Uber Chic Home – Container Sale!

My friends, Dustin and Christian who own Uber Chic Home are having a European container sale this weekend….and it's open to the public! I stopped by yesterday for a sneak peek and to get some photos to share with you. The sale is today and tomorrow from 10-6!












This isn't even all their items. They were unloading until after 10pm last night! There is so much to choose from. The location of the sale is at another beautiful shop Cisco Home, outside in their enormous courtyard. Here's the details:

Uber Chic Home Container Sale
Cisco Home
11975 San Vicente Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90049

Friday and Saturday Only!
June 8th and 9th
10am to 6pm.


20 Responses to “Uber Chic Home – Container Sale!”

  1. Angie

    (sigh)…if only I wasn’t several time zones away! I’d be there for sure and leave with lots of goodies and no money! Thanks for sharing the pics. Have a great weekend.

  2. tabitha

    my brain just short circuited trying to figure out how to get myself from my one stop light town in South Georgia to L.A. in the next 24 hours….
    ah…mazing…I am totally coveting a number of items which, if that’s wrong, well…I don’t want to be right!

  3. alex wijnen

    WOW!!! Sure wish I lived closer, sigh… maybe they’ll have another one the middle of December when I plan to be in the area – one can always hope 😉

  4. april

    totally agree with tabitha! would love to bring the whole truck back to Tennessee!

  5. Suzé

    Oh for those wooden crates…. and the glass bottles… and the… well, basically everything! Pity I’m in the UK, bit far for me! ha-ha

  6. amy of four corners design

    I saw them at the Farm Chicks show – and loved everything they had! oh, how I wish I lived closer…but that might be a dangerous thing for my bank account!

  7. Lolo

    Oh man!! I wish I had an earlier heads up….we are swamped up here with Grad parties and birthdays!! Do you have a schedule when they have more public sales? I would LOVE to cruise down the 101 to check it out 🙂

  8. Kathy

    Oh how wonderful!! I wish i could come! I saw so many things i want.

  9. Susan R.

    Oh my word! Now why don’t we have anything as wonderful as this here in Colorado?

  10. georgia gibbons

    cripes that is some awesome junk!!!

  11. Peggy Parker

    My heart flutters and stomach drops at the sight of these bottles, boxes, and beauties. Florida is so far away……

  12. Linda

    So glad you’re back! Ohhh that green bottle! Longing again for S. Ca. Wish it wasn’t so far. Now my summer is made. Can enjoy vicariously through you.

  13. Alison

    I think I died and went to heaven!
    That place looks amazing!
    Will have to remember to stop there
    on my next visit out west.

  14. Stacia

    I hate to use you as my go between for Uber Chic Home but I thought maybe you could help me out.
    When I go on their web site the products that they are showing for sale have no price. They are showing they have them in stock but the price next to the item show $0.
    They have no contact info, hence you as my go between. Can you help me out?

  15. Megan Keisher

    Intéressante la collection de container. Nous recherchons une location container pour des projets divers. Quelqu’un nous a dit que camillefontaine est une excellent compagnie. Savez-vous à propos d’eux? Merci pour cet article et les jolies photos!

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