Las Campanas

Posting on a Saturday. I'm sure I'm breaking all kinds of professional blog rules. Let's throw them to the wind today shall we? Last night we had an impromptu mother/daughter date night. We invited The Man to go but he chose to stay home and miss out on all the fun. The evening weather was gorgeous so we went to Las Campanas to sit on the patio and eat mostly-authentic Mexican food….
like true Californians.


Did I mention she's very stylish? And has ombre hair. And can rock red lipstick!
Oh, and constantly makes me laugh. Her sense of humor is stellar. 






With our hectic schedules we don't get much time together so it was nice to sit and laugh, get caught up and take pictures like tourists. We kept talking about getting dessert but that never happened…a perfectly good reason to plan another date. 

Hope you're having a delicious weekend! xo, H 


12 Responses to “Las Campanas”

  1. Lucy

    Wish I would be there is one of my favorites i love their Margaritas thanks Heather your doughter is beautifull

  2. Melin

    Thank you for sharing your special time together…sorounded by beauty!

  3. Cyndi

    I love The Mission Inn! I’ll have to try the restaurant one of these days. The tacos look good and a margarita sounds yummy!

  4. Jill Flory

    looks yummy and fun! California has the best fresh food – I want to get to the west coast again someday!

  5. Karen B

    I thought I recognized your location! Enjoy your sweet moments with your daughter. I just moved mine halfway across the country.

  6. Lisa

    I’m very close with my Mom and this post makes me want to do a girls dinner with her sooner rather than later. We’ve been so buys lately we’ve not seen each other. I’m going to call her right now and plan a mother/daughter date!!
    Thanks! 🙂

  7. Donna Phillips

    It is indeed a great time to enjoy. Eating with your love ones could not surpass anything. Moments like this must be treasured.

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