
Photo 4
Hello, how’s things? I just returned from a Country Living shoot near Seattle. The weather was divine. Everyone kept saying how fortunate I was to be there when it wasn’t raining. Lucky me!

One of my favorite things while preparing for a shoot, is to source local farms or farmstands to pick up fresh produce and flowers. On the way to this location, I happened across “The Flower Guy”.

Photo 3
He was set up in a church parking lot, on a Wednesday morning of all days! I like to believe it was fate, since I had no other flower shop alternatives other than the grocery stores.

Photo 2
He grows everything on his nearby farm and gave me his number in case I needed more. As you can see, they were abundant and gorgeous! One of the perks of living in the rainy Pacific Northwest climate. I scooped up bundles and bundles!

Photo 5

I also had the chance to stop by a fantastic antique shop, M & M Antiques, to pick up a few props. The staff and selction were both amazing!
I got a kick out of this little fabric sign they had hanging up….

Photo 1

That’s sort of what we are….a little Blog Gang!

Hope you are enjoying beautiful fall weather, hot ciders, cozy blankets and warm boots!
xo, H

Between posts you can find me on Facebook.
Or pinning away on Pinterest.

25 Responses to “Happenings”

  1. Poppy

    Hi Heather,
    Your bright and beautiful flowers are what I needed to put some punch into an otherwise dull and dreary day. You can never have too many of these gifts, as Monet himself said, “I must have flowers, always, and always.”
    Hope you’ll stop by my place in the Cretan countryside and have your pick!
    Have a great week.

  2. Veronica Roth

    where would we be without Dahlias in October. I bought some lovely deep burgundy plants from Southlands last spring. I think that’s my most favorite colour.

  3. Lisa at celebrate creativity

    Hi Heather, I love popping by to see what you’re working on. You’re able to take such simple locales (like “The Flower Guy” space) and turn it into a colorful and enjoyable post.
    Enjoy your day.

  4. Kim

    How Exciting! They are beautiful and all homegrown, very special~Cheers Kim

  5. Lynne

    Glad that you enjoyed your stay here in the Pacific Northwest!
    The weather has been glorious! I am looking forward to seeing the Country Living feature. Thanks for sharing some of our small town charm!

  6. Garden, Home and Party

    I had the good fortune to visit a dear friend on Bainbridge Island last month and marveled at the weather and the abundance of flowers available. We were driving to the ferry and saw a red wagon near the end of a drive that had buckets of dahlias for sale, honor system. So fun. Can’t wait to see the issue.

  7. Lisa @ Lisas Creative Designs

    Love the pics. What a great assortment of mums! Mums are my favorite fall flower, especially the deep red ones and the multicolor variety (red,brown orange). They remind me of Thanksgiving. This is my favorite time of year….

  8. Tracie~My Petite Maison

    The Flower Guy truly has some amazing blooms for Autumn. Looking forward to seeing your Country Living photo shoot one day soon, Heather! Thank you for the antiques link… off to take a look, and so happy for the finally crisp mornings here in Northern California.

  9. Heather Bullard

    Thanks for the invitation Poppy! I can only imagine how beautiful the countryside must be. And thanks for the reminder of the Monet quote….couldn’t agree more!

  10. Heather Bullard

    You know you’re just the sweetest…don’t you? Thank you for letting my team shoot your gorgeous home! We adored the entire family. 🙂

  11. Heather Bullard

    One of my favorite things is that they were homegrown and local. Doesn’t get much better than that. Well, maybe a grandma’s backyard. 😉

  12. rita

    Beautiful flowers Heather and not just ORANGE! I love Autumn but still enjoying it in the lighter colors. Thank you for sharing. Ciao Rita

  13. bevy

    I love the colors of the beautiful flowers. Thanks for sharing the happiness!

  14. Sandi

    Hi Heather, What a beautiful display of colours. My daughter is having dahlias in her bridal bouquet, I hope they look as vibrant as your photos! Thanks Sandi.

  15. Violet

    So fun to see you visited M&M’s ~ I love perusing that antique mall, where this summer I found a gorgeous chandelier for our kitchen.
    I look forward to seeing the issue of Country Living that features a home around here! How excited you must have been to find the perfect flowers for the shoot, they are beautiful.
    You do such lovely work!!!
    ~ Violet

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