Souvenir Magazine – Spring 2012!

Today's the day! The new Souvenir Spring 2012 issue is now available!

To view the Free Preview, order a Digital Issue or buy a Print Copy visit:

I hope you love this issue as much as I do. My team has done an amazing job and I couldn't be more proud of the work they have produced for you. 

Enjoy & Happy Spring! ~ Heather

40 Responses to “Souvenir Magazine – Spring 2012!”

  1. Deb

    Congratulations Heather!
    Such a gorgeous cover ♥
    Happy Spring.

  2. Sarah

    I just ordered my copy and it is BEAUTIFUL! You have done an amazing job….I am so inspired by every page…for my home and how to take better photos.

  3. katey

    WOW!! It’s fabulous!!! Lovely. Enjoy the rewards of a job well done.

  4. Kathleen Sigg

    I just purchased my digital edition and the photographs are absolutely stunning!! I can’t wait to have the time to immerse myself in it.

  5. Linda

    Hi Heather, This is so exciting! I just ordered my print copy. When it arrives I will snuggle away and read it page by page!

  6. Kerri Underwood

    Thank you so much for the tease. As usual, you money hungry bloggers are always using your followers to make a buck. I prefer to read the bloggers who don’t shamelessly promote themselves and blog because they have genuine heart and aren’t out to make money off of readers. If I want to buy a magazine, I will pick one up at the store, where I can browse through it and daydream and decide if it is worth buying and bringing home so that I can continue to day dream. Shame on you Heather Bullard for not being HONEST with us in the beginning, when we signed up to read Souvenir for free.

  7. Heather Salazar

    Great job! Love it!!!
    And the price isnt bad at all, especially since its add FREE, my last store magazine purchase was 10$ and more than half was adds, so great job creating something thats affordable and add free.
    Cant wait for the next one.

  8. Heather Bullard

    I have to say I’m surprised by your extremely negative comment. I’m sorry that you feel I am dishonest. I started Souvenir Gazette as a way to thank my readers and was never expecting the growth or response. It took hours and hours, not including the cost to produce the material, pay programmers, graphic designers, etc. to help get the issue out. I produced an entire year of Free issues all at a loss for me. And this was done aside from my regular job and Free blog content that I have given for 6 years.
    The only way to keep Souvenir going was to add more contributors and I cannot expect everyone to work for free. It’s just not realistic nor is it fair. The very small price will give me the opportunity to support growing artists and their talents. If you don’t care to support their work or mine, that is your choice.
    With the new Souvenir, there is a Free Preview to “browse” through including an entire story for Free. The new format is nothing like the Souvenir Gazette. It is 118 pages of fresh, new content, original stories and is entirely without any ads. I’m sorry again that you feel this should be given to you indefinitely, without any cost and don’t feel that those who have worked so hard to put this issue together deserve your support.

  9. Kara

    Love it… the odd fellows cafe & the Viking birthday party. (of course it’s all lovely!)
    Best wishes & celebrate by going to sprinkles…..

  10. L

    Amazing job Heather, keep doing what you’re doing! The magazine is so beautiful, a true feast for the eyes! You are so talented and have a gift for knowing what your readers want to see and read. Don’t listen to debbie downers. You give us so much free eye candy, we are glad to give back 🙂 Can’t wait to look through my copy, woo hoo!

  11. Lakeitha Duncan

    Hi Heather!
    This is my first time commenting on your blog because I recently found you last week on Pinterest! After browsing through your blog, I realized that you had a magazine. I immediately subscribed and am so glad that I did! Though I was suprised that it was a mag that I had to pay for, I was sure that it was well worth the $3.95! And let me tell you, it really is!
    I am an editor for House of Fifty online magaine (and a blogger) so I totally know the amount of work that goes into putting an issue together. I think people have become spoiled by what they are able to get for free from bloggers not realizing that it takes A LOT of work on our part to provide them with content.
    ANYWAY, I absolutely adore this issue and I can’t wait for the next!

  12. kimberly

    I have to ask – do you work for free Kerri? Do you spend hours working with no compensation to make others happy? Yes, bloggers generally do what they do for free because they love what they do. However when putting together a publication of this magnitude, you have to take into consideration the large number of hours, gas to get to photo shoots, purchasing props, not to mention paying the technical team – none of which is free. Heather dedicated an entire year to get Souvenir up and running in 2011. She even compensated us out of her own pocket to thank us for the work we had contributed. This year, in order to grow the magazine she had to increase contributors who don’t work for free. The beauty is, this first issue of the new format is absolutely gorgeous. The team she has assembled is incredibly talented and truly proud of the work we have done. I am sorry you feel that we are “trying to make a buck” but alas, I would guess that you “make a buck” every time you go to work.
    Sorry for the rant Heather, but this really rubbed me the wrong way~

  13. Alicia

    Kerri must be having a bad day.
    Her feelings are hers so I will not condemn them but her delivery is childish & disrespectful.
    Money hungry??? Did you see its ad free?? If Heather was money hungry she could have, would have sold out & loaded it up with ads but instead she opted for none. In fact if you do read any design magazines then you’d notice the inundation of ads. I don’t need a 3 page Cialis ad in a design magazine. I want more design.
    Futhermore blogs precisely are about promoting yourself, whether it be your style, work or feelings.
    Its the defintion of blog.

  14. Alicia

    Simply breathtaking & thank you sooo much for not going the way of the wind & inundating your work with adverts.
    Like Cooks Illustrated (another love)staying ad free keeps the design pure & the content honest.
    I want lifestyle not 3 page Cialis ads.
    Cheers to you & your band of magic makers!

  15. teresa sheeley

    Loved every single page of this publication my friend. 🙂 You and your team really know how to grab the reader. I was hooked from the beginning. Can’t wait to see what’s in store next, but first I will relish in this beauty for awhile. Congratulations!!!

  16. Christine

    Great Job, Heather…beautiful issue…Nice to see a mention of some wonderful, old friends of mine, Sid Muncy and Sandy Linderman!
    Continued great successes to all of you!


    How lovely! It’s wonderful to see your “voice” in your own creation. I’ve been following you and your career for some time now, and your photos and styling are the best around. For me, it’s what is missing from the magazines as of late.
    And about the negative comment…the many wonderful things about blogging is the ability to put your creative self out there, your heart and soul, connect with others and create relationships. How delightful if it happens to launch real talent into something that actually pays.
    Keep up the good work.

  18. katey

    Heather, several comments have been made regarding the negative post from whatshername but I want to comment on how you handled it. It’s easy to lash out when someone attacks something so personal to you, or to belittle them but you stated your case and handled with poise, confidence, and pride. Well done. Or as we southerners like to say “you done good”. As for most $3.95 is money well spent, for the magazine is so entirely delightful! So I hope that you dwell on this goodness alone.

  19. Valarie Jolly

    Congratulations! What a beautiful magazine and a great way to showcase your (and others) talents. I promise you that your hard work IS appreciated.
    Wish you many blessings, Valarie

  20. jeanne

    Bravo! Gorgeous and I am so proud of all the beautiful artists I know in the issue. You have worked so hard and it shows. This is truly the most gorgeous magazine I have seen in a long time! So needed. Thank you Heather.

  21. Tracy

    Why do some people have to be so mean? On the special day, why? It reminded me of a post last week on another favorite blog about the music. [Never mind, change subject]
    I am so excited for you Heather and for all the contributing, creative ladies on your team! You have hand chosen a great group and you deserve the success that will come. I have followed you for a long time although I don’t post comments. This next step in publishing does my heart good! You researched and tested the waters and it is now your time to shine!
    I am ordering the print copy because I am old fashioned and love to hold something in my hand. Print that I can refer back to, and archive as I have done in the past with my favorite creative women, decorators, DIY decorators, bloggers, and authors.
    I had a hard time getting on the site today to place my order through my email, and your blog Heather. I hope that is because everyone is ordering and clogging up the cyber-space. LOL.
    Cheers! Hard work pays off everytime.
    Tracy from Houston.

  22. Tracy

    I also wanted to add how gracious you were with KU. That’s all.

  23. Heather Bullard

    Thank you Tracy. I hope you enjoy your print copy and have time to curl up in a cozy spot and savor all the beautiful stories!
    I ordered print copies too and can’t wait till they arrive! Waiting, impatiently! 😉

  24. Yby5

    I am so excited to get my copy. I agree with some other comments, in that it will be so refreshing to have pure content (no ads :)-it’s worth every cent!
    Thank you for all the work you and your team does to produce such content rich information in a variety of formats-does not go un-noticed!


    Hi Heather
    Well you really pulled it off! Your first issue was gorgeous from start to finish. I am already anticipating your next issue. Hope to see you up in our neck of the woods very soon!

  26. liz

    When, you work on a project it’s perfection.
    It has that WOW factor for sure, Heather.
    I always, look forward to this mag.
    Have a great weekend,
    xxx Liz

  27. Ramona Owen

    Hello Heather and Happy Spring ~
    I ordered your first issue 5 minutes ago and it just arrived on my doorstep this afternoon…well it felt like 5 minutes ago because it arrived so fast…AND all I can say is MY, MY, MY! Absolutely lovely! I cannot wait to curl up and read till the cows come home.
    I have followed your blog for years and just want to say thank you for generously sharing your photos, ideas, recipes and compassion for design and life. Well done!
    I have a little blog and appreciate the time and dedication required and you author yours with such flair. Bravo.
    Wishes for great success….it is well deserved!
    Smiles ~ Ramona

  28. Hulda

    Love your magazine! Have bought it online. 🙂 It is wonderful. 🙂 Lovely and inspiering photos. 🙂 Greatings from Norway, Hulda.

  29. Zita - Mlle Magpie

    Heather, I just got my copy in the mail today (boy that was fast – I’m in Montreal and I’m used to things taking a while to get here). LOVE it!!! Look forward to losing myself in it tonight with a nice glass of wine…

  30. Beverly Alves

    Heather, My daugher found your incredible “Chez Poulet” and
    it’s being finished this week on my farm as three lucky chicks
    wait patiently in our bathroom under a warming light! I am
    so grateful that you have shared your clever design.
    I am picking up a baby Flemish Giant bunny this weekend. Do
    you have any designs for (large) rabbit hutches?

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