Downtown Farmers Market


Early Saturday morning, The Man and I headed to the Downtown Farmers Market to stock up for the week. The location of this market couldn't be better, with the gorgeous Mission Inn in the background. You could easily make a day of it and take a tour of the inn or hit the antique shops.


We had a busy day planned so we just hurried about gathering some great produce. Here's a peek at what caught our eye and what we brought home…









I am very excited about the San Marzano Tomato plant I bought! I sure hope it does well. I'll have to hide it from the chickens. If it's a success, I'm going to buy more plants so I can make tomato sauce this summer.

When we got home, the veggies went into the sink for a fresh water bath.


And the radish tops were removed so the chickens could have a treat.


The brussel sprouts are already gone. Roasted and eaten on Sunday afternoon during our al fresco lunch on the patio. It was a beautiful, beautiful weekend.

PS. I wanted to say thank you for such sweet comments on my kitchen corner. I'll try and take some photos of the rest of it for you as soon as I can. xo, H

26 Responses to “Downtown Farmers Market”

  1. Laurie

    There is something happy about mass quantities of produce! Your photos are gorgeous and your blog is looking so good! Have a great week…

  2. chickie

    I love the farmers market. I am looking forward to going to the ones out here in Phoenix AZ. I love the smell of fresh vegetables and fruits and the herbs. The colors of everything so appealing. How fun Thank-you for taking the time to share your pics. Gorgeous. Have a beautiful and creative day…Chickie

  3. shannon

    Love the Riverside Farmer’s Market because like you said it is so beautiful by the Mission Inn and all the adorable shops nearby! All of the food looks so bright and delicious.

  4. Janet

    Buy more San Marzanos! They are the best plum tomato. They produce like crazy and make the best sauces and salsas. Last year, through a series of events, I neglected my garden horribly, and the San Marzanos thrived anyway! I was giving them away, left and right. Best wishes, Heather! I love your blog!

  5. Dian Oliver

    Hey…i just read your blog about the produce stand or market, I should say. We live in Huntsville, AL. and my husband loves to grow vegetables in our back garden. Last year he raised the San Marzanos plum tomatoes to give to our son who owns an Italian restaurant, Terranova’s here in Huntsville. He and his staff do all the cooking and last summer had a “tomato fest” for 2 months using the home grown San Marzanos! They are wonderful and he had many, many compliments on their flavor in his dishes. They were so prolific that Dan was able to send some of his customers home with a sackful of them. Now my husband is eagerly awaiting the time here when he can start his seeds…in the next couple of weeks. Good luck with yours. I believe you will be pleasantly surpised at their goodness. Enjoy your blog so much.

  6. Sonia

    Oh I love farmer’s markets…ours doesn’t open until next month! I’m waiting patiently though to have the freshest local produce. Your post makes me miss California farmer’s markets so much. We enjoy the one in Napa and San Francisco when we visit. Next time we are in California I’ll have to check out the Riverside area. Thanks for sharing!
    Miss Bloomer

  7. Sue W

    I wish we had something like that close to me in FL. I’d LOVE the fresh produce!
    I had a volunteer tomato plant come up at my chicken coop. It has given me more AND better tasting tomatoes than the ones in my Earth Boxes! And the chickens (surprisingly enough) haven’t bothered with it one bit. They lurve their produce trimmings and yogurt that I give them as treats though! It’s almost time to increase my flock!! Waiting on Buff Orpingtons, Chocolate Egg layers and Americaunas to come in later this month.

  8. Liz Mathews

    I am so jealous of your day at the farmers market, as ours aren’t open for another month or so! Enjoy all of that beautiful produce!
    Call me crazy, but as I was admiring all of your lovely photos I couldn’t stop asking myself this question: Does Heather bring her “big/nice” camera along with her on outings like this?
    It’s weird I know, but I always want to bring my dslr with me to places like that, but live in fear that it may getting damaged or just being in the way. So I thought I’d just ask- good camera, or point and shoot? 🙂
    Apologies if you’ve already addressed this in one of your posts, I just had to ask!

  9. Jennifer

    What lovely photographs! I grew up in Riverside, so. Ice to see the Mission Inn in the background.

  10. Heather Bullard

    Ok, you guys are making me so glad I bought the San Marzano! Wish I bought more on Sat. I’ve always wanted to grow them since the imported cans of sauce are so spendy!
    Can hardly wait to harvest! Hurry up summer!

  11. Jennifer

    Well, obviously a person should preview their comment before posting! That should be–so nice to see the Mission Inn…

  12. Heather Bullard

    Hi Liz,
    I brought my Nikon D700 with me this day. It isn’t my biggest camera but it’s also not a point and shoot (I don’t have one). Everything I own is big and heavy so after all these years they just seem normal size. 😉
    But I’ve also shot fun things with my cell phone. Whatever I happen to have with me at the time I suppose!
    Take your camera…always! You never know what you’ll capture. That’s part of the adventure! ~H

  13. Heather Bullard

    I’ve seen Ice at the Mission Inn….on the skating rink during the holidays! 😉
    Glad I could give you a peek at the Inn. It’s so lovely! ~H

  14. liz

    What a lovely background and great place to visit.
    My Farmer’s market doesn’t open till May here in my small
    town.It’s so great to buy veggies and cook them the same
    day. Roasting brussel sprouts are my fave right now.
    Thanks for sharing your market! I can’t wait for mine.
    Have a great week,
    xxx Liz @ LizlovesVintage

  15. Jem

    This is nice market, all of the thing are very fresh. I would like to go one day down there.

  16. Emily @ Peck Life

    Hi Heather! I just found your blog via the “TypePad Featured Blogs” and wanted to say hello. 🙂 You take gorgeous pictures!! We live in the Northwest and aren’t quite to farmers market season yet – can’t wait!

  17. Jenny

    What a gorgeous location for a farmer’s market! I’m drooling over the variety of fresh produce. Our local farmer’s market here in Michigan resumes mid-April thru November… and is located just outside our town in a field! I’ve been working in the garden too! Hurry Spring!

  18. karlene

    so, tell me…………….I’m coming to Riverside Friday, tell me people, what shops should I not leave without seeing and is there a really awesome fitness club I would love? want to take some great workout classes and be inspired by some cool shops??? anyone??

  19. deb

    I LOVE going to this farmers market…especially if I can stop in and have a samdwich at Simple Simons and poke around Mrs. Tiggywinkles:)

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