Kitchen Ideas


Country Living’s website is sharing 9 Ways to Refresh Your Country Kitchen featuring the kitchen I produced and styled. There are some great tips from the homeowner, Carla Malloy, on how she gives her kitchen great personality and a modern vintage style.

Cl_kitch_low02                                                                                                Images Lisa Romerein
Her pantry is just stunning. It’s filled to the brim with her home canned preserves, pickles and vegetables. For the styling, I brought in a few old crocks for the onions and potatos and she mentioned they were on her list to find a few of her own. Aren’t all those rows and rows of jars just so yummy looking? Farm fresh!

14 Responses to “Kitchen Ideas”

  1. Melissa

    Wow I wish I could have that pantry! I may have to borrow this picture (with credit) for my blog. Is that ok?

  2. Paula Parrish

    Hello Heather,
    Nice work, Carla’s kitchen and pantry is over the top perfect. I am heading over to Country Living’s website to check out the kitchen style tips.
    Smiles, Paula

  3. kara

    love it!!! the feature in CL was great….
    I just painted our kitchen floors, think ugly linoleum, with this paint that’s made for linoleum
    This is just a temp fix until our salvaged wood floor is laid.
    {I could no longer stand the orange linoleum that was made to look like terra cotta tiles. It’s drying as I type this…….}

  4. Karen B

    I love the big blue jars of flour, etc. Hmmm, may have to search for more jars.

  5. Paul

    I love that work station, the colour green against the neutral white and wood colours is fantastic!

  6. Sonia

    I adore this vintage country kitchen! That island makes such a great statement with the color and patina! Love the bead board and the shelving!
    Miss Bloomers

  7. liz

    What a great Kitchen.The island is a perfect addition.
    Green, my fave of course.
    I hope all is well! I miss you on Twitter!
    xxx Liz @ LizlovesVintage

  8. Veronica Roth

    Those are two absolutely dream kitchen photos! My pantry is behind doors but there’s great inspiration here; especially since the doors open:) I’ve got the cat’s food in a crock like that,(with lid so cats can’t help themselves!) looks fantastic.

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