Toast: Sweet & Savory Recipes


Toast always seems so humble. It’s never the star of restaurant menus and is usually just the wing-man for eggs and omlettes or occasionally found as a bruschetta appetizer. But I adore it. I find it to be the perfect vehicle for all kinds of delicious ingredients. No utensils needed! Over the weekend, I decided to do a Toast Bar, complete with lots of sweet & savory options. Here’s a few of our favorites along with very simple recipes and some easy tips…..


Toasted ciabatta, ricotta cheese, sauteed cremini mushrooms, fire-roasted red peppers, micro greens and salt & pepper.



My standard go-to breakfast of toasted sprouted grain bread, and Haas avocado, finished with a sprinkle of Maldon Flaked Sea Salt.


Grilled ciabatta, ricotta cheese, fresh blueberries, organic honey and mint.



Toasted sprouted grain bread, ricotta cheese, pearl tomatos, basil and salt & pepper.



Toasted ciabatta, grilled apricots, whipped cream cheese, organic honey and a light dusting of cinnamon. (Wish I remembered the roasted pistachios!)



Toasted sprouted grain bread, honey apple butter and sauteed cinnamon apples.


Nearly all of my ingredients were purchased at Trader Joes but they are readily available in any grocery store. Here’s a few tips for making your own Toast Bar.

*Prep your ingredients beforehand and have them in bowls for easy access.
*Really good bread and fresh ingredients are key to great flavors.
*Pre-toast or grill your breads and keep warm on a rack in the oven. This will also help them to dry out a bit and stay crunchy.
*Have several sautee pans at the ready for sweet and savory items.
*Keep in mind it’s best to have a “base” for the ingredients to adhere to. Some examples include cream cheese, ricotta cheese, marscapone, goat cheese, fruit jams or butters, chutneys and almond or peanut butter spreads.
*Remember to include options for your vegetarian, vegan or gluten-free guests. This is fairly easy with the wide variety of choices found in todays supermarkets.
*And don’t forget lots of napkins…there will be messy fingers with no utensils. 🙂

Bon Appetit!

26 Responses to “Toast: Sweet & Savory Recipes”

  1. Christine Hooker

    Great Post, Heather! YUM…My alternative doc said to give up the wheat to help my girlish figure…but I discovered the best textured gluten free bread, available at Trader Joe’s & Whole Foods, Udi’s White Sandwich Bread, made with brown rice flour and tapioca flour. It’s good. These ‘toasts’ look amazing! Gonna make one right now…drooling!!!!!
    xoxo, Chris

  2. Melinda

    Oh my goodness, I can’t decide which one looks more delicious!! Every time I would scroll down another one would make my mouth water.
    I definitely have to try some of these.
    I make a bread using any crusty bread, goat cheese, sun dried tomatoes, and Kalamata olives. It is so good.
    Thanks for these amazing recipes.
    Have a beautiful week.

  3. Becky

    Wow Heather! You are speaking my language with this post! A toast bar??? How wonderful! I am going to do this for a family dinner! My fave would have to be the first one, and the avocado toast! My breakfast is very often half of an avocado, scored in the rind, a few drops of fresh lime {or lemon} and a touch of Himalayan salt and pepper! So satisfying, and so good for us!!
    Just love this idea!
    Thanks so much!
    Have a lovely week!

  4. Garden, Home and Party

    There were so many delicious options but I’m definitely trying the sweet ones first! The blueberry toast and the grilled apricot toasts were pretty as well as tasty looking. Thanks for such great ideas.

  5. Tracie~My Petite Maison

    Yum, toast. One of the best things and the simplest of pleasures in preparing good food. I love that the mushrooms practically dance in your photos.
    I’ve never tried grilled fruit on toast, will give it a try this weekend. Have you tried finely chopped Niçoise olives atop smashed avocado on toast?

  6. kadee

    Ahhhh…. LOvE toast!! It’s all about what kind of bread you start with that determines if the finished recipe makes it or not. At least that is my opinion. You’ve offered great ideas and I must try them. Thanks for the suggestions!

  7. Wendi Yates

    What great ideas! I carry a fabulous Asiago Pepper Bread here at my store, C’est Cheese Please! in Cambridge, Ontario and a number of these topping ideas would be delicious and easy during this heat wave that we are experiencing at the moment – not only breakfast but with a bowl of the Garlic Scape Gazpacho which is in my cooler at the moment – perfect for an easy dinner. Thank you Heather for the ideas – and the beautiful photography!

  8. Melanie Royals

    I just sent this link to my husband as he is the cook of the house (lucky me!) Every single one of these looks De.Lish.Ish! Keeping my fingers crossed…:)

  9. Lori @ In My Kitchen, In My Life

    Well, yum! Tomato Time is nearly upon us in our part of the world, and that’s when I really get going with toasts — Spanish tomato bread, crostini/bruschetta — these things make me boogie in the kitchen. Thanks for some great-looking non-tomato ideas for toast.

  10. Sherri

    I do believe those are the most beautiful pieces of toast I’ve ever seen….The Haas Avacado and Mushroom have to be my favorites….Now you’ve inspired me to buy Fresh Ingredients and my personal favorite, the Tuscan Olive Italian loaf at the market this weekend! YUM Heather. Lovely display of photography too. I love your new blog design!

  11. Karen B

    Heather these all look so marvelous! I love anything on bread. I’m going to have to wait two weeks to try them, though because I’m on Day 3 of South Beach Diet. The bread cravings are in full force. I’m not sure which I’ll try first. Now I have a lot to look forward to, though!
    Karen B.

  12. Jamie

    Yummy ideas, yummy pictures. I need to suggest another – toast with cream cheese or ricotta, fresh bananas, drizzled with honey. DELISH! Also, add some tomato to your avocado toast sometime, also very tasty. Thanks for the ideas!

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