Drawer Organization

I have countless junk drawers. Some are filled with good junk and others are filled with old receipts, rubber bands, boxes of Tic Tacs and lip balms. Our dining room sideboard has two large drawers that were filling up with lots of the unwanted junk so I decided to clean them out!

It started with the big dump on the dining room table…


Once I cleaned out the dusty drawers, I lined them with Easy Liner I found at Target. I really like the grasscloth looking texture.


Next, was adding in a few baskets, dishes, boxes and bowls to hold all the items in a more orderly and eye pleasing manner.


For the containers, I just used what I had on hand by rummaging through my cupboards. I'm sure many of you have similar items and most are available in thrift shops and antique stores.



Now there is a bit of order among the chaos and I can easily find what I'm looking for without having to scramble through the drawers.
I think spring cleaning is over rated….fall cleaning can feel pretty good too!

Have any of you been nesting and clearing out the clutter this fall?

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38 Responses to “Drawer Organization”

  1. Melaine

    even your junk is pretty! I need that drawer liner! You are causing a lot of trip to Target lately for me! 🙂

  2. Melinda

    Wow, it looks great Heather, this inspires me to get busy and organize my drawers. I love that you used your vintage bowls and plates to store your items, that’s a fabulous idea!
    Hope you have a beautiful day.

  3. Jocelyn Pascall

    Looks great! And I always love your photos so much – very pretty. And yes, I have been in major clean-out mode. I organized my closet about a week ago and it felt so cleansing.

  4. Heather Bullard

    I want to get started on my closet so bad! Waiting for a few spare hours to tackle it. Thanks for stopping by today Jocelyn!

  5. Vintage Whites

    Wow…love it!!! (And I REALLY love those butter pats!) Right now, my junk drawer is crammed with inches of mail, a phonebook (lets face it…I KNOW I can get rid of that thing!), and tiny pieces of junk for which I am not sure how they got in the drawer in the first place….
    I think I’m going to break down today and clean it out! Thanks for that final push 🙂 XO

  6. Kim

    Looks Great! I have not yet but I am getting ready to do so.As I have just gotten my two oldest girls moved out I now have the heaps of mess left and two empty rooms to clutter up! Woohoo excited for my own treasure room, though just as I got started last time one had to move home.Lol ~Cheers Kim

  7. Lisa at celebrate creativity

    Wow, the first thing I thought was “look at all those wonderful photo props” and the second thing was “only you could make a junk drawer look so lovely”.
    I’m not sure my kitchen drawers would look this good even with all the liner in the world-lol.
    Beautifully photographed (as usual) and nice inspiration.
    Have a nice day.

  8. Garden, Home and Party

    You’ve hit on one of my favorite topics. How great the drawers look using the bits and bobs of containers we all collect. I feel like fall motivates me to clean and cull more than spring. I’m off to Target to pick up some drawer liner!
    Happy fall.

  9. Emily

    I love it! You have inspired me to clean out my hutch. I’m starting with the trip to Target for the draw liners.

  10. Baileywife

    I have some MAJOR nesting itches this fall….but unfortunately haven’t had the time to see them through…which makes my home even messier when I have to stop half way into something! UGH! But I am loving your drawers! (haha, sounds silly as I typed that!) 🙂

  11. Katey Deasy

    Great drawers! You could leave them pulled out when guests are over! Those are treasures and now they look that way. Thanks for the idea. I have several drawers that could use this update.

  12. Rhonda

    I believe in Fall cleaning! I tried to de-clutter this past weekend but started creating with what I found. I’m hopeless.
    I love your junk drawer clutter, though. All of it – so pretty.
    Stopping by Target tomorrow, that drawer liner is amazing.

  13. Debbie

    Your items are all so lovely to look at! So many unique utensils for entertaining, too! I organized my hutch during spring and still on a mission to find some pretty lavender drawer liner for my old lace tablecloths. Thanks for inspiring me to create dividers like you did…so much prettier and frugal to use what we already own!

  14. Jenny

    You’re drawer organization is so pretty! I think I’ll re-do my drawers, just to back-fill with that fab drawer liner!! haha
    I’ve been ‘clearing’ the clutter in my little farm shop, sort-of re-inventing myself. P.S. I love Fall!!!

  15. Wendy in Kennewick

    Great idea to use a variety of pretty containers in your drawers. I’ve been cleaning my closet and weeding out clothes that don’t fit or don’t know why I bought to begin with. It felt great to end up with a bunch of empty hangers and drawer space. Now if only the hub would follow suit!

  16. maureen

    Yes, Fall inspires me to clean up and organize – and I have been doing just that. I’ve organized my magazine collections -badly needed and I have cleaned out two closets. My husband’s hiding his stuff, just in case! LOL

  17. Elizabeth Swinney

    I love to organize! my drawers are very clean and up to date and I love it when I see others do the same. Just something about being organized that makes life a bit easier to live. I have a small tip for you. I too have a lot of silver. Silver does not tarnish when it is not exposed to air. So I store small things in zip lock bags. And I also have some fabric that is made specifically for storing silver in that helps it to not tarnish. you have a nice blog! Lizzie

  18. Robin K.

    I’ve been nesting lately myself and I plan to get everything ready before Thanksgiving sneaks up on me. Hey Heather, off topic, but not really, when is the next issue of Souvenir being released? I’m hooked and can’t wait………

  19. teresa

    I’ve been doing a lot of moving as of late….so I been doing a lot of organizing/cleaning out, mine doesn’t look near as beautiful as yours does. ….thanks for sharing.
    Happy Day

  20. Beth

    Yes! My bedroom closet is in dire need of reorganizing but what i really want to do is take dimensions and a trip to Ikea for new closet fixtures. My goal: take everything out and pare down to the bare bone level. Honestly, do I really need 12 white t-shirts? Well, maybe but I can still get rid of alot of well-worn, been-around for awhile and then go shopping!
    Why has it taken my so long to figure this out!

  21. Denise

    yep, I am much more inclined to ‘fall clean’ than spring clean! Loving that grass cloth liner- I will definitely look for that next time I am at Target.

  22. Christa

    Is there any clutter? It is all so beautiful and you have documented your cleaning in such a charming way. I must try to do that too as it seems to be more fun! Christa

  23. deb

    can you please come make mine beautiful…I live real close and I would even make you tea!!!!!

  24. deb

    can you please come make mine beautiful…I live real close and I would even make you tea!!!!!

  25. Michelle Alberdi

    That is the most beautiful “junk” drawer I’ve ever seen! I think I’m going to rename my junk drawer…maybe the “trash-heap drawer”? It certainly can’t hold a candle to your junk drawer. Ha!

  26. Chelsea

    Wow, I have to organize my drawers now. I need to change my mindset from, “drawers are places to store things” into “drawers can be organized and featured on their own.”

  27. melanie

    I did spring cleaning this spring…but I, too, am cleaning out the drawers…love the liner that you found! thanks for the info…and more inspiration, that I needed!

  28. steph

    I never did understand spring cleaning….getting ready to NOT be inside to enjoy your labors? Fall is always when I do the annual purging/nesting/rearranging—yep nesting. Of course, all I had to do was see your little butter pat plates—I must have had a gazillion of them, so “purged” about 3/4 of them (actually just sent them to the scary basement awaiting a spring rummage sale). What do you use yours for—besides little plant saucers and candles? I’m willing to be convinced I must rescue them!!! thanks!

  29. Patricia

    Loveliest junk drawers I have ever seen. You make me want to start tidying up everything I own!!

  30. Lee

    If only I could do that. They look so beautiful actually, comforting. Love it. Love your blog.

  31. jennifer

    Have just found your blog again. I went back and read many, many posts.
    I’m so inspired!! I came to the post wherethe vintage trophies held kitchen spoons and such! Ran right upstairs, dug out a vintage champagne holder I have squirreled away and voila!!! Perfect. Now on hunt for more! 🙂
    Love the junk drawer post! And the drawer liner. Got to get some!
    Thanks again!!

  32. Ele

    working on my closet, and have to say (but don’t tell) “I love organizing!”

  33. SueBee

    Pretty junk Heather!!
    I did the tupperware today, not so pretty but it did make me feel good.
    Does closing my booth and taking all the left overs to goodwill count?

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