favourites you have. This is the link . Have a good week.

  7. celebrate CREATIVITY in all its forms

    Hi Heather, my mom just sent me a recipe for candied lemon strips.
    This looks like the same technique and your photos are inspiring me to give it a try earlier than I planned.
    I like your gift packaging too. The jars and baker’s string are simple, nice touch.
    Enjoy your day,

  8. Sandi

    I purchased a box of those jars at Williams Sonoma and am anxious to use them. Love this!!

  9. Debbie Metti

    I love candied citrus peels…so yummy. They’re an even more decadent treat if dipped into dark chocolate and that is allowed to harden. Leave about 1/3 of the citrus showing & it’s a gorgeous presentation.
    Thanks for the reminder of how wonderful these are.

  10. Christine

    I usually make candied orange peel but after seeing your recipe I am going to try other citrus fruits for a variety
    Great idea
    Thanks for sharing

  11. Jenny

    GINGER!! You must also try GINGER!!! Good for what ailes you and soooo yummy in a stir fry! Both sweet & savory!

  12. Christi

    These look so good. Your photography is beautiful and inspiring!
    I am enjoying the latest edition of Souvenir. I would love to buy a paper copy sometime. Do you know how long it takes to receive one?
    We made the pumpkin cookies you posted on your blog (from quite a while back) again this year at Thanksgiving. They were delicious… and they looked beautiful on a large ironstone platter with other fresh baked cookies. You can see a couple photos on my blog, if you like.
    It is always such a delight to stop by your blog.

  13. Debbie Demmers-Lujan

    Candied Citrus Peel brings back memories for me of my dad making this…I was very young and was not easy to convince that this was going to taste good…of course, I was surprised…just like when he made “flaming kabobs”…my dad is so fun that way….trying new things! Thanks for sharing this…deb

  14. Sweet Cottage Dreams

    Not only do they look delicous, your presentation is beautiful! I will have to remember to give these a try sometime.
    Happy Holidays to you, Heather!

  15. Laura

    I LOVE this, what a great article. I have always wanted to try this. Thank you for all the great pictures of the process.

  16. Shelley @ Easy Home Concepts

    Wow I never thought citrus peels are edible. Now it proves that they are when I thought of chefs using lemon and orange zest as garnishes for their main dish course. Thanks for the idea!

  17. Colette

    How high of heat do you cook them @?
    Does fine sugar mean powdered sugar?

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