How To Use A French Press

This post may seem silly to some of you. But I remember when I thought the French Press was a little intimidating. I thought I might ruin the coffee by using the wrong measurements, wrong size of grind, or length of steeping time. So this is for those of you who have always wanted to try using one but haven't. And maybe a reminder to those who have them tucked away in the deepest, darkest corners of your cupboards to pull it out and make yourself the best cup of coffee ever! 

1. You will need: French Press, freshly ground coffee, tea kettle to boil water, wooden spoon or skewer, mug and your favorite coffee accoutrements.
Notes on coffee: Freshly ground beans will give you a more flavorful brew. I prefer a dark roast with medium acidity but use your favorite, it will be delicious too. The coffee should be coarsely ground and not finely ground (as in espresso). This will keep it from going through the mesh filter. 


2. Begin by heating the water amount needed to almost boiling. (8oz per serving)
3. Use 1-2 tablespoons of freshly ground coffee per serving. I like 2 but this would depend on how strong you like your coffee. Try making it both ways to see which you prefer.


4. Slowly add hot water making sure you saturate all the coffee grounds.
5. Stir a few times with a wooden spoon. Never use metal, it will break the glass.


6. Set the filter lid onto the pot but don't push down.
7. Steep 2-4 minutes depending on the size of pot. Steep 2 minutes for smaller pots and up to 4 for larger ones.
8. Begin plunging the filter straight down. Go slow so coffee doesn't spurt out. 


9. Pour yourself a hot steamy cup.


10. Add a little half & half, sugar…whatever makes your coffee sing. 


And for you, would that be one lump or two?


39 Responses to “How To Use A French Press”

  1. Dagmar Leuenberger-Swift

    โคoh how we wish Texas was closer to BC….are you coming to the Farm Chicks in June? Just love your sense of styling! Thanks for the French Press lesson…wonderful way to make a cup of coffee!

  2. Dawn-Hydrangea Home

    My husband loves his French Press coffee, I always find it a little gritty. Maybe he’s grinding too fine…I will have to fix that!!

  3. Denise

    My husband loves French press too- I will have to show him your post. I’m sure he will break it out again when he sees the photos! ๐Ÿ™‚ What kind of sugar cubes are those? Brown sugar? sugar in the raw? so elegant looking!
    I also want to know who your helper was pouring while you were shooting!!! (or tripod?)

  4. MorningT

    Such a timely post Heather as I’ve been seriously contemplating buying a French press. I was afraid the whole thing was too complicated but you’ve cleared that up for me. No sugar in mine thanks, just some skim milk. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. chickie

    I do have one. The coffee tasted great. I think it is a fun post. Thanks for sharing it. Enjoy your coffee. have a beautiful and creative day Heather……. Chickie


    Ok. I’m the gal with the French Press in the deep dark corner of the cabinets:( But man! I’m so taking it out now!! And that sugar…beautiful! Thank you for the reminder!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Heather Bullard

    You will enjoy using it. It’s such a relaxing way of making and drinking your coffee.
    I find myself slowing down a bit when I use it instead of the fast paced “grab and go” that we so often do.
    Let me know if you try one! ~H

  8. colleen

    Wonderful pictures…I make a Latte for myself & French Press for my husband …he likes them more than Americano’s! …so this was wonderful to read & see!

  9. Karen

    Hi Heather,
    I smiled when you mentioned the French press for some is probably stored in the darkest recesses of your cupboard…guilty as charged. This post has inspired me to buy some freshly ground Peet’s for the pot and make up some yummy coffee.

  10. Victoria

    Not a silly post at all. Very timely for me as I have been looking to purchase a French press as is my step-daughter and her fiance. I will have to share your wonderful post with them so we can all now enjoy a much better cup of coffee instead of the brown water that I have been subjected to lately. Can’t wait!

  11. Amelie

    Well, I just bought mine today and as I write this Iยดm having the best cup of coffee, seriously! Thank you so much for the explanation, otherwise I would had done it the other way around… Greetings from Costa Rica.

  12. Fleaing France & French Shopping Tours

    I love the whole process of using the French press. It’s just a nice way to make a cup of coffee. Given that my husband is French, coffee here is normally a quick shot of a strong blend. This is my way of enjoying coffee with him that I can actually drink!
    Greetings from France.

  13. Fleaing France & French Shopping Tours

    I love the whole process of using the French press. It’s just a nice way to make a cup of coffee. Given that my husband is French, coffee here is normally a quick shot of a strong blend. This is my way of enjoying coffee with him that I can actually drink!
    Greetings from France.

  14. Fleaing France & French Shopping Tours

    I love the whole process of using the French press. It’s just a nice way to make a cup of coffee. Given that my husband is French, coffee here is normally a quick shot of a strong blend. This is my way of enjoying coffee with him that I can actually drink!
    Greetings from France.

  15. Fleaing France & French Shopping Tours

    I love the whole process of using the French press. It’s just a nice way to make a cup of coffee. Given that my husband is French, coffee here is normally a quick shot of a strong blend. This is my way of enjoying coffee with him that I can actually drink!
    Greetings from France.

  16. Good Grief Girdie

    I love to use my French press. Just something special about the process! Sipping a cup of coffee thinking you are in a wonderful cafe somewhere far away! ha ha

  17. Florence Muma

    Your timing was perfect, as our coffee maker bit the dust, so I pulled out my French press, not knowing for sure what to do. Your hint on the grind of the coffee and stirring it with the wood handle was great information. I was doing a finer grind and not stirring. This morning I followed your hints! Need I say more? Hugs! Florence

  18. Jamie

    Thanks for the reminder I have a french press tucked in the cupboard! I’m not drinking much coffee right now but I have a favorite loose-leaf tea I avoid because I dislike tea balls. Presto! French press tea! = )

  19. Susan

    I bought my husband a French Press for Christmas, instead of one of those new-fangled single serving coffee makers, and he just loves it. Much classier way to brew coffee, don’t you think?

  20. Stacia Allison

    I make coffee every afternoon in my French press. I love it strong and it gives me that afternoon boost that I need.
    I love the glass. I’ve had my ice coffee in a glass but never my hot. Could you tell me type of glass that is?
    Thanks for sharing.

  21. Jenny

    A great post and wonderful pics too! My first French pressed coffee was with a friend…I was hooked! I love the natural/raw sugar cubes too. I think I’m going to try and make my own?!

  22. celebrate CREATIVITY in all its forms

    I’ve thought about buying one but put it on the back burner. Now, this post makes me want one even more.
    Also, no post is “silly” when they include fab photos like this-lol.
    Your photography is always a pleasure and an inspiration.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  23. MommaHen

    sigh…I miss my french press. My toddler thought it would be a good football substitute one day…the end.

  24. Heather Bullard

    Hi Stacia,
    I can’t remember where I got the glass cup. But I do know that Bodum makes a few different shapes/sizes of glass mugs and cups perfect for hot beverages.
    Enjoy! ~H

  25. Debbie

    I just got one and I’m so glad you showed how to do this. I must admit I was
    a little intimidated just looking at it! hahahaha….
    I’m going to go try it. And then make my coffee sing. My favorite thing
    (only as a treat not daily) is to have something chocolately to eat and
    then take a wonderful drink of coffee…it kind of blends and then sings
    all the way to my tummy!!


    I actually ordered those sugar cubes online since I couldn’t find them at my local store any more. Where did you find yours? Your photography is amazing.

  27. Melanie

    I do use my french press once in awhile for coffee – I found it at a Goodwill store for $2.99! It’s not as intimidating as it looks, and it makes a GREAT cup of coffee. ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. Ele Erickson

    I love press coffee, and my husband makes it for me every morning:) Please visit me for a chance to win an Annie Sloan book!

  29. chris

    it IS the best coffee ever. but i haven’t used mine in about 12 years. i drink way to much to make it worth my while anymore. maybe i’ll treat myself!

  30. melody

    Okay, now you did it!!!! I NEED a frenchpress NOW! ๐Ÿ™‚ I have always been a bit intimidated…;)

  31. Rosanne

    I know you’re taking a break, but just wanted to tell you I was inspired to get myself a french press after reading this post, your photos are just so gorgeous! I have always thought it a very romantic way to make coffee(does that sound weird?) You made it sound so easy, and boy is it! I LOVE it!! Thanks!

  32. Hoedspruit self catering accommodation

    I love press coffee, and my husband makes it for me every morning:) Please visit me for a chance to win an Annie Sloan book!

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